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Posts posted by HeadStand

  1. A new version has been uploaded to the Marketplace. Changes include:

    • Minor cosmetic updates to conform with version 4.2
    • Added confirmation when deleting questions
    • Editor content did not clear properly. Fixed.
    • Multi-line questions were truncated instead of wrapping. Fixed.
    • Questions are now searchable
    • Questions are now embeddable
  2. On 9/30/2017 at 4:53 PM, Sonya* said:

    Hi @HeadStand, I have some questions: 

    • I have over 230 000 registered users. Do you have any experience whether your application can handle such a large amount of mails?
    • How long does it take to send over 230 000 mails out?
    • Can I define smaller packages or will it try to send all 230 000 mails at once?
    • Does it handle bounces, so that I can mark "dead" mails and exclude such members from the Newsletter?
    • Can members unsubscribe without login to the site or must they be logged to unsubscribe?

    Thank you.


    1. It definitely can. I have customers that are sending out to nearly 1 million members.

    2. It's dependent on which email provider you're using (standard/SparkPost/SendGrid). Email will be sent at the same rate as IPS bulk mails, it uses the same code.

    3. It will never send to all members at once. Again, it uses the IPS bulk mail code, so emails will be sent from the newsletter the same way that IPS sends them.

    4. Not at this time.

    5. Yes, they should be able to unsubscribe without logging in.

    On 9/22/2017 at 2:23 AM, Adam_S said:

    Hi @HeadStand

    I've created a newsletter to email out upcoming events over the next week from a specific calendar, however the newsletter itself isn't sorting the events by date, even though i've selected Recently Updated with a cutoff of 7 days.  How can I have it only send out the events over the next 7 days?

    I've also noticed that the Newsletter is showing events that have passed in the calendar too.  Is there a way to only show future events?


    Just letting you know that I did see this post and your PM. I've been working on and off the last couple of weeks (and the next 2 weeks) due to the Jewish holidays, so I haven't had time to get to it. I WILL get to it, though.

  3. On 9/8/2017 at 9:49 AM, User2016 said:

    You can apply to the topic list?

    Or only into topic

    Only the topic. I had intended to implement this for the topic list, but some of the more recent changes to IPS has made my original approach impossible. I have not yet been able to find a good solution for that.

  4. A new version has been uploaded to the Marketplace. Changes include:

    • Updated and tested for 4.2 Compatibility
    • Ability to place template content at the top of the item page, under the title. (Example: when viewing a topic, the content would be shown directly under the topic title, before any posts)
    • Ability to place template content anywhere on the page. (Note: this feature will require theme edits.)
    • HTML Editor fields were not displayed correctly. Fixed.
  5. 7 hours ago, Wonko12 said:


    I have installed and sent out the first weekly newsletter and have had a request to unsubscribe via email as the unsubscribe link is not working, running on 4.2.

    I'll look into it. No ETA as of yet. 

    I'll try to fix the unsubscribe link this week. What specific error are you getting? 

  6. On 7/18/2017 at 3:38 AM, sound said:


    any word on this ?

    i want to change the delivery time of a newsletter

    this error is preventing this



    the stack trace you printed is telling me that you're not running the latest code. The line numbers in the trace don't match the actual structure. Can you please try downloading and installing the latest?

  7. On 7/19/2017 at 5:45 PM, NoGi said:

    @HeadStand On I've started to see this error:

    Template store key: template_1_2fb293ac9742a1ebdf0f083ddddd13eb_content missing (newsletters, global, content)


    #0 /var/www/html/forum/system/Theme/Theme.php(756): IPS\_Log::log('Template store ...', 'template_store_...')
    #1 /var/www/html/forum/applications/newsletters/extensions/newsletters/NewsletterContent/Core.php(246): IPS\_Theme->getTemplate('content', 'newsletters', 'global')
    #2 /var/www/html/forum/applications/newsletters/sources/Newsletter/Content.php(262): IPS\newsletters\extensions\newsletters\NewsletterContent\_Core->htmlTemplate()
    #3 /var/www/html/forum/applications/newsletters/sources/Newsletter/Newsletter.php(491): IPS\newsletters\Newsletter\_Content->build('html', Array)
    #4 /var/www/html/forum/applications/newsletters/sources/Newsletter/Newsletter.php(566): IPS\newsletters\_Newsletter->buildContent('html', Array)
    #5 /var/www/html/forum/applications/newsletters/tasks/PublishNewsletters.php(65): IPS\newsletters\_Newsletter->publish()
    #6 /var/www/html/forum/system/Task/Task.php(249): IPS\newsletters\tasks\_PublishNewsletters->execute()
    #7 /var/www/html/forum/system/Task/Task.php(218): IPS\_Task->run()
    #8 /var/www/html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php(306): IPS\_Task->runAndLog()
    #9 [internal function]: IPS\Dispatcher\_Standard->__destruct()
    #10 {main}

    Is this a theme error? If so, how do I work out which theme?

