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  1. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to opentype in DKIM for PHP mails?   
    PHP mails have been a good default with acceptable delivery for many years. But now the major email services all check for SPF/DKIM/DMARC and reject mails without proper DKIM headers, which I can set up for my domain and mailboxes, but not for PHP mails sent from Invision Community. Any chance this could be added?
  2. Haha
    Maxxius reacted to Matt in Invision Community v5: An update, and next steps   
    Little update: bugs are being squashed slightly faster than they are being reported, which is a good sign.
    We've got two blogs queued up, one for tomorrow and one for next week. I've just seen the video Ehren has put together and it's his best yet. It's fitting that he opened the v5 video blogs, and has created the last. That should be out next week. We will have a bunch of other blogs after, but this is the last major feature reveal.

    As for alpha testing v5, don't worry because...

    (After we've got things a little more stable or the bug report forum will be like Harry Potter's living room but instead of trying to stop Harry opening an invitation to Hogwarts, I'll be trying to stop our devs from having a breakdown).
  3. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to Omri Amos in sign-in with Google - can we add "Google One Tap"?   
    Is there a way to add "Google One Tap", which is the sign-in with google popup that shows up automatically on page load?
    You can find it on many sites, like Stackoverflow, Medium, Kayak, Linkedin, and other large websites.

    works even better on mobile:

    This is the code to call the pop:
    <script src="https://accounts.google.com/gsi/client" async defer></script> <script> function handleCredentialResponse(response) { // Handle the response from Google One Tap console.log("Encoded JWT ID token: " + response.credential); // Add your logic to handle the credential response } window.onload = function() { google.accounts.id.initialize({ client_id: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID', callback: handleCredentialResponse }); google.accounts.id.prompt(); // Display the One Tap prompt }; </script>  
    Is it possible to integrate this with Invision Community's sign up/in form?
    I already have the "signin with google" obviously, but I really want to trigger this popup when a gues comes to my website.
  4. Haha
    Maxxius reacted to Matt in Invision Community v5: An update, and next steps   
    How's your Thursday going?

