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Nathan Explosion

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Everything posted by Nathan Explosion

  1. At the moment, nothing as the tag doesn't support the 'Controls List' functionality (Video does, Audio doesn't.....blame Google) But I might have a way of kludging it, so keep an eye out for an update. One other thing to note: even if I can remove the Download option, there is nothing to stop the user from right clicking the player and choosing to save the audio there.
  2. I'm guessing that you are looking to disable it because you can see it in Google Chrome? Control over the controls is limited, to be honest, and is only possible with Google Chrome and the Video tag (see the 'Controls List Settings' tab in the plugin settings) I've been looking in to a possible way of achieving this with the Audio tag....it's kludgey but potentially possible. Let me know if my guess about Chrome is correct.
  3. Plugin which allows users to ignore quotes in forum posts, thus extending the current ability to ignore posts only Original quote is collapsed. Clicking the quote will expand it for viewing. Note: This plugin takes the data-ipsquote-userid value from a quote, and uses this to look up whether that user is ignored by the viewer. If no value exists then no lookup can be performed, and therefore it cannot be determined if the user is being ignored. This situation is most likely to occur with quotes that pre-date your upgrade to IPS 4.x
  4. Go to your login handlers and click the button to log people out.
  5. Send me your site details and a login please.(ACP access)
  6. What problem appeared? Nothing much to go on here. And again...what problem exactly? There is no 'saving' involved in the plugin, other than the settings. I've just gone ahead and edited a few posts, with and without ads, and I see no issue. So, if you need further help....elaborate.
  7. I do - there was no issue, hence the release. Can I suggest, in reply, that you also do a quick test on your own test environment before going to production? ?
  8. Will take a look shortly - go ahead and revert back to 2.2.3 for the moment (it's still available to download) Figured it out - typo in the code...download and use 2.2.4a
  9. @uA_Y_C_A - give v1.2.1 a try out. What's fixed in v1.2.1 Further fixes for a DOM parsing issue that resulted in emojis being presented in their ASCII format, causing a display issue if Twitter style or EmojiOne style emojis were being used.
  10. FYI: still looking in to ways of handling this. Unlike the video tag, the audio tag doesn't have a 'height' attribute. It does have a 'width' attribute so I can make the audio player wider....just not higher. Will figure something out (maybe switch the audio tag for an embed tag instead)
  11. Then you best provide a link so that i can take a look then...can't help with the basic comment you have provided.
  12. Pending approval: IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This plugin was created to extend functionality provided by @newbie LAC's existing (NB40) Separate Pinned Topics plugin and therefore requires that you have already purchased and use that plugin. Do not purchase this plugin if you are not already using the above plugin. What does this plugin do? Using jQuery, provides functionality for the 'Pinned Topics' section to be automatically collapsed when a forum's index page is loaded. Admin has the ability to ensure that 'Featured' and 'Unread' pinned topics are always displayed. control the speed at which the expand/collapse effect takes place (slow or fast) User can click on the 'Pinned Topics' header to expand/collapse the listing of topics. Note: This plugin has been developed with the IPS default theme in mind, and has not been tested on any other themes. If you are using a theme which has made changes to the html upon which this plugin acts, and it fails to work as a result, then please post in the Support Topic and provide a link to your site for review.
  13. What's new in v1.2.0 plugin setting added to apply additional control over the native IPS embedded video functionality. plugin setting added to re-apply the 'Download attachments' permission to native IPS embedded videos. see IPS 4.3 video bypasses download permissions for attachments for further details. What's fixed in v1.2.0 fixed a DOM parsing issue that resulted in emojis being presented in their ASCII format, causing a display issue if Twitter style or EmojiOne style emojis were being used.
  14. What's fixed in 2.2.3 further enhancement to previous fix: fixed a DOM parsing issue that resulted in emojis being presented in their ASCII format, causing a display issue if Twitter style or EmojiOne style emojis were being used. What's new in 2.2.2 emojis can now be hidden using the modified 'Also hide emoticons' setting on the Images tab (now titled 'Also hide emoticons/emojis')
  15. @Rolle Are you self-hosted? If so, would it be possible to get FTP access to your installations plugin\nehtml5audiovideoplayer folder? I'd like to test out the fix for this issue to confirm it works (all good here, just want to be 100% sure) before I release the next update. If it is possible, then send me over the ftp details and I'll login and put the fix in place manually.
  16. Found the issue, will hopefully have a fix out with other IPS 4.3 compatibility in a few days time.
  17. Just grabbed a few minutes to test this out, and I'm not seeing any obvious errors related to emoji when this plugin is enabled....no broken images like you display in the provided link above. Scratch that - just spotted a possible problem.
  18. What's fixed in v1.0.1 fixed issue with select boxes not displaying correct choices options after a save. What's new in v1.0.1 added option to allow control over whether a user group can automatically embed internal IPS links (note: if you have disabled the 'Automatically embed links' setting either globally or via my (NE) Per-group 'Posting' settings plugin then this new setting is irrelevant and will have no effect)
  19. Did you put the provided htaccess file in place as described? Your config might be conflicting with something that is native to the software, so it would be a good idea to revert your own config and use the IPS functionality 'as is'
  20. Thanks - next time it happens, don't perform the workaround you are performing please. Please note what actions you have taken prior to the issue being observed and send those details to me along with your site details and login credentials to your ACP, so that I can take a closer look. Your issue is not reproducible at all here.
  21. OK - 'crash' = not a good choice of words. To clarify - everything works fine for a short while, then the topic stops displaying the dice?
  22. Already tested and worked fine last time. Will take a look when I've got some time.
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