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Mike G.

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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Mike G.

  1. On 3/17/2023 at 11:36 PM, DDMike said:

    My mistake. In Fluid mode, it works fine, but it's when you use 'Combined Fluid View,' that's where there are issues. Thanks again for taking a look.

    How to replicate:

    1. Enable 'Combined Fluid View' in a forum Category or Forum with subforums
    2. View that forum/category on mobile, and it will display with the avatar overlaying the text.

    Could contain: Nature, Night, Outdoors


    @opentype, I just wanted to follow-up on this as it's still not displaying correctly in Combined Fluid Mode on mobile.

    Thank you again.

  2. On 3/10/2023 at 4:51 AM, opentype said:

    What’s the problem exactly? I’m not seeing any problem with fluid mode. 

    My mistake. In Fluid mode, it works fine, but it's when you use 'Combined Fluid View,' that's where there are issues. Thanks again for taking a look.

    How to replicate:

    1. Enable 'Combined Fluid View' in a forum Category or Forum with subforums
    2. View that forum/category on mobile, and it will display with the avatar overlaying the text.

    Could contain: Nature, Night, Outdoors


  3. Hello IPS team! A probably rare request, but something I would like if possible is the ability to change the forum view by member type. Fluid view has done a lot to promote activity on the boards. That is now the default view for members. And they seem to be very happy with the change. What would be great is to have the ability to have guests (search engines in reality) view the Table (traditional) view. 


    I would like to continue having members default to fluid view, as they're more active and love having everything in one place. But I would like to have Google see and properly index the individual forums.

    Thank you. Continue the great work!

  4. On 10/18/2021 at 3:36 AM, Marc Stridgen said:

    I have just logged in there, and there are a couple of items of note.

    First of all, you need to address your tasks not running, as shown in the bar at the top of the page. If these are not running, then cleanup tasks are also not running.

    The second item is that you have errors being repeatidly logged relating to chatbox. I would suggest disabling that, or contacting the author of a resolution to that issue.

    Other than that though, it looks like you have simply outgrown the hosting you are currently using

    Thank you for looking into it and the prompt support. I disabled the chatbox temporarily and will take a look at that, so thank you for pointing that out.

    As for outgrowing the host, I switched to their VPS - Cloud hosting, so I'm squared away in terms of resources. It's a pricey jump, but necessary for now as I look for another host next year.

    As for the tasks not running, I worked through it with the host and it seems to be squared away, now. A few notes in-case it comes up in the future:
    1. I use SiteGround as my host, and their shared plans do not allow alterations to variables such as execution time, so the Cron script won't work with their shared plans.
    2. Even once on their cloud hosting, I was receiving errors with the cron task method. The reason being is the PHP Binary didn't work, and needs to be PHP-CLI with Siteground.

    So instead of:


    The cron task had to start with:


    Hopefully this can help someone else in the future, as well. You can mark this as resolved as we're squared away. Thanks again for taking the time to take a look.

  5. 1 hour ago, stu_m said:


    Sorry but I disagree! having a database limit of 1000mb is low! and you are having to try and cut that back to save space which will only impact your forum 

    I have cut my forum back only to get rid of some junk and I am at 3gb database size! 

    To grow your forum you need space to grow 

    Hey @stu_m, any recommendations you have that I can look into once I outgrow this host? And are you on shared hosting or dedicated?

    Thanks again!

  6. 4 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Archiving would happen in the background. If you are running background tasks based off of traffic, it could well be these are not moving due to lack of traffic. You can try to change this to CRON by going to ACP -> System -> Advanced Configuration.

    Ideally though, our recommendation here would be to move to a hosting provider that does not limit your databases to be this small. In due time, you will quickly reach a point where you need to archive more content and more content, etc... 

    Thank you for the response @Jim M. I did have the Task Method as Run Automatically, which should be enough based on traffic, but I enabled it via cron (every minute) a few hours ago to hopefully get things moving, but it didn't make a difference.

    I started the archiving yesterday and it hasn't budged in about 24 hours, so I'm thinking something is holding it up, somewhere.

    And I'll likely be moving to a dedicated server in the next few months, so that won't be an issue for long. But archiving should take care of it for the time being. 8.1MB out of 700+ seems very low, considering the high percentage of posts that are supposed to get archived.

  7. Hey everyone. I tried everything I could think of within my tech limit. Normally I'd like to create a support ticket first, but I need to get this resolved ASAP before hosting jumps in (was given 3 days to sort, and today is day 2 or 3).

    My SQL Databases are allowed up to 1,000 MB per Database. I am at 1,391 MB for my forums database, and most of this is due to forums_posts, which is 712.7MB (next closest is core_achievements_log at 147.8 MB).

    I setup archiving in a remote database, thinking it would take care of the issue. It's supposed to archive 64% of posts with the parameters I set, but only 8.1 MB moved the remote database. No matter what I tweak, nothing is changing in terms of filesize in the DB.

    Any other assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks fam!

  8. Love the plugin and it's exactly what I need. But I haven't updated to IPS 4.6 yet due to compatibility concerns. Any idea if this plugin is compatible or if it will be updated if not.

    Thank you!

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