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IPS 4.6.10: « M4A » audio file missing in \IPS\File

Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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Hi Invision,

M4A files are the audio counterparts of MP4 files for video.
They are HTML5 compatible and work natively in browsers.

Also, in \IPS\File, you should add 'm4a' to:

public static $safeFileExtensions

public static $audioExtensions

And in $fileIconMap :
'm4a' => 'file-audio-o',


Thank you!

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Hi Marc,

Thank you!

Oh, and I forgot, it also needs to be added in the ips.ui.uploader.js javascript:

line 14:

var iconMap:

'm4a': 'file-audio-o',

line 915:

if( [ 'mp3', 'ogg', 'wav', 'm4a' ].indexOf( file.name.substr( ( ~-file.name.lastIndexOf(".") >>> 0 ) + 2 ).toLowerCase() ) !== -1 ){
	isAudio = true;


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3 minutes ago, LaCollision said:

Hi Marc,

Thank you!

Oh, and I forgot, it also needs to be added in the ips.ui.uploader.js javascript:

line 14:

var iconMap:

'm4a': 'file-audio-o',

line 915:

if( [ 'mp3', 'ogg', 'wav', 'm4a' ].indexOf( file.name.substr( ( ~-file.name.lastIndexOf(".") >>> 0 ) + 2 ).toLowerCase() ) !== -1 ){
	isAudio = true;


Thats ok. Our devs will pick up anywhere else its needed

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