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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Yes that is correct. You would only be overwriting files that are already there and adding files that are not yet present. Any site data that is created would not be in the downloaded package, so would not be overwritten. That is to add a new application though. You would not do this every upgrade. If you wish to simply click to install from the admin CP with no intervention with files, you may actually be best to consider our cloud offering.
  2. There is a ticket which has been escalated to our developers to take a look at for you on this, so they will be able to let you know once the cause is found
  3. As mentioned, this may well simply be that they are seeing the cached version, however also please check your moderators are not logged in anonymously, as you allow that option at present
  4. Please could you give me the report ID on your site for that? I can then take a look. I cant seem to replicate it on my end
  5. It seems something stopped on your browser there, rather than in the upgrader itself. If that happens, you can get back to the upgrader from /admin/upgrade and continue from there. I have completed this off for you now, so your site is up to date and ready for you again.
  6. There was an issue with these. Please update to 4.6.8 and test tis again
  7. I am in the UK myself, so its seems it cant be related to location. I am going to get a ticket opened for you so we can take a closer look for you
  8. You stated here You install by uploading the downloads files, then clicking on install from your admin CP. On that upload process, you have missed some files.
  9. You are missing files there. You need to reupload files
  10. You cannot integrate it with your current version. You would need to upgrade to the latest release and then upload it and install. There is no way around that.
  11. The first one there is what I need an example of how to reproduce. As I showed in my previous emssages, I cannot reproduce that in any way.
  12. You cannot add downloads to an older version in that manner. You would need to ensure you are using the latest release first
  13. While I fully appreciate the tenacity there, this is not something which can easily be added back in on a small release, so it will take some time before you see this reappear
  14. Glad to see you are where you need to be. Indeed those pages would need redoing. Ensure you take a look through our guides on pages before you begin. You may well find there are some things you dont need to code, and can just be added.
  15. Very sorry about that Kims. This has now been done for you
  16. You would not reinstall, you would just move it if you wish to use at root. So you would do the following Move all files/folders to root Edit your conf_global.php file to the new URL Check your Storage Settings; the physical paths will have changed when you moved the forum to the root from a subdirectory. Change pages to your default application Reset your site URL from your client area Of course, always take a full backup before such moves
  17. I am assuming you are referring to 4.x and not 3.x here? There is no facility to run pages from root, unless you have the site itself at root. What you would do is then set pages as the default application by visiting System>Site Features>Applications and selecting the star icon at the side of the pages application
  18. Have you changed anything in relation to mail at any point? We tend to find issues when posting like that tend to be mailing issues. The reason for this is that notifications are sent out when posting if there arent many to send.
  19. The issue here was unfortunately due to PHPMail configuration. You PHPMail function on your server is not enabled, and therefore the software could not send mail through it. It does need to be noted here that my colleague assisted with switching you to SMTP which is outside the scope of technical support. Please note our SLA is to respond within 72 hours. Looking at this, your topic was actually responded to within less than an hour, and the issue resolved in 18 hours even with advanced support there
  20. Sorry, I'm a little confused here as this doesn't appear to be what was originally reported. Is this the only place you are perceiving that its changing? I ask that that looks to be a display bug
  21. I would advise against doing that. All that will happen is it will grow again if the issue is still present. We need to gain access when its in that state in order to ascertain the issue. The likelihood is, its actually the MySQL instance that isn't releasing space, but there is no way of knowing this now its been truncated unfortunately.
  22. They will be rebuilt, but it will not clear entirely. This is done on task which runs every 10 mins, provided your tasks are running properly
  23. As mentioned by my colleague there, the page builder block is a standard block type. The advanced tab is the same on all page builder block types, regardless of function.
  24. Within the context of that page builder block, yes. You would need to use plain CSS to format captions
  25. Please update your access details on file, and we can then take a look for you. Also please disable redis while we take a look. In all honesty, if you have enabled this to solve the issue here, I would advise on not doing this.
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