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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. Thanks for clarifying Marc. I'm ready but luckily, one extra core feature (Quizzes by Adriano) is being updated as we speak to incorporate Achievements. Should I wait or can I release my entire rule set and then set these up afterwards? If set up after I have gone live will it only award people moving forward i.e. '1st Quiz completed', etc or will it back date as soon as i make it live? The idea of awarding manual badges and then having them removed worries me a little as it wouldn't be a good start! I also assume that the 'rebuild' option becomes available once I make the Achievements live? Thanks in advance all! 😄
  2. Love that! Incentives to interact and play more quizzes and then get higher scores (even give a Wooden Spoon for a low one 😄) would definitely see overall plays go up for sure.
  3. I really wish I did @Adriano Faria, but I don't i'm afraid. Although, every release you've done has always worked in live for me 😄 What actions does it allow? Play a Quiz or a number of Quizzes? Make a number of Quizzes? Looking at the score percentage variable, does that work as if you picked 80%, would you have to score that exact score or anything above it? From the screenshots, it looks pretty sound to me.
  4. Thanks @Marc Stridgen, really appreciate the quick response 😄 One more question if I may - when we get ready for the next batch of Badges and Rules to roll out, I know I can 'reconstruct the Achievements so it can check and award them the new ones if they've already achieved the criteria, however does that mean all badges would wipe at all, including manual ones? I'm hoping whatever they have received based on the rules already written, they get to keep them as that is the most logical process.
  5. If there was a 'Love' button here I would have immediately hit it! Thank you for looking at this Adriano. Your plugin fits this perfectly, especially with playing quizzes, scoring complete scores and even promoting people to help make more quizzes. Fingers crossed it works well and fast for you in development! 😄
  6. Hi all, i'm finally getting so close to turning it on to be able to use it after making tons of badges and rules to hopefully make it an easier load on myself 😅 Many badges I have set up won't have rules however, due to either the function not having a rule available to hook on to and some being connected to outside of the websites functions. When giving them out manually, how do I do the following? Allow Moderators to help me by giving out Badges? Allow Moderators to help me by giving out Points? Create a Feed for the latest Badges Received? Any help is greatly appreciated. I always feel if you can hit the ground running with an awesome new feature/function, then it has the best chance of longevity. I just don't want to miss a trick by not being set up in the right way and being overwhelmed to do this by myself alongside other life's pressures like work and family life. 😅 Cheers in advance all!
  7. Hi @Adriano Faria, any movement or thinking about Achievements over the past few months? If not, should I put a separate request into another section about another plugin to enable Achievements for Quizzes? Its one of the core features I use that doesn't have them unfortunately so I'm keen on trying to see what's possible. Thanks in advance. Happy to chat about them separately if you like? Although, if your theme is different to what our website is then imagine some won't make sense for yourself. I've virtually made all of ours by myself, scouring the internet for facts to use 😄 with a couple from some other users. Not here, I feel the Adriano's plugin works really well with whatever overall theme you end up using for your entire site.
  8. Looks like that fixed the job! Thanks @onlyME. Shame you have to turn off the livestream for it to work but if i'm honest we don't really use that currently so all good.
  9. This looks a great little plugin @A Zayed. Just one question if that's okay. Can the widget show any more detail - i'm specifically looking at who has responded RSVP wise. Going, Maybe, etc. It helps tell people quickly if we have many people joining certain events at a glance. Thanks in advance.
  10. sure thing its https://clips.twitch.tv/LongFragileRaccoonKAPOW-_Nzyf6U-SAFBvHhb
  11. Thanks for the reply. When you make a clip from a channel, it makes the URL start with https://clips.twitch.tv/.... The above links you've mentioned there are just channels so will only show what is on live at the current time. Clips are the equivalent of YouTube clips but many people don't upload them to YouTube. Any way to get these incorporated?
  12. Hi @onlyME, i'm getting this from a twitch clip which is a link away from our site, rather than embedding the clip like YouTube links work. Any way to resolve this? Not sure if i'm missing a setting or not. To note, the Twitch clips URL is secure (https).
  13. I was using the the Terms of Use as an example. I'm still on about the Homepage as I asked the question before 4.6 came out and Stuart said it would be inbuilt as part of the functions of 4.6. Thats why I was confused that you were saying there is no setting - was it removed since 4.6?
  14. Thanks for the quick response, Jim. Based on my reply a while ago, Stuart replied saying it was a core part of 4.6 - see below response How do I promote this like other sites get it to pop up like when you accept Terms of Use, etc?
