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  1. Marc's post in Single Sign-On Feature was marked as the answer   
    Its depends on your own expertise, and what is available within the site you currently have. The example above requires no coding knowledge on our end, you just enter the MySQL details. We cannot of course assist with the other side of it. If your other site allows for OAuth 2.0 connection, that can also be used as a login method. .
    Anything outside of that, you would need development to achieve.
  2. Marc's post in Support? was marked as the answer   
    You would need to disable all 3rd party items and test this again, enabling them until you find the cause. The issue you are having there is resulting from a 3rd party product. In this case it's the "members country" item, but there may be more
  3. Marc's post in Difference between suspend and cancel subscription was marked as the answer   
    A cancellation can be reinstated. A suspended item cannot and access to it is immediately removed
  4. Marc's post in Need Help - Can't Open Support Ticket was marked as the answer   
    I see that issue has now been resolved in the ticket for you. Of course please let us know if you see any further issues
  5. Marc's post in Swap apps in licence was marked as the answer   
    I would indeed suggestion contacting us as mentioned above, as it would depend on the circumstances there really. Please ensure you let us know in the message specifically what you are looking to move from where.
  6. Marc's post in Hiding "Create New Stream" for some groups was marked as the answer   
    Its not something that would be possible at the present time, unfortunately. 
  7. Marc's post in Automatically minimized categories? was marked as the answer   
    There is no built in method within the software that would allow you to do that at the present time, unfortunately.
  8. Marc's post in No progressbar on big file uploads was marked as the answer   
    Please upgrade your site to the latest release first of all, as you seem to be a little behind on releases
  9. Marc's post in Migrate IP.Board 2.3.3 to IPS 4.x was marked as the answer   
    I have created a ticket for you, and forwarded this to our sales team. Someone will be in contact as soon as possible
  10. Marc's post in Error when running stock cron command was marked as the answer   
    This looks like its something in your php configuration. I would suggest checking this first of all, as you can see here
  11. Marc's post in Mod Queue Count Wrong - MINUS 1 was marked as the answer   
    I see from your ticket that this since resolved itself. Glad to see it sorted, and of course let us know if you see any further issues
  12. Marc's post in Template core/global/global/includeCSS is throwing an error was marked as the answer   
    Have you checked to ensure that after switching over, everything else is compatible? You can do this by running the requirement checker here
  13. Marc's post in Customize user license expiration was marked as the answer   
    Its not really something that would be possible, as the you would need the platform to work on.
  14. Marc's post in 404 smileys in error log was marked as the answer   
    Yes, if you have deleted them and they no longer exist on disk, they could well cause the above. What you could do is replace just the files within the location its looking for them
  15. Marc's post in Weird ad pop up. was marked as the answer   
    You would need to contact your ad provider on this. We do not control the ads you have placed there. It looks like you very likely have dynamic ads set on google, so they will place them wherever they deem to be best placed on your site
  16. Marc's post in Support? was marked as the answer   
    While I completely agree, and that is correct, we're talking a little cross purposes here. The issues in this instance are in that the software is being upgraded from 3.1 to tha latest release. As its over a decade old, you have things which have changed in the meantime such as PHP versions that are no longer supported even by PHP. Thats just one example but there are many more. If on 4.1.1 as in your example and was upgrading to 4.1.2, if there is an issue we would simply send it to a ticket and our developers would resolve. 
  17. Marc's post in Relative dates don't work after new year was marked as the answer   
    Looking at the code, it seems its actually intentional. However I will get a bug report logged so this can be looked at
  18. Marc's post in File Check errors was marked as the answer   
    This I see was resolved in the ticket for you, so will mark as resolved
  19. Marc's post in Question & Answer challenges: Wildcards? was marked as the answer   
    You would not be able to use wildcards for those, no. It has to be the values you are expecting only.
  20. Marc's post in Problems "moving forums" / Can one hide forums? was marked as the answer   
    This will likely be the speed at which tasks are running. If you havent already, set yourself up a cron job on your server, as shown here
  21. Marc's post in Putting new members on mod preview when they first join was marked as the answer   
    Try here
    Members>Content Moderation>Spam Prevention>Spam Defense
    I suspect you have it set up in there under one of the spam levels
  22. Marc's post in Path doesn't exist was marked as the answer   
    It looks like you were sorted out in your ticket there. Please let us know if you are still having problems of course
  23. Marc's post in Sidebar Caching Issue was marked as the answer   
    Our block is intended to work in this manner. If you dont wish for it to be cached in this manner then you would need to add your code somewhere outside of the item that is being cached. 
  24. Marc's post in Restore the "search" on old forum was marked as the answer   
    You need to ensure that tasks are running, otherwise the rebuild will never complete. We would suggest setting this up as a cron job on your server. Please see the following guide on this
  25. Marc's post in Problem with user download don't need complete profile. was marked as the answer   
    Ah I see. Thank you for that.
    Indeed that is correct. Its certainly not something we would take into account, and as mentioned, they would not actually have the link for an attachment unless they are provided it, as if they have to fill in their profile they would not be able to get to where that attachment is
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