  5. Like
    Maxxius reacted to Meris4x4 in Artificial Intelligence (AI, GPT, ...) + Invision Community ?   
    I envision this though I have no idea yet how to implement it but this is what I will go hard after one day - a news aggregator which takes RSS feeds of news articles, feeds it to AI which summarizes it and makes text easier to understand then feed the text to DeepL translator and translate it to my native language. That would take so much manual labor away from me. A customized DeepL translation dictionary of terms can be made over time to make accurate translations. You get a neat Pages' Article.
    Idea for IC5 @Matt;)
  6. Like
    Maxxius reacted to teraßyte in Pricing of Small Plugins in Invision Community vs. Xenforo and Woltlab   
    I used to have some very easy $5 modifications before. However, at some point, the minimum cost possible on the IPS Marketplace was set at $10 to cover fees, eventual chargebacks, payout fees, etc. That change increased the cost of all those small plugins that used to be $5.
    Selling it for $5 on my site and $10 in the old Marketplace would have made things unfair for those who used it.
    With every developer handling things on their own/separate sites, you might see smaller prices for minor v5 modifications. No idea if it will happen or not, it's just my thought. 🤷‍♂️
    EDIT: @opentype also made some fair points, though.
    The marketplace gave a lot more visibility to the available modifications. I still think IPS should have kept the Marketplace available, but make it redirect to the developers' sites (just like Invisioneer does). The idea included adding a big red warning about not supporting anything in it. IPS didn't think it would be a good enough solution, though. They wanted to avoid any kind of possible misunderstanding and decided to remove it all.
  7. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to opentype in Pricing of Small Plugins in Invision Community vs. Xenforo and Woltlab   
    That’s not a useful question, because there is no general answer. Every potential customer needs to decide for themselves. And based on that calculation you either buy it or not — like with every single product decision in a supermarket, car dealership or whatever. Some communities make hundreds of dollars in ads every month. They don’t worry about investing $15 for a small improvement. 
    Just look at it from the developer’s perspective. A plugin takes X amount of hours to code, test and support in the future. Multiply that with an hourly rate and you have the amount of money the developer wants to get back in earnings through the plugin price times the expected sales. Ending up with $15 for products that aren’t sold thousands of times isn’t surprising. It’s a bare minimum.  
    And here comes the really bad news. Those prices only worked with the Marketplace and its large audience. With Invision Community 5, we can expect these smaller plugins to either go away or get much more expensive, because of fewer sales and the calculation presented above. 
  8. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to Adriano Faria in Pricing of Small Plugins in Invision Community vs. Xenforo and Woltlab   
    It really depends on what you want for you community. You can have a free UNSUPPORTED plugin or pay $10 for a support.
    Even better: you don’t need to pay anything. Just learn how to do your plugins: 
  9. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to beats23 in Can we get folder option for stock replies feature in IPS v5?   
    The stock reply feature in IPS v4 is one of the best features introduced. As a one-man band, having to respond to customer support daily via private messages, I get asked the same questions by different customers all the time. If two or more customers ask me the same question, I create a detailed response and save it to stock replies. This has saved me a lot of time having to type responses manually. The stock replies also make it very self-satisfying, knowing I can send a detailed support response 24-7, no matter where I am located.  I could be out and about or even wake up at night to check my phone and reply to support instantly. My stock reply list is now very long, and I would like to be able to organize it more by having folders for different subjects, which would make it faster to select the reply I want. If IPS has some free time, can you look into evolving the stock replies feature to include more options?
  10. Haha
    Maxxius reacted to Esther E. in Invision Community 5: Tagging Reinvented   
    Dude, it's already done.
    (No, it's not, but if I say it's done then I just make myself more awesome.)
  11. Like
    Maxxius reacted to Adriano Faria in Invision Community 5: Tagging Reinvented   
    I would add the ability to set my own order of tags (in the content item) if I don't want to order them alphabetically. I was also hoping for multiple prefixes, colors, etc.
  12. Like
    Maxxius reacted to Joel R in Invision Community 5: Tagging Reinvented   
    Some thoughts: 
    - This really is a bold vision. This isn't some copycat, incremental change to a feature.  This is a vision statement by IPS to challenge us, as community admins: What are your core competencies and major topics of discussios, how are you identifying them, how are you organizing them, how are you presenting them, how are you leveraging the suite of apps around those competencies? 
    This is interesting in the sense that there's yet another new way of presenting content.  There's Our Pages for featured content, there's this new Tagging for tagged content, there's Leaderboard for popular content, there's Activity Streams for recent content,  and there's the traditional navigation.  
    - This approach is very top down, which poses significant pros and cons. The beauty of the open tagging system was that, quite frankly, it required no administration on my end.  You want to mistype a tag? Go ahead.  You want to create a new tag? Go ahead.  As an admin, I now have the opportunity - and more candidly, the burden - to maintain, update, and cleanse a master list of tags. This brings up questions like: what is the threshold for when a topic is popular enough to deserve a tag? Who is going to maintain and update the tag among my staff (with ACP security access)? How am I going to publish and promulgate a new tag to inform users? Who is going to consistently monitor content to ensure content is tagged and tagged properly? How do I backtag content if I introduce a new tag? Should a tag's relevancy or usefulness ever go away, and what would I do then? None of these are necessarily new questions, but a closed end universal system sharpens all of these questions for the community admin.  
    - For existing sites, we will be particularly challenged in trying to adopt this new vision. We are not equipped to update our existing content at scale: tools to batch add tags to certain sections, remove tags, batch edit / rename / merge tags, etc. 
    My first impression is that vision seems impressive and amazing.  But it requires more upfront strategy, more upfront thought, and more ongoing work.  And this new system only works if the execution is there.  
  13. Like
    Maxxius reacted to All Astronauts in Invision Community 5: Tagging Reinvented   
    If anyone thought the alpha folks were keeping their lips shut about this I can state unequivocally we have not.
    IPS kept this way close to the vest and none of us in the preview even knew this was what the tags changes were going to be, we just knew that tags were going to "change". This is not in the alpha yet, nor was it even hinted at.
    I can state with some vague authority that this, treating tags as pseudo-content items to up discoverability and presentation of content has to be one of the best ideas I've seen in the CMS/Forums/Community space in years.
    If you were waiting for something to differentiate V5 from just being V4 re-engineered, this is it.
  14. Haha
    Maxxius reacted to Matt in Invision Community 5: Tagging Reinvented   
    Added a note on your account, thanks! 😂
  15. Thanks
    Maxxius reacted to Matt in Invision Community 5: Tagging Reinvented   
    Invision Community v5 takes a fresh approach to tagging and content discovery. It overhauls the concept to bring content across different sections together with a beautiful new tag page.
    Tagging is a powerful concept but underused with Invision Community 4 due to overly complex interfaces in different areas of the suite, a confusing open tagging model option and no real benefit in content discovery beyond a simple list of content items.
    A driving force behind Invision Community 5 is the question of how we can help time-pressured community members find the content that most interests them.
    Invision Community has robust taxonomy through forum and category structures, but what about content in less visible areas such as Blogs, galleries or Events? How can we bring those together to homogenise the type of content and focus on the content itself?
    Taxonomy via tagging across all applications in the community suite is the answer. However, we needed to re-approach how tagging was implemented in the Invision Community to bring our new vision to life.
    Out with the old
    The current tagging system is implemented loosely, allowing open tagging, which is more akin to hashtags than high-level taxonomy. Allowing forums, albums, and blog categories to define their own tags turns tagging into more of a status label, which does nothing to help bring disparate content together.
    In with the new
    With a new focus on taxonomy and content discovery, we set about rebuilding tagging for Invision Community 5. The UI to tag items is the same, but now each defined, globally available tag has its own page with cover image and ability to feature items within that tag page.
    A uniform approach to different content items in the UI breaks down the barrier between content types and focuses solely on the content.
    Tags featured on its page are automatically displayed on the community Featured Content page.
    Finally, tags can now be followed, allowing your community to get a daily or weekly digest of all new tagged items, bringing people back to read more of the content they love.
    Let’s take a closer look
    In Invision Community 5, all tags are defined in the Admin Control Panel. The ability to use open tagging and per-node tags has been removed, but don’t worry—the upgrade system will offer conversion for those tags.

