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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. So i'm pretty much getting this (mainly because I end up getting all your templates @opentype as they are just ridiculously too good for pages 😄) and I'm just wondering how much different this is to Gallery? It virtually looks the same, gives you chances to add comments, make galleries to add pics, etc. The reason I ask is because when I plan to add a core functionality or feature I like to make sure its sustainable and works from now and forever more. Does the IPS Gallery collate pics across forums, pages, etc and thats how it sets out differently? Or am i missing any key feature that I should look into that the IPS core feature has and this template does not? Thanks in advance.
  2. Thanks Marc - its forevergaming.co.uk Its okay @Marc Stridgen...I'm absolutely stupid. Just saw @Adriano Faria's post above and for some reason i've never seen that option there! 🤦‍♂️ I usually check the burger menu per post and the admin CP. Thanks Adriano! You learn something new everyday, eh 😅
  3. Just catching up on my apps in case of any updates, etc. Just to stop for a moment though to say I hope you're keeping well now @SoftwareFactory. I know pretty much everyone comes in this thread to get updates from you on the app and not yourself but i'd rather take a second to say thanks for all you're doing so far and hope you've come through it, fighting fit now 💪 The app is still performing well for me too btw for what I need it to do 😄
  4. Thanks Adriano...but the only option I could see to edit the forums with Solved parts was the screenshot below. I've done that and i'm not seeing what part that gives me an option to select a post and say that this is the answer. Am I missing an option here?
  5. Usually I try and give anything a good search and try be working with configurable options but for some unknown reason, my brain just can't figuyre out the steps it needs to take to be able to have certain topics have a 'Solved' post in it 😅 I want to make more use of it and I feel like i'm missing a simple setting somewhere in the AdminCP that then allows Admins and Mods to select a post that 'Solves' the topic. Exactly like here. Also, would be good to know if you can have a sub-forum with topics that are just discussions and some that can be solved? I feel like i'm losing my marbles asking something reasonably basic for many of you, but I have to own up sometimes when it just isn't clicking for me! Any help is greatly appreciated.
  6. Hi @aXenDev, this query feels similar to the above one as the last few updates i've seen it states the below: Which leads to this: https://invisioncommunity.com/index.php?app=core&module=system&controller=plugins&do=diff Usually i've updated and had no problems, but just a little worried if I do this and it breaks, i'll have to wait for your usual updates you do. What do you think the best thing to do is? Do you feel .11 update (now fully released) will be okay even with this error thats been shown? I need to update the overall website due to other bugs ASAP so any help with this would be hugely helpful. Cheers. 😄
  7. Oh okay, i expected March's to be 4.6.11. The badges are still applied to all the members incorrectly so it didn't reverse the issue we had. I'm unsure what number it is counting for each individual now related to creating Calendar events and RSVP. What should be the next step to resolve this?
  8. Thanks Marc, so once this one is released, this will resolve the above problems. Got it. I'll look forward to this March release in full then! 😄
  9. Thought i'd loop back around to this one as we've just gone live with some 'Memberships' and whichever one they select, they receive points and a Medal (Badge) to go on their profile. More than expected have appreciated the medal on taking up a Membership. I think it would be great to keep building on Achievements and understanding the roadmap for upcoming features and enhancements to it so we can keep ahead in our own planning.
  10. Hi @Marc Stridgen, just seen March release is in Beta - could you confirm this bug will be fixed in this release and how it will work e.g. the bagdes given out incorrectly, will they be removed or will I have a button that will refresh the rules/badges that were impacted? Thanks in advance.
  11. Ah okay, my bad as I didn't read it correctly the first time. I can see I can now add a badge and rule for scoring a specific score on one quiz...I think to make the most value I'll be looking forward to the one where a user completes X quizzes as this is the most common action a quiz (even though i'd love more people to make them!). Let us know when you think its on the cards as I'll probably hold off now until I can make multiple badges and rules for this action.
  12. Hi @Jordan Miller, did this feedback help towards anything coming soon for polls at all?
  13. Thanks for adding Achievements @Adriano Faria, just been looking to add more badges and rules....I can't seem to select the basic 'Member completes a Quiz' for the 5th, 10th, 20th time, etc? Do you know where I do this or if its bugging out at all?
