Reputation Activity
teraßyte got a reaction from ชัยวัฒน์ จันทร์ทักษ์ in Downloads updates, GraphQL and more
Template output plugins require double quotes. Try this:
teraßyte got a reaction from SeNioR- in Downloads updates, GraphQL and more
Template output plugins require double quotes. Try this:
teraßyte got a reaction from The Old Man in Downloads updates, GraphQL and more
Template output plugins require double quotes. Try this:
teraßyte reacted to Randy Calvert in What's New in Gallery?
One of these things is not like the other. 😄
teraßyte reacted to Adriano Faria in New Live Community Features!
EDIT: @AlexWebsites has already made same suggestion.
teraßyte reacted to AlexWebsites in New Live Community Features!
Why don't you use a pre-fix with the title like: [Cloud Only] New Live Community Features!
Save all us self-hosters some time in our day...
teraßyte reacted to Randy Calvert in Spark more real time engagement with the Trending Content feature
Considering they just removed all of the code for the native app that was being built... I would assume that would be:
teraßyte reacted to Maxxius in 4.5: Notification Improvements
My 2 cents.
Make a notification when a members' post is chosen as a best answer or gets an upvote.
When a member wins a 1-3 place on leaderboard.
teraßyte reacted to Martin A. in 4.5: Security Enhancements
Will this allow the member to use the same password as they had before? Kind of defeats the purpose if they can.
teraßyte reacted to TSP in GDPR updates for Invision Community 4.3.3
@Matt On deletion of members:
Could there be an option to define the name to attribute to on that page directly? So we could input for example "Member 3312" (where 3312 would be their memberId). This will keep the discussion still somewhat reader friendly, so it would still be possible to differentiate different accounts as having written in the discussion, for readers reading old content.
Alternatively let the Anonymize attribution do a md5 hash on the (memberId+some community specific value that is unlikely to be changed) and grab the first 8 letters or something.
teraßyte got a reaction from Martin A. in New: Copy Topic to Database
Isn't this the old "Promote to article" feature? I guess the change is that now you can choose any database and not just articles (and copy all posts). But yeah, being able to use it for other application would be a much better improvement. I guess it could be supported using a new application extension.