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  1.    Askancy reacted to a release: 5.0.3
  2. I confirm what @teraßyte said, by removing the underscore, the upgrade was successful. applications\core\setup\upg_107795\upgrade.php
  3. I am trying to update my community, and I am constantly getting the error: Class IPS\core\setup\upg_107795\Upgrade could not be loaded. Ensure it is in the correct namespace. #0 [internal function]: IPS\IPS::errorHandler(256, 'Class IPS\\core\\...', '/home/gorillaho...', 749) #1 /home/***/public_html/forum.***.it/init.php(749): trigger_error('Class IPS\\core\\...', 256) #2 [internal function]: IPS\IPS::autoloader('IPS\\core\\setup\\...') #3 /home/***/public_html/forum.***.it/applications/core/sources/Setup/Upgrade.php(629): class_exists('\\IPS\\core\\setup...') #4 /home/***/public_html/forum.***.it/applications/core/sources/Setup/Upgrade.php(369): IPS\core\Setup\Upgrade->step1(Array) #5 /home/***/public_html/forum.***.it/applications/core/modules/setup/upgrade/upgrade.php(60): IPS\core\Setup\Upgrade->process(Array) #6 /home/***/public_html/forum.***.it/system/Helpers/MultipleRedirect/MultipleRedirect.php(104): IPS\core\modules\setup\upgrade\upgrade->IPS\core\modules\setup\upgrade\{closure}(Array) #7 /home/***/public_html/forum.***.it/applications/core/modules/setup/upgrade/upgrade.php(45): IPS\Helpers\MultipleRedirect->__construct(Object(IPS\Http\Url), Object(Closure), Object(Closure)) #8 /home/***/public_html/forum.***.it/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(139): IPS\core\modules\setup\upgrade\upgrade->manage() #9 /home/***/public_html/forum.***.it/system/Dispatcher/Setup.php(261): IPS\Dispatcher\Controller->execute() #10 /home/***/public_html/forum.***.it/admin/upgrade/index.php(38): IPS\Dispatcher\Setup->run() #11 {main} /home/***/public_html/forum.***.it/init.php::749 Retry? ContinueThe only query it asked me to run manually: ALTER TABLE `xipb_core_api_logs` ADD( KEY `cleanup` (`response_code`,`date`) ); Server version: 8.0.41-0ubuntu0.24.04.1 - (Ubuntu) PHP: 8.2 What are the causes of the problem? How can I solve it?
  4. It would also be convenient for us users to have an xml export of the list... Product name License Purchased data Expired data Provider (if not available, developer name, the blank space now is a little scattered, it almost looks like deleted the developer)
  5. I completely agree with you. I think it would be nice to have in IPB v5 more freedom for customization in this kind of thing. The number of views of a piece of content (in public) may be useful in supportive discussions, but not in a community talking about frogs or TV series, I think it is more important the engagement value that discussion creates, example how "hot" appears when it is very active. As in my suggestion below, why would visitors and users care how many people clicked on that link? Maybe it would be nice to create an "appreciation" system to the topic, other than reactions, something like Steam did. Create a Gamification system, it would help entice a community to be more active and perhaps indicate there the number of "Rewards" given within that topic, which is different from badges, since here users assign them to each other, giving each other points and awards that they have counted in their "inventory," so there is no spam of randomly assigned rewards. In that case we have a true value in the list of topics: That discussion has had posts with lots of acknowledgements from the community inside, so it has good content inside.
  6. How it is ralized now for SEO reasons is perfect, you avoid 301 redirects and 404 errors. the slug of the page is commanded by the topic id. If you take this url as an example, the slug is: 475095-new-spam-prevention-features and the id: 475095 https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/475095-new-spam-prevention-features/ The same topic will be accessible from: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/475095-qw4124 https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/475095-nerqwrqw2154w-spam-prevention-features/ So if the url changes, it doesn't create indexing problems for you. AdminCP->System->Advanced Configuration->Friendly URLs, Isn't this what you are looking for?
  7. As per the title, on the Get Support page, if you have Redis configured, the "Fix This" button appears, even though there is nothing to fix.
  8. Beautiful tool, my forums are overrun with spam. Initially from Russia, now from Finland and Germany. But when a admin in our community reports a user as a spammer, does IPS Spam receive a report to learn new data? I would like to have a tool in Admin for mass management of users...
  9. There is this application by @Makoto:
  10. What did you use to develop the internal app? I wrote this post for someone trying to integrate Laravel and InvisionCommunity, you can easily replicate it. I have been using this integration on my Laravel and Invision portal for 3 years now, and have never found any instability issues.
  11. If I do not convert it, I give up IP.Board 5, if I do not renew the license for 24 months what happens, I lose it? How long do I have to convert my license to IP.Board 5?
  12. But if I have a forum license, why do you have to FORCE me to pay more (from 110 to 199 per year), giving me applications like Pages, Commerce and Blog which honestly are garbage since you can get better results using other software? In my project I use Forum and Gallery and honestly, Gallery is so poorly structured and neglected by your development that it is not worth buying. You should offer a light package, only forum. I also have another project, an Italian support forum, invisionita, which is 13 years old. With these prices, it is becoming unsustainable for me to continue maintaining the project, translating the platform into Italian and helping with guides, etc. I cannot afford to pay $199 for unofficial Italian support.
  13. It would be really nice to have strings like Laravel uses, i.e., @lang('application.string'). With IP.Board 5, please consider us translators as well, allow us a copyright string and a tool for differences at every update. Since you were rewriting the template, I think it would have been the right time to implement a change like that.
  14. What languages do you use for this application that led to the decision not to publish as well for self-hosts? I don't think it uses NodeJS or AWS stuff with your modules....
  15. I'm using the post Topics api, but I can't figure out how to attach an image to the discussion... function CreateTopic($forum,$title,$post,$author) { $url = 'https://forum.****.it/'; $apiKey = '*******'; $point = '/forums/topics'; $endpoint = $url. 'api'. $point. '?key='. $apiKey; $options = [ 'form_params' => [ 'forum' => $forum, 'title' => $title, 'post' => $post, 'author' => $author ] ]; $client = new Client(); $request = $client->post($endpoint, $options); return $request; } I can't find anything in the documentation to attach an image to the discussion...
  16. Simply because it is not the correct way to act. As you see I posted a suggestion, because this "function" is completely useless, especially seen by guests/users. I solved momentarily like this: {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id AND \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->isAdmin()}} {{if $forum->redirect_on}} &nbsp;&nbsp;<span class='ipsType_light ipsType_medium'>({lang="redirect_hits" pluralize="$forum->redirect_hits"})</span> {{endif}} {{endif}}