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Everything posted by Optic14

  1. Thanks, it would be great to see this feature to help boost promote club forum topics by showing them on home page fluid view.. At the moment clubs are in their own separate page, their activity doesn’t even appear on the Activity Feed. And the IPS block to show recently active clubs doesn’t show content.. I would definitely help commission cost of such a plugin.
  2. Hi @Adriano Faria does this work for fluid forum view too?
  3. Optic14


    Hi @onlyME I updated to 2.1.0 and unfortunately the Featured Videos block has stopped working. There is a small container where it used to be displayed (just above "What's New" block) Tried to clear cache in Admin CP > support and also tried deleting block, saving changes and readding the block but no effect. Is it a known issue? My page: https://animeforums.net/anime/
  4. Hi @newbie LAC, presales question This Topic Cover is similar style to Profile Cover? Will it show OK on mobile ?
  5. Optic14


    Ah I see. Please consider maybe adding a configuration option in VideoBox settings so we can adjust this. For me it looks bad because the Review Block will show the star rating + blank review. I am currently manually enforcing it by deleting and PMing member.
  6. Optic14


    Thanks for response. I have another feature request. For reviews, can you add an option to make it "REQUIRED" to write a review and also add the star rating? Because I just had one member submit a review, they selected star rating only - they were not forced to write anything for the review section. I noticed here on IPS Marketplace here they force you to write a review + do star rating for product reviews.
  7. Optic14


    Hi @onlyME Is is possible to make a page that lists all Videobox files/pages where a given member has written a review? Or even Advanced Search? e.g. I want to make a link "More reviews by this user" If not possible, please add to feature request wishlist.
  8. Optic14


    Thanks for prompt update. I updated to 2.0.8 and confirmed the issue is fixed. But when I used the Support tool to clear cache, I noticed that IPS thinks there is a problem with the database: For now I just ignore it and it seems okay. I didn't get this alert before. What are your thoughts?
  9. Optic14


    Hi @onlyME I think there is a bug with the Latest Reviews block. For me it doesn't show the latest reviews at the top by date correctly, for some reason older reviews appear at the top first. I want newest reviews to be first, at top of the list. Sorry if screenshot too small you can see it live on my forum: https://animeforums.net/anime/
  10. Hi @Fosters I did a fresh install of Bookmarks 1.3.0 on IPS 4.2.6 but can't seem to get permission to use it on my community even when I set to allow: When trying to view My Bookmarks: No bookmark link appearing in content either.
  11. Optic14


    @onlyME thanks for the latest update Not sure if this is an IPS template but I noticed now with 10 star review system enabled, the email notifications for new reviews still shows 5 star:
  12. @Cyrem looks like in beta testing according to @Fosters developer update: https://fosters.tech/news/dev-update-r159/
  13. Thank you, I can confirm after the Sitemap was rebuilt overnight it also updated the URLs with the new FURL name that I changed in furl.json
  14. Optic14


    Thank you, I will follow up with IPS further. I am worried if I update furl.json manually it will cause issues with IPS sitemap generated URLs. I think I also found another issue. Friendly URL for Videobox home page is not working inside breadcrumb navigation:
  15. Hi @Lord Nowe thanks for advising the furl.json workaround Does this workaround also update the URLs that are generated in the IPS sitemap? That would be my only concern.
  16. Optic14


    Hi @onlyME I am running into issues with Customize Friendly URLs with Videobox I want to change /video/ to /anime/ on all Videobox URLs: It works for the Videobox main page: But it is not saving properly for the other Videobox URLs: I noticed I have this same issue with core IPS apps such as Gallery: Is there a way around this for Videobox - such as a core file edit?
  17. Optic14


    Hi @onlyME, I decided to go with 10 star rating system in Admin CP: But the Videobox review block still only shows 5 stars: It is OK in other areas such as video item:
  18. Hi @Fosters any ETA on next version? Am really excited to try it.
  19. Hi @TAMAN I am using Google Chrome 61.0.3163.100 Tried downloading theme again and uploaded as new version, and also cleared Cache in Support page with same result. It is on a fresh IPS install as before went I used your theme for the first time it was on a test install - am now finally migrating my XenForo community to IPS.
  20. Hi @TAMAN Minor issue, I noticed on latest version the number for total Reactions (when you React a post in forums) is hard to read:
  21. Optic14