    That's odd. It looks like it can't find the template at all. It should be under newsletters -> global -> content... do you have anything there?

  8. On 7/5/2017 at 8:11 PM, TheSkyLounge.tv said:

    Any thoughts on why I'm getting "logged out" or being prompted to log back in when I try to edit the CONTENT of a newsletter?

    What version of IPS?

  9. On 6/21/2017 at 4:53 AM, sound said:


    when saving the newletter I get the below error logged

    EX0 Something went wrong. Please try again.


    TypeError: DateTime::__construct() expects parameter 2 to be DateTimeZone, string given (0)
    #0 /zzzzzzzzzz/system/Helpers/Form/Date.php(207): DateTime->__construct('2017-06-20 09:0...', 'UTC')


    my site is on uk time, maybe something to do with that?


    You should have more details in your system logs. Do you? Also, what version of IPS are you running? 

    On 6/21/2017 at 5:13 PM, DieselMinded said:

    Does this work on 4.2 beta 6a ?


    I haven't tested it yet, but it should. 

  10. 30 minutes ago, Maniutek said:

    Hello! I can not create a new field, I have this error: 

    UPDATE `ibf_templates_fields` templates_fields  SET `field_pf_allow_attachments`=1,`field_key`='12121_12',`field_searchable`=0,`field_type`='Text',`field_content`='[]',`field_multiple`=false,`field_not_null`=true,`field_max_input`=0,`field_input_format`='' WHERE field_id=68 
    IPS\Db\Exception: Unknown column 'field_pf_allow_attachments' in 'field list' (1054)
    #0 /xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx/public_html/system/Db/Db.php(990): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('/*IPS\\Node\\_Mod...', Array)
    #1 /xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx/public_html/system/Patterns/ActiveRecord.php(492): IPS\_Db->update('`ibf_templates_...', '`field_pf_allow...', 'WHERE field_id=...')
    #2 /xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx/public_html/system/Node/Model.php(2183): IPS\Patterns\_ActiveRecord->save()
    #3 [internal function]: IPS\Node\_Model->save()
    #4 /xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx/public_html/init.php(447) : eval()'d code(217): call_user_func_array('parent::save', Array)
    #5 /xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx/public_html/system/Node/Model.php(2955): IPS\Node\advancedtagsprefixes_hook_nodeModel->save()
    #6 [internal function]: IPS\Node\_Model->saveForm(Array)
    #7 /xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx/public_html/init.php(447) : eval()'d code(145): call_user_func_array('parent::saveFor...', Array)
    #8 /xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx/public_html/system/Node/Controller.php(391): IPS\Node\advancedtagsprefixes_hook_nodeModel->saveForm(Array)
    #9 /xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\Node\_Controller->form()
    #10 /xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx/public_html/system/Node/Controller.php(62): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #11 /xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx/public_html/applications/templates/modules/admin/templates/fields.php(30): IPS\Node\_Controller->execute()
    #12 /xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(142): IPS\templates\modules\admin\templates\_fields->execute()
    #13 /xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx/public_html/admincsone/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #14 {main}

    What version of IPS are you running?

  11. On 6/19/2017 at 11:35 AM, sound said:

    ok, thanks for the reply

    looking deeper

    it seems to be the 'Scheduled Start Date' causing the problem when saving settings

    any pointers?



    That's a standard IPS date and time field.


  12. 2 hours ago, Kevin Carwile said:

    I think traits are a bigger negative to the platform than a positive. Having to switch from a decorator design pattern to an observer design pattern is a step backwards.

    I don't know if I agree with that. I would like to see certain things de-coupled, like search and tags, for example. I'm not crazy about having to implement content items AND nodes just to get those things to work. 