    Once defined, the tags are available for all content types and feature on a dedicated new tag page. This page features cover photos and more information on the tag via a description.
    Content from across your suite will be displayed on this page. If a single piece of content has multiple tags, it will appear on every relevant tag page making it easy to have content in multiple areas.

    If you want to permanently or temporarily feature individual content, perhaps your latest news or product release, you can do so right from the tag page. Featured content will show on the community’s Featured Content Page.

    Blurring the lines
    Now that we have an attractive and focused page for each tag, we can start to blur the lines between applications and, indeed, forums and categories, offering a new way to organise content.
    For some communities, the need for multiple forums to categorise content is diminished, and instead, tagging can be used to separate and find content from across the community.
    Tags can be featured in the menu system, offering new ways into your community for new visitors, regular community members, and even those who visit daily.

    Invision Community 5 is fearless in challenging past decisions or streamlining features to make them stronger and more focused. Our new approach to tagging takes a vague and underutilised concept and pushes it front and centre in any content strategy.
    How will you use it in your community?

    View full blog entry
  16. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to Sonya* in Topic rating and sorting   
    Viewing is not enough. It all about sorting. Show me the best. Rating, charts and so on.
  17. Like
    Maxxius reacted to Sonya* in Topic rating and sorting   
    I have just started a voting system in one community that relies on star rating. However, the concept is indeed based on thumbs up / thumbs down. Everything in the middle is noise, you're right.
    Eager to see. 
    However, I do not want to “find” best content. I would like just to sort the content based on votes, rating, thumbs or whatever. 

    No algorithms for trending, useful and so on. Just up- and downvotes. 😉 Made manually by users.
    Would it be possible to re-create something like this in Pages only? I am on a vanilla trip right now and getting rid of 3rd party apps. 😉 
  18. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to opentype in Topic rating and sorting   
    From the entire suite or forums? While it does not work well for certain content types, I use it heavily for pretty much all my Pages databases across all my communities. Best fonts, best books, best microphones, best anything. For all the data we collect around our community topic. Tens of thousands of votes that can’t just be trashed. They would at least be converted into an alternative system. 
  19. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to Sonya* in Topic rating and sorting   
    As of now, the star rating can be enabled for certain forums. To get a “real rating” forum, two features are missed:
    show number of stars (total rating) in the topics list set Default sort order in Display settings of forum by rating (e.g., highest to lowest) Due to the deprecation of Q&A forums, where sorting by votes is possible, in IC5 we will lose any ability to sort topics by ratings or votes. Right?
  20. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to Sonya* in Deleting posts : how ?   
    Also, deleting a first post, means the whole topic is deleted. In this case, the user does not just delete his posts. He deletes the content of other members. I would stop to contribute on a platform, where other users(!) can delete my content.
  21. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to Sonya* in (BUG) Sitemap and Index option on the page   
    What items? 
    It is a bug, Jim. You are speaking of crawling efficiency all the time. In this case, you give search engines a suggestion to index something, that they should not index. It is not effective. It spends crawling quota for nothing. 😞
  22. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to 13. in Make all widgets movable instead of hardcoded positions   
    Hardcoded widgets are painful to move to desired positions.
    Please make them movable, just like other widgets.
    For example, the statistics in the topic (which eats a whole column in the topic view by default).
  23. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to opentype in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    I also use source mode all the time. Sometimes to inspect and clean up user posts, but like Sonya mostly for Pages articles. Custom classes, custom embeds …
  24. Agree
    Maxxius reacted to Kirill Gromov in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    For example, I add a class to an embedded YouTube video to center it. The embedded block does not respond to the centering buttons from editor.
  25. Haha
    Maxxius reacted to Matt in Invision Community 5: The all-new editor   
    Yes. Custom emojis are still available. But only for you, no one else. 

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