  14. Its something that really would hugely help in any type of themed website here, but I know for sure with the Achievements system it would be unbelievably powerful. Many of our members are reporting that they want to do understand and work towards what things they can 'unlock' or 'achieve'. This clearly works cleverly well with Achievements and the numerous badges you can create for them to obtain. They otherwise feel lost due to the need of a sense of direction. This could work for any manual list an admin wanted to create for them to obtain. I would imagine it would look best on their Profile so it could understand what they've achieved so far. The core software knows the list of each badge a member has achieved, and also knows which ones they haven't achieved. If you didn't want a badge to be shown in a list, then it can be made optional to a separate 'Checklist' if applicable. I haven't seen any other suggestion in the past like this - can someone confirm if there is something immediate in the marketplace that could fit this type of feature? Hopefully there is some enhancements on the way in the core too that can resolve this desire that members want to have? P.S. This shouldn't need to be just restricted to Achievements - I think its the most obvious next step for them but you could require a checklist for anything in your community that your members could work towards.
  15. Thank Marc. I appreciate the clear responses. 👍
  16. No problem, thanks for sharing Marc. When is that release currently expected? Next month?
  17. I can update the recent patch not a problem...but I suppose what i'm trying to work out is a workaround to how to fix these whilst we wait for the next version? Just to confirm i've double checked the latest patch which shouldn't have an issue with these I don't believe.
  18. Hi there, finally made it live a few days ago and i'm starting to see a few bugs being reported by the group. RSVP isn't working correctly. I have badges connected to 1, 20, 50, etc RSVPs and someone just got them all after RSVP'ing to 2 calendar events. They've only ever RSVP'd to 2. People are also saying that they are getting the Daily concurrent badges too early too. Someone has logged in around once a week but got the 30 days logged in daily badge. I'm not sure how I can remove these badges now, if they've incorrectly been given out, without a full reconstruction of the database which would look like a major fail on my behalf when the rules are set up as expected. Any ways to fix this please??
  19. Great stuff, thanks for the continued help @Marc Stridgen! 😄 I really think some good FAQs on the new Achievements system covering Rules, Ranks and Badges would go down a storm. Definitely will help more people using one of the brighter newer features here. Happy to help when I've experienced a lot more too!
  20. Great news! That makes my anxiety drift away! Sorry, probably wasn't clear enough. I'll be able to build new rules, like with anything live right now. My point was if i make the overall Achievements live and then set up new rules the following day, would it retrospectively go back and check all data if they are rules set up for the first time?
  21. Thanks for clarifying Marc. I'm ready but luckily, one extra core feature (Quizzes by Adriano) is being updated as we speak to incorporate Achievements. Should I wait or can I release my entire rule set and then set these up afterwards? If set up after I have gone live will it only award people moving forward i.e. '1st Quiz completed', etc or will it back date as soon as i make it live? The idea of awarding manual badges and then having them removed worries me a little as it wouldn't be a good start! I also assume that the 'rebuild' option becomes available once I make the Achievements live? Thanks in advance all! 😄
  22. Love that! Incentives to interact and play more quizzes and then get higher scores (even give a Wooden Spoon for a low one 😄) would definitely see overall plays go up for sure.
  23. I really wish I did @Adriano Faria, but I don't i'm afraid. Although, every release you've done has always worked in live for me 😄 What actions does it allow? Play a Quiz or a number of Quizzes? Make a number of Quizzes? Looking at the score percentage variable, does that work as if you picked 80%, would you have to score that exact score or anything above it? From the screenshots, it looks pretty sound to me.
  24. Thanks @Marc Stridgen, really appreciate the quick response 😄 One more question if I may - when we get ready for the next batch of Badges and Rules to roll out, I know I can 'reconstruct the Achievements so it can check and award them the new ones if they've already achieved the criteria, however does that mean all badges would wipe at all, including manual ones? I'm hoping whatever they have received based on the rules already written, they get to keep them as that is the most logical process.
  25. If there was a 'Love' button here I would have immediately hit it! Thank you for looking at this Adriano. Your plugin fits this perfectly, especially with playing quizzes, scoring complete scores and even promoting people to help make more quizzes. Fingers crossed it works well and fast for you in development! 😄
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