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Nathan Explosion

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Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. What's fixed in v1.1.5 further fix to resolve conflicts with the new native IPS video embed functionality.
  2. Send me site details and login information via pm please.
  3. I'd prefer not to get in to the analysis of the actual content of the post as it would require just that....the analysis of the content. It will add on additional overheard. I'll keep it in the back of my mind for future, but unless you hear me saying I will be doing it then don't expect it.
  4. What's new in 2.2.1 Added functionality to hide the new native IPS video player in IPS 4.3
  5. What's fixed in v1.1.4 initial IPS 4.3 compatibility release, fixing an issue where plugin was conflicting with the new native IPS video embed functionality.
  6. I've put out v1.0.5a to fix this issue specifically. v1.0.6 will have additional items for posts/pages on which ads can be displayed.
  7. You're overthinking it ? Anyway....as mentioned....next release has a few additional items in it which make loads of choices possible. There will also be an enhancement to the change I made with v1.0.5 - that change was needed because I found a problem with the plugin affecting posting replies to a topic, and that's a show-stopper for forums hence the release. That change, however, also affects the displaying of an ad when using pagination - that will be resolved in the next release.
  8. Have added some additional options to cover "X number of posts" scenarios - will be in the next release. Have added a little something to help with this, when "First and last post on each page" or "Last post on each page" has been selected - will be in the next release.
  9. What's fixed in v1.0.5 - fixed issue with topic replies not submitting via Ajax. - fixed display issue with settings
  10. I've been toying with a few extra options there so will take a look.
  11. Nice one...thanks for purchasing. I'll do an update soon to hide that paragraph setting for enabled = off though. ?
  12. Have you tried toggling that 'Enable' option? Have to ask the obvious, based off the screenshot. And only ads with a 'custom' location will be available as within the content is a custom location.
  13. Yes, otherwise it wouldn't say 4.3 ?
  14. Now approved.... Plugin which allows you to apply extra control over the oembed functionality provided by the IPS core allows group level control over which remote sites members of a group are allowed to embed. allows group level control for automatically embedding internal IPS links. provides you the ability to add other remote oembed sources which are not yet supported by IPS, such as http://developers.issuu.com/oembed/ Note: Plugin support does not include assisting you with researching whether a site supports oembed or not. Google, or the site itself, will be your friend in that situation
  15. It's already available, via the client area. IPS will be making it available over the auto-upgrader in the near future....they are doing a 'slow release' at present.
  16. Yup. So you are aware...that functionality is now available in the editor natively for video files as of IPS 4.3. You don't need the plugin if you are running 4.3 - I know that potentially costs me a sale hehe
  17. What's new in v1.0.4 added additional option to allow positioning of advertisement to either left or right of the targeted paragraph. What's coming in v1.1 plugin will be extended to Pages, Blogs, Announcements and Calendar items.
  18. Ah, ok...so not text wrapped around the ad....just a different position for the ad to the left or right of the paragraph. I'll have a think about it....shouldn't be too difficult, I reckon.
  19. Should be able to - I do some similar stuff in this plugin to what I do in my HTML5 audio/video player, so I'll take a look. Now that is going to be a bit more difficult - the ad is placed between paragraphs, not within a paragraph. If you can come up with a html example of what you want to achieve, then I can take a look to see if it's possible here.
  20. What's new in v1.0.3 added some additional options to the 'Which post(s)?' plugin setting. Now includes: First post only All posts First post on each page only Last post on each page only First and last post on each page
  21. I'll put out an update later this week to add some options to the 'Which posts?' setting.
  22. What's fixed in v1.0.2 fixed issue where ads that were disabled were overriding enabled ads. (v1.0.1) fixed issue with Adsense code triggering a back-end PHP DOM error and failing to display ads (v1.0.2)
  23. Permissions are handled by the advertisement itself:
  24. In the absence of these, sit tight while I try to reproduce your situation (will be quicker with the above though) Try version 1.0.1 - if it doesn't resolve your problem with the 'wrong ad' then I am going to need ACP credentials to take a closer look (screenshots of the results is not going to cut it here)
  25. So what's the problem? You have one as enabled, and it's showing a different one? Do you have e the same custom location set for both? Send me ACP credentials if you want.
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