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Nathan Explosion

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Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. Didn't do it in the end - that comment was added in as someone who was interested in purchasing asked if it was possible so I started looking into it. That person didn't purchase in the end, so I left it to the side. I'll look at it again at some point, but it's not going to be soon.
  2. Not seeing any issue my side so can you provide me with a link to your site, and ACP access (need to be able to see Plugins and also access SQL toolbox to check the database) so that I can take a closer look.
  3. In that case, can you please provide me with the following (via PM): Link to the topic ACP access, as follows (restricts my access to the Plugins only) Create a new member account Go to Members -> Staff -> Administrators Add an administrator Select 'Member' and lookup the new member, click Save When created, edit it and change Permissions to Restricted On every tab except System, disable the 'Grant access to ....' field On the System tab, disable every section except Site Features On the 'Site features' section of System, disable everything except Plugins. Save and all done.
  4. No because.... And again, no. Simple answer: allows you to stop members of a group from being able to embed an internal link....if allowed, then the link becomes an embedded link. And if not allowed, it stays as a link.
  5. What's new in 1.0.6 added advanced settings to allow Youtube links to be autoplayed Note: please refer here for details about why autoplay is not enabled on Youtube embeds by default.
  6. I'm a firm believer in allowing the admin to enable the functionality instead of it all being on by default - it means that when the plugin is installed, it doesn't immediately affect things. Glad it's all sorted 👍
  7. That first one gives the answer....you haven't enabled anything:
  8. What's new/fixed in 2.2.8 The 'Hide linked images' setting now handles images uploaded as attachments, instead of explicitly handling them as attachments. (setting has been renamed to 'Hide images')
  9. I've decided to make a change to bring image attachments in under control of the Images settings, instead of explicitly treating them as attachments. Will be testing tomorrow, and should be ready for release late tomorrow.
  10. Confirmed via PM - it's an uploaded image, which is handled via the attachments settings (it's an attachment) and not via the images settings (that is for 'Linked images' as indicated in the setting) Anyway....as mentioned, I have spotted an issue in the attachments handling as there appears to have been a change somewhere along the line with how IPS now add uploaded images in to the HTML for handling via the lightbox. It's no longer an image wrapped in an <a> element, it's now explicitly just an image. Update will be ready later.
  11. Not seeing any issues with hiding linked images here - can you provide a link to the topic so I can take a closer look at the content? I do see any issue with attachments though; is the image you are trying to hide an uploaded image or a linked image? (important distinction)
  12. This plugin is not going to make any changes to the way a user's name is displayed in a mention - it is specifically intended to provide additions to the listing of users when a lookup is performed.
  13. What's fixed in 2.2.7 fixed issue with selected forums setting not saving correctly What's new in 2.2.7 Exclude topics setting now provides lookup and listing functionality of chosen topics.
  14. Totally forgot about the forum selection issue - will have an update out later today.
  15. What's fixed in v1.0.2 fixed the "Use 'Group Formatting'" setting so that 'Yes' actually turned it on and not off 😄
  16. What's new in v1.1.0 added control over which forums/clubs/topics can have poll results hidden by the plugin hide poll results in all forums/topics (default functionality) or hide poll results in forums/clubs listed or hide poll results in topics listed
  17. Just uploaded a new version of the file (1.0.0a) - do the following: Uninstall the existing plugin (important) Install the new version. If you still have issues after doing this, then I am going to need to take a closer look and will need ACP access.
  18. I will be implementing support for Pages in the next non-bug fix release (2.3) as it requires a little re-write of my code, similar to what I did with version 1.1 of https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8787-ne-html5-audiovideo-player/
  19. What's new in 2.2.6 'Hide links' functionality expanded to allow differentiation between hiding internal and/or external links Internal anchor links & embedded links can be controlled separately if desired External links can adhere to the 'Domains to instruct search engines to follow' setting in System -> Posting -> Links
  20. Quotes already are, and last time I tested for 4.3.x compatibility they still were - if the quote is a 'new' one ie: ....then that is counted because it is content. But if it's a quote of someone else ie: ....then that isn't counted. Can't remember if I excluded code though. I don't see you as a purchaser, so is this a query about functionality or is it a bug report?
  21. You can already do this via your theme - click 'Manage Resources', find the 'logo.png' file and replace it.
  22. Plugin which allows administrators to selectively disable signatures from being displayed in specific clubs, categories, forums, sub-forums or topics. An example use-case: On my own forum, we have a dedicated memorial forum for something which happened in the history of the subject matter of the main site. Displaying signatures in this forum can be in poor taste so I would like to disable them in this forum. Additionally, we have a few topics around the rest of the site within which I do not wish for signatures to be displayed.
  23. First plugin - what is it that doesn't work? You asked a series of questions about functionality and they were answered as far as I can see now. second plugin - I reckon you misunderstand how it works. Sorry for being blunt but maybe try using the support channels and also allowing time for the developer to actually respond before whinging?
  24. Probably not, as it's likely to be the way that your browser handles mixed content and browser behaviour is outside of my control. Please provide a link to your page, and I'll take a look anyway - what browser is it you are using?
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