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Real Mythotical

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  1. Maybe someone with experience in SEO can help. I'll ask a friend from another site to check out this thread and maybe he'll be able to help.
  2. Did you ever get this request fulfilled?
  3. That's ok, I'm a patient man. Good things always come to those who wait.
  4. I'm excited for 4.6 now, you guys are doing great. From the screenshots I take it we can make our own rules but are we limited to specifics in the dropdown or can developers expand on it further? To answer you about the Q&A and webinars, the best time is around 3 PM CST for me. If I have to catch it earlier no biggie.
  5. I'm actually working on converting my XenForo addon AgeGate to IP.Board. I should have it ready in a week or so.
  6. I will look into updating this to the latest IP.Board release. Since I can't access my other account, I've lost track of what addons I need to update.
  7. Just like with this thread, I don't want to click Like but I want to click Agree because that is what I am doing, agreeing.
  8. The law is mainly targeting sites such as Twitch, DLive, Facebook Gaming, etc. The streaming services where people stream copyrighted content such as video games. Game publishers don't mind but they suggest muting the sound to avoid any copyright issues regarding the music from the games as some music in games is copyright a music company that could come after you for criminal charges for copyright infringement. This is more of a scare tactic against big time streamers and I see this law getting revoked once Biden is in office. I'm a streamer myself and this doesn't scare me as I always have copyright free music playing in my background instead of game sounds. Copyright free music is provided by a YouTuber that saw this coming and decided to provide streamers with free music to use on their stream copyright free.
  9. Geez, I just realized how I never updated this to 4.x after saying I would. Think right after I said that my family and I became homeless so I had no computer to work on and was using money to pay for hotel rooms when we could. We finally were able to buy our own place so now I'm settled, back with IPS, and going to look at updating this to 4.5.
  10. Thought this was the best topic to post this in, I have been developing apps and using fontawesome icons is impossible as of now due to the depreciation of "fa fa-<icon>" it is now "fas fa-<icon>" so anytime we try to use an icon it doesn't load anything, the box appears if you leave it just "fa" but no icon, if you use "fas" the area reserved for the icon goes away. I'm not sure but I think now is the best time to update to the latest FontAwesome 5 at least.
  11. Sorry all but until I can afford to renew my license I can't work on updates. I'm aiming to renew license beginning of the month but can't promise anything.
  12. Found a few issues that I intend to fix and release v2.0.2 which will be nothing more than a fix version.
  13. Update: v2.0.1 has been released that includes the following: Added override link CSS settingsAdded forum access for site wideAdded table sortingAdded colspanColspan was initially released but did not work properly, now works properly with sorting. Looking for suggestions for v2.0.2 otherwise I will continue to release fixes for new version of IPS applications.
  14. Update: Ok sorting of table is working fine. Changing some things so color is universal no matter the color for the sort link that takes place.
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