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  1. Marc's post in Calendar events gone was marked as the answer   
    This issue has been resolved in 4.6.12, which has just been release. Please let us know if you still have any issues once you have upgraded to that release.
  2. Marc's post in don't receive email notification was marked as the answer   
    Those are the defaults that you are setting. It will not reset it for all users unless you select "Reset all members to default preferences" in the top right of the notifications page in the admin CP. I believe this is likely what you are missing here. If the user wants to switch it themselves, they can do so from their own notification options on the front end
  3. Marc's post in CSRF protection key did not match was marked as the answer   
    It looks there like that is within a 3rd party item, is  that correct? You would need to contact the uthor of that item this being the case
  4. Marc's post in Forum not working from browser, site is reachable only from a proxy server was marked as the answer   
    Please check to see if you are running PHP 8.0.17. If you are, disable zlib, as that is what is causing your issue. There was an update and PHP have broken things. We have a workaround in the next upcoming release for this
  5. Marc's post in credit card required for free membership? was marked as the answer   
    Looking at this, it would actually be intentional at present as free trials are possible within the software where it may charge at a later point. You would need to add a manual payment method for that item if you dont want to take a payment method
  6. Marc's post in Allow Users to view their content behind permission-restricted categories was marked as the answer   
    Permissions are not based on the content, but the area in which that content is placed. So if you move an item to a location that user has no permission, they would not be able to see it. That is by design
  7. Marc's post in Hide Forum Sub-categories was marked as the answer   
    The only way in which to do that would be to remove view permissions entirely or to theme it out. There is no way in which to just have them not show in that area only
  8. Marc's post in Is it possible to have an RSS feed of new clubs and forums on my website? was marked as the answer   
    If you go to the front end of your site, you will see the RSS link in the bottom right, which will contain that feed. Click on that and you will then have the link
  9. Marc's post in coupons for membership plans was marked as the answer   
    Coupons are only available on products at present. You would need to use a recurring payment product if you wished to do this
  10. Marc's post in Does anyone have a schema for the custom databases? was marked as the answer   
    We are unable to assist with changes directly in the database unfortunately. Is there a reason you are not using the interface to do this?
  11. Marc's post in How to get Paypal with Donate? was marked as the answer   
    We have a donations system which is with commerce. If you are looking to do it in another way, that would require customisations to achieve
  12. Marc's post in Forums - Upcoming events has issues with multiple calendars was marked as the answer   
    If you open the block manager, then click on "edit" on the upcoming event widget, you will see the calendar selection there
  13. Marc's post in Custom Domain onto my Forum was marked as the answer   
    This is being resolved for you on your ticket
  14. Marc's post in How to remove "NEW" icon from main forum page? was marked as the answer   
    You would need to remove that from your custom theme, or contact the author to do that on your behalf.
    With regard date formats, please see the following guide on how to do this
  15. Marc's post in what happens if a product is deleted? was marked as the answer   
    Yes, you are correct. The invoices and payment history etc would all be retained. Its just the product itself that would be removed
  16. Marc's post in [Deadline passed] SCA is now fully enforced was marked as the answer   
    We use this where required on stripe already on the latest release, so there isnt anything for you to do there
  17. Marc's post in A configuration or server error has occurred was marked as the answer   
    Im not sure what it is that was causing you issues there, but I have uploaded that without any problem at all
  18. Marc's post in Group colors applied only on mobile was marked as the answer   
    That is correct as per design. Where the group name shows, the group name will be colored. Where there is only the name showing, the name will be colored
  19. Marc's post in the title field is not focused when a new topic is started was marked as the answer   
    On a further look into this, its something we may look into for the future, but at present is not something the software does unfortuanetly.
  20. Marc's post in Error on database record posting: EX1366 was marked as the answer   
    I have created a ticket for you on that so we can take a look for you
  21. Marc's post in Translation export problem was marked as the answer   
    I have created a ticket for you on this, so one of our developers can see whats going on for you
  22. Marc's post in Prefix was marked as the answer   
    The only way to do this is to have a closed tag system. So you would go to System>Settings>Posting, and set the tags in there, while also setting it closed. When clicking to add a tag, they will then see a dropdown of the tags you have provided there
  23. Marc's post in Domain Change was marked as the answer   
    I see you have tickets open on that. Please be aware, support may be slower over the weekends, but that will be sorted or you today. 🙂 
  24. Marc's post in The most trouble-less domain provider for IPS Cloud? was marked as the answer   
    To be honest, they are all quite similar in how they set things up. It would just be a case of following instructions from that provider. If they are pointing the whole domain to us, then it would be the nameserver, and we would set any other records up they want to be set up, such as mail (mx) records. They would just let us know what records they want us to set up after they are pointed to us.
  25. Marc's post in Can't enable "Trust IP addresses provided by proxies" was marked as the answer   
    My colleague has responded to you there on your ticket, but for others, this is an issue with the template save disk path not being writable.
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