Preaching to the choir, mate...I have been in IT support since the mid-90s, and the amount of times I have written something up over those years, to help people report issues better, or to reduce support calls on a level to the number of beers I have had today.
Here's the problem - it relies on the person reporting the problem being directed to the right place (you're posting in 'Community Support' not the official 'Help and support' forum that IPS use, by the way...probably not your fault, last time I checked the language used in the software guides you to the 'Community' for 'Support' so there is the confusion), but it also relies on them searching for the answer, or for ways to figure things out themselves (which relies on effort on that person's part) or to read something that tells them how to report something (Example: "I just upgraded TO version X" doesn't tell you what they upgraded FROM, which is quite useful to understand in a lot of software cases)
Good luck, sorry to be a bummer on this one.