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EX0 Error

Adam Budzyński
Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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Hi! Recently login and registration on the forum stopped working. Error EX0 appears. In the "Support" tab there is information that the server time is not exact and that it reports the time one hour back. The problem arose after changing the time from summer to winter (in Poland there is a tradition that the time is shifted forward by an hour for winter, and by an hour backward in spring). I have already written to hosting support and their server time is correct and up to date. So why is IPS getting the wrong timezone? The hosting actually has it correct, I checked with this page https://ipgeolocation.io/timezone-api.html  

Edited by Adam Budzyński
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The issue here was unfortunately due to PHPMail configuration. You PHPMail function on your server is not enabled, and therefore the software could not send mail through it. It does need to be noted here  that my colleague assisted with switching you to SMTP which is outside the scope of technical support.

3 hours ago, Adam Budzyński said:

PS. Support still doesn't help me

Please note our SLA is to respond within 72 hours. Looking at this, your topic was actually responded to within less than an hour, and the issue resolved in 18 hours even with advanced support there

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If there is no entry with an error in the Email Logs, then the email has been handed off to the server (via PHPMail or SMTP).

What happens to it after that, if the email is not delivered, is something your Host would need to investigate. They also would be the ones to make sure the correct SPF, DKIM, and rDNS Records are in place to help insure delivery.

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