  15. For the life of me, I can't find the option where I can turn on the option to give all members the ability to ask them to add our site as a Homepage. I know its come in with push notifications, but I can't see the homepage options. I think the Splash Screen setting is in Icons and Logos but I can't find the Homepage option at all! Any speedy help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
  16. I think we mean the same thing but I said it in a very different way 😄 I completely agree it is weird...I was trying to keep my expectations low to start with though!! 😁
  17. I look at polls probably way more as a key feature of Invision more than most. So much so, I use the Poll Wall plugin that is available on third party to separate all polls from the forums sections as poll make you do something different to just posting a discussion point. The way we currently create polls are very cumbersome, mainly due to the amount of info needed as it is linked to a topic thread. Multiple headers can confuse even me at the best of times. Solution wise, Polls should be a separate creation to a 'Topic', even if once posted it looks very similar to one like it does today. Many places in social media can make a poll in seconds (like your Invision Twitter poll @Jordan Miller 🙂), so we need to reduce those steps to enable greater throughput. To support all of this, it would then be ideal to have dynamic widgets at your disposal. A slider, with multiple polls selected would be a great engagement tool to entice people to interact with your site. Rather than a static poll that you can only select one per block. And like @Adriano Faria said above, greater integration with pages is the key. You've already built engagement links in the new Achievements, which is a super start. We just need to make them more visible and usable.
  18. Whilst we wait to get more functionality and diversity with the Achievements section (which I think we have a great foundation btw), one thing is ultimately needed to bridge the gap until we find creative automated ways to earn badges. When you award a Badge manually, unless you have a real specific name, it is unclear what it is for. If Badges had the description box, like when you have an automated Rule, then it would make total sense to the member. This approach will futureproof achievements as a tactical way of using manual badges until you get to a point when you can automate a badge. Especially so, if badges relate to other content that isn't tangible like a post or topic on your website. Can someone confirm if this is planned or needs anything to raise the profile of this higher?
  19. I'm expecting you can change part in your Localization menu and use the 'translate' function as that's why I intend to you. You can find this in the Admin CP. As to categories for Badges, I would welcome this for both the member view and admin view. You can get lost in the amount of badges when creating them! Seems straightforward and logical to do so 🙂
  20. I've been trying to create my own ranks and badges but it would massively help if some people here could share the standard sizes they should be given we want to make good use of them and keep them clear and shiny as much as want to! Cheers!
  21. Thanks Adriano. I kind of knew how the functionality worked but it was more the fact that PayPal doesn't accept raffle payments so was interested to know what Payment Methods that you can set up in Commerce that can. Apologies if I wasn't clear, happy to take the question off here as its not about a defect or problem, just impacts Raffles on when using it 🙂
  22. Just thought i'd ask as I only do free raffles atm...what payment methods can you set up that will take raffle payments? Be good to know for the future when using this application if we ever did want to do one.
  23. No problem Adriano, thanks for letting us know. I'll keep my fingers crossed for the near future. Okay, thank you for checking. I'll do a few more tests with some other people and see what it does. I'll report back if I see anything strange.
  24. Hi Adriano, just a couple queries if thats okay? Any chance of adding actions into this app in order for achievements to pick it up? Most common ones would definitely be: Taking a Quiz Taking multiple Quizzes Scoring 100% on a Quiz Also, just not sure my view is working regarding table and list view. I changed the option to grid view but when i refreshed my page it did not change the front end list so wondered if i'm missing an option or if its a bug? Many thanks
  25. I think many, like me, who haven't responded yet are still really taking this all in. My overriding concern is the line above that was partially acknowledged by Matt later on somewhere advising they are a dying breed. As i'm still trying to make my mind up on how I feel about all of this, I've always felt its better to focus on action and what we can do together, rather than dwell and moan about stuff (even if I really want to). Queries in no particular order: Hobby (Non-Income) Communities - Are these categorically out of your operating model and vision now or in the next 5 years? I'm starting to feel like they are not in the vision based on responses so far. Hobby (Non-Income) vs Business - Following on, I would love to know the proportionate split between how many hobby sites and business take your product if you have that data? Gut feel again is you have a substantial amount of sites here that don't generate income like a business. Future Prices - With acknowledgement that prices will be more steadily rising over time rather than none in 10 years, will you link this external factors going forward, such as the price of living, etc? Future Prices 2 - Would it be something you can commit to, to say that any future price changes will be effectively in 3-6 months from an email confirmation? Gut feel seems everyone was expecting them to rise at some point, but I think most/all would agree a gradual increase over the next few years rather than an immediate hike is not consumer friendly. 3rd Party Developer Prices - You may not be able to answer this Matt, but is there an expectation of 3rd party developers to hold their prices? I've dramatically reduce them over the years but as many essential functions aren't in the core, then I still pay for 5-7 additional items. Gut feel based on what @Adriano Faria (who is top notch btw) said earlier that these most likely will all have a potential small increase too. Therefore, if this is the case: Adopting Marketplace into core - Have you and/or will you consider significantly more marketplace functionality into the core product? Do they need to be paid for annually moving forward too? Demand feels like it should be more for core changes rather than being asked to request plug-ins, in my honest opinion. I think overall price increases are accepted in general walk of life if they are reasonable and fairly done over time. My concern starting to shape is more about the knock-on impact of prices to everything else that you need as part of your website/home, etc and if the vision of IC still caters to a large base of consumers. Thanks in advance.
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