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  1. Marc's post in View Permissions for Donations Block? was marked as the answer   
    As you have pages, you can do this by creating a custom block in the admin CP.
    Page Management>Blocks Create new block Changedropdown to "donation goals" Give it a name Save and create permissions You can then use the "custom blocks" block to add it to your page on the front end
  2. Marc's post in Moderators per Forum or Category was marked as the answer   
    You can certainly still do that. See the following guide which shows how to set up moderators
    Make sure you read all the moderator section, including the "location specific" section, which is what you are looking for in this instance
  3. Marc's post in Remove from newsletter and any notifications send by e-mail was marked as the answer   
    I see a resolution has been send to you on this one which will fix the issue on your site. Of course please feel free to respond to the ticket if you have any further issues.
  4. Marc's post in Update to Data Storage and Caching advice? was marked as the answer   
    That description would still be true for most environments. Most environments will not need redis.
  5. Marc's post in There are no application icons in the admin panel was marked as the answer   
    They would begin menutab__
  6. Marc's post in Blocks on more than 1 boardpage was marked as the answer   
    You would need to add the block on each page type. There is no way in which to do all of them automatically
  7. Marc's post in Is it possible to gift a product or a subscription plan ? was marked as the answer   
    There is no way on which to gift an item itself at the present time, unfortunately. What you Would do is create a gift card so that the user can purchase what they wish of that value.
  8. Marc's post in What are the differences between "articles" and "blogs" was marked as the answer   
    Blogs are exactly what they say on the tin. They are blogs and nothing more. However articles are simply a database that is created in the pages application. Its 'articles', only because thats what it happens to be called on that database. It could easily be bug reports, or car stats, or any number of things, with any number of different fields, field types, which can then be customised only to within the limits of your own coding knowledge. 
  9. Marc's post in Search Engine Issues in Pages App was marked as the answer   
    On taking a look at this, the issue appears to be the parent category not having permission to view, which causes this issue. 
  10. Marc's post in Warning Points not showing was marked as the answer   
    My colleague has taken a look at the ticket, and it appears the number of warning points for that user was manually adjusted
  11. Marc's post in How often to run a cron job? was marked as the answer   
    These should be running once a minute
  12. Marc's post in Transfering a domain to Invision? was marked as the answer   
    I have responded to your ticket there and your domain has been appliled
  13. Marc's post in URL Change was marked as the answer   
    This has been dealt with on your ticket, please see it for details.
  14. Marc's post in Sign in as v. online user list was marked as the answer   
    Of course. The setting itself is in each group (the allowance of this). You can see it on the first tab under the Privacy Settigns section. At present yours is set to "allowed". 
    Then on from that, the user chooses this at an account settings level. This is found in {yourName}->Account Settings->Security and Privacy
  15. Marc's post in Minimum number of characters to send was marked as the answer   
    Not in the default system there isnt, as far as minimums.
  16. Marc's post in Upgrade failed - now what? was marked as the answer   
    It seems something stopped on your browser there, rather than in the upgrader itself. If that happens, you can get back to the upgrader from /admin/upgrade and continue from there. I have completed this off for you now, so your site is up to date and ready for you again.
  17. Marc's post in Purchased Download feature was marked as the answer   
    You cannot integrate it with your current version. You would need to upgrade to the latest release and then upload it and install. There is no way around that.
  18. Marc's post in My site still without cookies was marked as the answer   
    If you go to System>Settings>Terms and privacy policy within your admin CP, you will see "Guest options" at the bottom of that area. You can switch this on and add {cookies} to that which will show the standard cookies text. I believe this is what you are looking for
  19. Marc's post in Setting Up Tags to show in Alphabetical Order was marked as the answer   
    They would show up in the order in which you have put them in topic. There is no way in which to get them to show up alphabetically at present
  20. Marc's post in GDPR: Export all data of an user (posts, comments, ...) was marked as the answer   
    As mentioned above, there is no way in which to export all posts a user has created at the present time. You can export only personal data. It would be interesting to have a read on the case you mention above though, if you could provide links to that. 
  21. Marc's post in /subscription vs /subscription/?register=1 page was marked as the answer   
    Those are the same page, however when the parameter for register is passed, it changes the text shown
  22. Marc's post in Custom email subject for "A user has sent a message"? was marked as the answer   
    You can make that say anything you like by editing that language string. The string you are looking for is mailsub__core_contact_form
    Please, see the following guide on how to use the standard translations if you are unsure on how to do this
  23. Marc's post in Since 4.6.8 update quote selection, delete post, new posts was marked as the answer   
    Before anything else, please go to the same area mentioned by my colleague above and click on clear cache. I have seen this happen previously when cache has not correctly written
  24. Marc's post in A Moderator Can't Create Messages was marked as the answer   
    You would need to edit his group and amend what he is allowed in there. I suspect his limits are probably set to 0 thinking thats unlimited when that would literally be 0
  25. Marc's post in Domain Change was marked as the answer   
    Your email address on file is not a google email address. You can change your email address on file, or add an alternative contact and send in a ticket from there if you would like to do that?
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