  13. On 6/4/2017 at 7:08 PM, CodingJungle said:

    i think the right question would be, what can be done to satiate both requirements? i would like to use some of these things that traits would allow me too without using an item's class, and allow you to abstract to the metal. 

    What if the event trigger method is on the item (or comment)? So IPS\Content\Item would have the initial onReactionGiven method. That would allow you to hook into the base level AND have access to protected properties. 

    Or am I missing something completely?

  14. On 6/14/2017 at 2:46 AM, sound said:

    when adding dates such as  to the 'Topic Title Format' field am getting

    TypeError: DateTime::__construct() expects parameter 2 to be DateTimeZone, string given (0)

    can you give us a quick example of the format needed here


    Topic Title Format

    The date format that will be used in the topic title.
    Must be a valid format as used by PHP's strftime.  

    The topic title format is not a date field, it's plain text. I can't see how you can possibly get that particular error on that field. Can you please tell me which field is generating the error?

    On 5/31/2017 at 5:24 PM, gavpedz said:

    Will this work on ips 4.2

    I haven't tested it (yet), but it should work. I don't know of any code changes that would affect this app.

  15. 3 hours ago, Unlucky said:


    Is this still being maintained? Interested in purchasing but see above support request back in march does not appear to be answered?


    Yes, it is. I totally missed the previous post! :( 

    I'm going to be re-working this app and updating it for 4.2, likely in the next couple of weeks.

  16. 6 hours ago, NoGi said:

    Yes it updated to the last one sent. Didn't notice anything in the system logs other than this:

    #0 /var/www/html/forum/applications/newsletters/sources/Issue/Issue.php(257): IPS\_Log::log('Distributed SKF...', 'newsletters')
    #1 /var/www/html/forum/applications/newsletters/extensions/core/Queue/DistributeNewsletters.php(81): IPS\newsletters\_Issue->distribute(0)
    #2 /var/www/html/forum/system/Task/Task.php(48): IPS\newsletters\extensions\core\Queue\_DistributeNewsletters->run(Array, 0)
    #3 /var/www/html/forum/applications/core/tasks/queue.php(44): IPS\_Task::runQueue()
    #4 [internal function]: IPS\core\tasks\_queue->IPS\core\tasks\{closure}()
    #5 /var/www/html/forum/system/Task/Task.php(346): call_user_func(Object(Closure))
    #6 /var/www/html/forum/applications/core/tasks/queue.php(56): IPS\_Task->runUntilTimeout(Object(Closure))
    #7 /var/www/html/forum/system/Task/Task.php(249): IPS\core\tasks\_queue->execute()
    #8 /var/www/html/forum/system/Task/Task.php(218): IPS\_Task->run()
    #9 /var/www/html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php(306): IPS\_Task->runAndLog()
    #10 [internal function]: IPS\Dispatcher\_Standard->__destruct()
    #11 {main}


    That's normal output.

    I'm trying to figure out if maybe something got stuck before the next distribution had a chance to update. Do you post the newsletter to a topic?

  17. On 5/12/2017 at 5:43 PM, NoGi said:

    My newsletter just got sent 3 times under 4.19.3, anyone else have this issue?

    Was the "next distribution time" updated after distribution? Was there anything in your system logs? 

  18. On 5/5/2017 at 3:13 PM, Monstris said:

    does this have all functionality of the pages module? when it comes to custom fields? and will you update for 4.2 ?

    Can you please clarify what specific functionality you are looking for? I'm not sure what you're looking for when you say "all functionality of the pages module". These are 2 very different things. If you ask me something specific, I'll be happy to answer.

    On 5/6/2017 at 3:47 PM, Monstris said:


    Is there a way to add custom field in the thread index view? 

    I'm using topic thumbnails in gallery mode for the thread index view. FYI

    sorry if already asked or if the info is already somewhere



    What is "topic thumbnails in gallery mode"? Is that a 3rd party mod or is that a setting?


    On 3/22/2017 at 3:10 PM, B507 Admin said:

    I have a series of form fields that use the Editor feature, and unfortunately, when you go to view it all of the styled text pastes as html. I have attached a picture of it below. Any idea how to fix this without bringing about security concerns?


    You can fix this by adding "|raw" to the field value in the template. For example {$fieldValue|raw}

    I'll mark this as a bug though, as the app should definitely be handling this on its own.

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