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The Old Man

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Everything posted by The Old Man

  1. I was getting a lot of these with previous releases but now also with 4.5.4: [22-Oct-2020 22:00:34 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Unparenthesized `a ? b : c ? d : e` is deprecated. Use either `(a ? b : c) ? d : e` or `a ? b : (c ? d : e)` in /home/username/public_html/ forumname/applications/calendar/widgets/upcomingEvents.php on line 153
  2. Just tried updating to 4.5.4 and the upgrader is stuck at Step 4 again. Blasted thing.
  3. Hello @HeadStand Any decisions on the future of this handy plugin? Many thanks!
  4. Thanks for this. Just had a final notice email too!
  5. Please can you add, fix or restore the autosaving capability within the editor in 4.5? I'm sure we used to have this. I just spent an hour editing and creating new content inside a custom Pages block within the AdminCP and when I clicked Save and Reload it asked me to log in, then my new content was gone, back to the old content. Aaargh!
  6. Great, thanks @bfarber So aside from PHP SDKs, if I just wanted to use some 3rd party JS and CSS files within a plugin or app, they go inside plugins/myplugin/dev/js or css? Thank you.
  7. Thank you both, really appreciate the responses. Sure, I'm looking to communicate with Cloudflare, AWS REST API, and a couple of other 3rd party services to utilise data in widgets etc. They usually give examples as Curl commands, but I wasn't sure how best to intergrate into IPS. https://api.cloudflare.com/#getting-started-endpoints
  8. Hello, Does IPS suite have any preferred built-in classes and methods to allow plugins and apps to communicate with third party service REST API endpoints? Thank you.
  9. Hello, Please can you confirm from a newbie perspective whether it is possible to use a 3rd party PHP SDK such as Amazon SDK within a Marketplace acceptable plug-in? If so, if you have multiple plugins or apps that use it, does it get stored in one 'shared place' to avoid unnecessary duplicates? Or would namespacing it be advisable. What would be the preferred best practice? Many thanks.
  10. Hi, There is still no setting provided for this, but luckily Makoto's excellent plugin has options to reduce the places Gallery Lightbox is used. It is a huge improvement, the Lightbox is used more appropriately and it can improve the display of images too.
  11. From within a plugin, I want to establish the status of a file storage setting. Is it possible to check what or if a Storage Setting Configuration is set to either local or remote S3 storage for a specific file category (say custom emoji, reactions, or theme resources etc)? If so how can I do this? Many thanks.
  12. Hi @HeadStand Just wondering if there's any plans to update this one for 4.5? It seems to work okay, an email test comes through okay after enabling the 4.4 version after upgrading to 4.5. For info, I do get a 500 server error every time if I click on the Marketplace link next to it in the Apps list, and it creates an error log entry saying it's not compatible: 3C409/G This file is not compatible with the version of Invision Community you are using. I fixed that quickly by noting not to click on it again! 😋 Many thanks.
  13. Thanks Paul, yes I've done it (same situation) into Wordpress before, but not IPS. There's also about 130 non-news articles, but similarly structure tables.
  14. I realise the converter works with full forums and CMS's like Wordpress, but I was wondering if anyone has used it or has a suggestion (RSS import, manual copy/paste or MySQL table import, manual front-end recreation) for an old-school situation where a website has a simple news article MySQL table and HTML articles were inserted/pasted directly via phpMyAdmin, pulled from a mysql table into the pages of the front end website, used in RSS feeds etc. This is the actual InnoDB table used for news articles, it has about 450 rows: Many thanks.
  15. Yes that occurred to me after posting, but it's not 100% required. It think it should be restricted to the majority of Commerce related pages.
  16. Thanks @bfarber , no need to apologise! Could we have an option to limit it to Commerce pages only?
  17. Actually I think, with hindsight, they're probably talking about site-wide in relation to dedicated e-commerce sites like Fatface, etc.
  18. Yeah, a little bit more here, I think it's a recommendation not a strict mandatory requirement: https://stripe.com/docs/radar/checklist#include-stripe-js Browsing my boring webpages or members discussing what ice cream or TV series they prefer, isn't going to identify anyone as a fraudster, poor taste perhaps. Commerce transactions, baskets, checkouts, absolutely, but not site wide, every day pages.
  19. I've raised this before as well, I like Stripe, but this 'requirement' is ridiculously OTT and potentially a privacy/tracking issue. This issue need pressing with them, honestly. It's creepy and unnecessary. In fact the rest of my website (non-IPS content/my own web pages) doesn't include these files ever throughout (1000's of pages), and they have never complained about it or stopped a client from paying via Stripe.
  20. Lol! Absolutely, there's a 5th way to refer to a piece of content!
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