    Thank you for update @onlyME ! I encountered an error when trying to create a new Member Group in Admin CP: A configuration or server error has occurred EX1054 Something went wrong. Please try again. UPDATE `core_groups` core_groups SET `g_icon`=NULL,`prefix`='<span style=\'color:#\'>',`suffix`='</span>',`g_promote_exclude`=true,`g_dname_changes`=0,`g_displayname_unit`=0,`g_dname_date`=1,`g_view_board`=true,`g_dohtml`=false,`g_search_flood`=0,`g_hide_online_list`=false,`g_access_offline`=false,`g_view_displaynamehistory`=false,`g_photo_max_vars`='50:150:150',`g_create_clubs`='',`g_edit_profile`=true,`g_max_bgimg_upload`=-1,`g_upload_animated_photos`=true,`g_pm_perday`=0,`g_pm_flood_mins`=0,`g_max_mass_pm`=0,`g_max_messages`=0,`g_can_msg_attach`=false,`g_rep_max_positive`=0,`g_ppd_limit`=0,`g_ppd_unit`=0,`g_post_polls`=false,`g_vote_polls`=false,`g_close_polls`=false,`g_topic_rate_setting`=0,`g_mod_post_unit`=0,`g_attach_max`=0,`g_edit_cutoff`=0,`g_append_edit`=false,`g_avoid_flood`=false,`g_avoid_q`=false,`g_mod_preview`=false,`g_bypass_badwords`=false,`g_edit_posts`=0,`g_hide_own_posts`=0,`g_delete_own_posts`=0,`g_lock_unlock_own`=0,`g_can_report`=0,`g_blog_allowlocal`=0,`g_blog_maxblogs`=0,`g_blog_allowprivate`=0,`g_blog_allowownmod`=0,`g_blog_allowdelete`=0,`g_blog_allowcomment`=false,`g_create_albums`=false,`g_create_albums_private`=NULL,`g_create_albums_fo`=NULL,`g_album_limit`=NULL,`g_img_album_limit`=NULL,`g_delete_own_albums`=NULL,`g_movies`=false,`g_movie_size`=NULL,`g_max_upload`=0,`g_max_transfer`=0,`g_max_views`=0,`videobox_limit_videos`=0,`g_bitoptions`=135004160 WHERE g_id=9 IPS\Db\Exception: Unknown column 'videobox_limit_videos' in 'field list' (1054) #0 /home/ancommun/public_html/system/Db/Db.php(990): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('/*IPS\\Member\\_G...', Array) #1 /home/ancommun/public_html/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php(492): IPS\_Db->update('`core_groups` c...', '`g_icon`=?,`pre...', 'WHERE g_id=?') #2 /home/ancommun/public_html/system/Member/Group.php(310): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord->save() #3 /home/ancommun/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/members/groups.php(209): IPS\Member\_Group->save() #4 /home/ancommun/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_groups->form() #5 /home/ancommun/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/members/groups.php(34): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #6 /home/ancommun/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(146): IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_groups->execute() #7 /home/ancommun/public_html/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #8 {main} If I continue and check the Member Group list, the new member group appears in the list.. but then I get same error if I try to save changes to existing Member Groups: UPDATE `core_groups` core_groups SET `prefix`='<span style=\'color:#\'>',`suffix`='</span>',`g_promote_exclude`=true,`g_view_board`=true,`g_dohtml`=false,`g_hide_online_list`=false,`g_access_offline`=false,`g_view_displaynamehistory`=true,`g_edit_profile`=true,`g_upload_animated_photos`=true,`g_can_msg_attach`=true,`g_post_polls`=true,`g_vote_polls`=true,`g_close_polls`=false,`g_append_edit`=true,`g_avoid_flood`=false,`g_avoid_q`=true,`g_bypass_badwords`=false,`g_edit_posts`=1,`g_hide_own_posts`=1,`g_delete_own_posts`=1,`g_lock_unlock_own`=1,`g_can_report`=1,`g_blog_allowcomment`=true,`g_create_albums`=false,`g_movies`=false,`videobox_limit_videos`=0 WHERE g_id=6 IPS\Db\Exception: Unknown column 'videobox_limit_videos' in 'field list' (1054) #0 /home/ancommun/public_html/system/Db/Db.php(990): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('/*IPS\\Member\\_G...', Array) #1 /home/ancommun/public_html/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php(492): IPS\_Db->update('`core_groups` c...', '`prefix`=?,`suf...', 'WHERE g_id=?') #2 /home/ancommun/public_html/system/Member/Group.php(310): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord->save() #3 /home/ancommun/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/members/groups.php(209): IPS\Member\_Group->save() #4 /home/ancommun/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_groups->form() #5 /home/ancommun/public_html/applications/core/modules/admin/members/groups.php(34): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #6 /home/ancommun/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(146): IPS\core\modules\admin\members\_groups->execute() #7 /home/ancommun/public_html/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #8 {main} Am using VideoBox 2.0.6, IPS 4.2.5
  22. Really looking forward to it ! Maybe this weekend?
  23. Not sure if anyone else has requested but my feature request below: Would be nice to make the Bookmarks list more pretty by including images. I think for consistency if you match the same style as the IPS 4.2 activity feed for each content type (threads/posts/gallery/album/etc.) that would be great. i.e. also if bookmarking a Gallery album to match the Activity Feed style (where it shows multiple image thumbnails on one row)
  24. Works great @TAMAN Thanks for releasing. Just wondering if you would consider adding an option to deactivate the plugin for certain pages? The setting "Remove body backgrounds" is so powerful it is affecting another plugin I use for custom user upload profile background images. Otherwise maybe easier if I try to find a way to wrap a conditional to exclude this plugin from executing for just member profile view? Any ideas on approach would be appreciated.
  25. Hi @TheJackal84 this looks great. Presales question - the option to hide the video, does this mean the audio will keep playing or does it mean to completely remove the video altogether?
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