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Adriano Faria

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Everything posted by Adriano Faria

  1. I'm opening this in a client's behalf. They're getting Error code 2S100/2 when clicking in the link to use the contact form at the bottom of the email: URL: domain.com/contact/
  2. Probably coming from a 3rd-party resource called Path Alias or something.
  3. Hello Julien, This kind of issue was already brought to this topic a few times. To summarize: this resource retrieves data provided by the TMDB API, in the way the provide. There are countless examples, and a few in this topic ( @Davyc can confirm this ) that you see data in their site but this data isn’t retrieved via the API. Basically, their site doesn’t use their own API. Some links: - https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/457147-movies/?do=findComment&comment=2830874 - https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/457147-movies/?do=findComment&comment=2842183
  4. Thanks. I’ll take a look when I have to upgrade it again.
  5. Judging by the error, it is running the queries without select the proper content somehow. Nothing has changed in the content items. Nothing has changed in the widget “model” or in this widget specifically so I suggest you to simply edit it, choose the content again (probably topics), save and see if the error continues.
  6. It’s a bug fixed in the newest version released after you have installed the app. Just update to the newest version and you’re ok.
  7. Of course the host says. 🤣 It’s a server error message. It doesn’t come from the IPS4. It doesn’t come from my resource. It comes from the server. There’s nothing special in the movies category form; it is like any other out there. It’s the same from Games or Books, obviously with some particularities. Well, I can’t reproduce. I can edit my categories thousand times and I have nothing logged. If you have something solid and steps to reproduce, tell me about it.
  8. Which movie are you trying? Which error exactly ? Is the title field empty when press the button to save?
  9. I don't know; I never used Facebook on my board but if it uses the topic embed image, then probably yes.
  10. Hello, There's nothing to fix. That's how it was designed and that's how it is for more than 10 years and it wouldn't be fair with the other clients to change it now as I would certainly forcing them to change their set-up because of you. If you have FTP access and wants to change it in your install, download and open applications / tutorials / Application.php and find: if( !$groupData['tutorials_view'] OR ( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id AND !$memberData['allowed_access'] ) ) Change to: if( !\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->inGroup( array( 3, 4, 29, 44, 79 ) ) OR ( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id AND !$memberData['allowed_access'] ) ) 3, 4, 29, 44 and 79 are the groups IDs allowed to use the app. Change to the proper IDs in your board.
  11. -2 means it was soft deleted. It still exists and it’s available in ModeratorCP -> Deleted Content.
  12. Yep. It has to be compatible with latest only:
  13. Sorry, I posted email change; not password.
  14. Done. Works fine to me in a regular category (from the app) and in any type of club. Below is a submission to a club: I can via Google Drive. I don't have and never used OneDrive but it's just an upload field like any other. It should work. If you can in one and not in others then probably it is some extension/coded related; nothing at "script" level.
  15. Edit the member_group in conf_global.php: 'member_group' => 3, Change 3 by the id of the group you want. EDIT: Oh, forgot you're CiC. Not sure it's possible as you don't have FTP access. You better wait for someone from IPS to answer this one.
  16. Not able to reproduce this. I'm able to delete any content uploaded (image, video, etc). The error mentions CONVERT app. Is it installed?
  17. I understood what you said. No need to show screenshots. If you can access your database via PHPMyAdmin in your host, then take a look in the core_tags table. That's the table my app uses. There's also the core_tags_cache, which stores the tags/prefix used in the items. Both tables are tied to each other: core_tags.tag_aai_lookup = core_tags_cache.tag_cache_key. That's the query to get the counter: $rows = array(); foreach( \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'tag_text, count(tag_text) as cnt, SUM(tag_prefix) as prefixed, MAX(tag_added) as last', 'core_tags', array( 'tag_meta_app=?', \IPS\Request::i()->fromApp ), $order, null, 'tag_text' ) as $row ) { $rows[] = $row; } I don't use the cache anywhere, which means it is controlled by Core somehow. EDIT: your image also shows it is still in use. Provide an ACP account and URL and I'll take a look directly in your database.
  18. Hello, Yes, there is a tags cache table; it is used to avoid queries all the time in the tags table. My resource queries only the tags table; that means that indeed cache is still in use and may be updated eventually, probably in a background task.
  19. Definitely a bug. I'll try to take a look today later and will provide the PHP files to upload while you wait for the new version to be approved.
  20. It has to do with the Who Can Upload Private Files? setting. If I enable it like that: it will work. I added an image as a test (please remove it). This is a temporary "fix". I'll have to install it to see what's going on that.
  21. Not a requirement, exactly. It's recommended to test it on default theme; if it works then it may be a theme issue... but it doesn't seem to be the case. Please send a message with URL and admin account. Let me take a look there.
  22. Ok, upload the following file: / applications / ignoretopics / modules / admin / settings / settings.php
  23. Let me know if you have FTP access to your server to upload the PHP file fixed. I will update the marketplace submission.
  24. That's weird. No setting under Display tab is saving, regardless PHP version. Will fix and upload new version.
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