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Everything posted by Sonya*

  1. @Daddy, do you mean your own site or referral for invisioncommunity.com?
  2. Sonya*

    Translit URL

    Literally, yes. Is it even possible to create transliteration from Chinese? https://qr.ae/pGdevB
  3. Sonya*

    Translit URL

    This is not my plugin. I suppose the screenshot you've posted is from this plugin
  4. You should not allow guests to submit any content. Use instead "Post before register" feature:
  5. There is a way to Upload New Version, even if the "new" version is the same as installed. I guess @Emediate means this. And no. There is no way to do it, if you do not have .tar files (for apps) or .xml files (for plugins). Even if you would have them, you have to change your apps and plugins to Custom (not Marketplace). Uninstalling would indeed wipe out all the data previously saved in your system by app or plugin. The correct way would be to troubleshoot the system to figure out what plugins or apps screw up your installation.
  6. Just to mention, if you are on latest beta, no custom block templates are loaded at the moment:
  7. Line 1182: // If this is a 'too large' error, we won't if( err.code == -600 || err.code == -601 ){ errorCounts[ ( err.code == -600 ) ? 'size' : 'ext' ]++; return; } Uncaught ReferenceError: errorCounts is not defined at plupload.Uploader.error (ips.ui.uploader.js?v=0377a8ff2e1646391066:1184:6) at plupload.Uploader.dispatchEvent (plupload.dev.js?v=0377a8ff2e1646391066:2205:21) at plupload.Uploader.trigger (moxie.js?v=0377a8ff2e1646391066:2240:30) at plupload.Uploader.<anonymous> (plupload.dev.js?v=0377a8ff2e1646391066:764:8) at Array.<anonymous> (plupload.dev.js?v=0377a8ff2e1646391066:2036:26) at callNext (moxie.js?v=0377a8ff2e1646391066:374:13) at moxie.js?v=0377a8ff2e1646391066:376:31 at plupload.dev.js?v=0377a8ff2e1646391066:2037:9 at plupload.Uploader.<anonymous> (plupload.dev.js?v=0377a8ff2e1646391066:759:2) at Array.<anonymous> (plupload.dev.js?v=0377a8ff2e1646391066:2036:26)
  8. This is how friendly URLs work in the entire suite by default. It is outside the scope of this app. However, you can use my free plugin to change this behavior in the entire suite. This will work for every URL in your community: forums, blogs, galleries, products and also databases created with Pages.
  9. @OptimusBain, I think there is a way. Create a group "Customers" that will be used only as secondary group. Let the new registered members be in Members group. If a member purchases something, you move him in another group to grant benefits, let say VIP. Add a secondary group Customers while purchasing, it can be made automatically. If a purchase expires or is cancelled, return them to Members. BUT let their secondary group Customers persist after expire or cancel. That way you can distinguish: Members - never purchased something Members with secondary Group Customers (there was a purchase in the past) See the product setup below:
  10. Probably, you can use Group Promotion. E.g. move all users who joined less than 1 day ago, and are in the Groups Members into another group.
  11. Sure, https://invisionify.com/fxpages/features/category-images/
  12. I can confirm this happening to all custom blocks on localhost and a fresh upgraded test site.
  13. First and second level only. If you have a deeper structure, give fxpages_courses_menu a try instead. Yes, you can apply it to docs as well. This menu displays only current category and subcategories. Plus the back link to the parent. This is infinite this way and is a better way to navigate for deep structures.
  14. This has been fixed in FX Pages 2.2.0. Currently waits for approval.............
  15. In ips.ui.infiniteScroll.js you have this method: _getPageURL = function (pageNo) { return elem.attr('data-ipsInfScroll-url') + '&' + options.pageParam + '=' + parseInt( pageNo ); }, This does not respect friendly URL. The UI widget attempts to load: https://example.com/articles/&page=2 (Error 404) It should be: https://example.com/articles/page/2/
  16. No. I have SOME active licenses. One month later:
  17. Not out of the box. I am coding custom IPS integration (like SendGrid) at the moment. When it's mature for Marketplace, then there will be a release.
  18. I have a custom field, where I set Truncate in listing: When I use the field in the Pages template, the truncate is not respected: {$record->customFieldDisplayByKey('my_field', 'listing')|raw} If I change Listing View Format then it is considered. Only truncate is ignored.
  19. Theme variables like {fontsize="medium"} {theme="headline_font"} ... are not supported in Pages CSS. Is it an oversight or just not supported?
  20. I was very disappointed about the number of actions in Zapier for SendGrid: exactly one! To compare, Mailchimp has 21(!) actions and triggers.
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