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Adriano Faria

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Everything posted by Adriano Faria

  1. Members will be moved when they login. It isn’t automatic.
  2. The new version is pending approval.
  3. Ok. I'm not asking anything. You are asking me to change the whole messenger CSS to fit something that won't fit there. So I said it's better you add in your own CSS: I'll add the suitcase there. That's all.
  4. Add whatever you want to your custom.css.
  5. Which font size? No, as I said I can add the suitcase. That's all.
  6. I don't think there is enough space for it: I can probably add the suitcase before the name.
  7. Example: /applications/core/data/versions.json This file will contain all versions from that app. The latest one is the version in use. All apps must have this file.
  8. I don’t think so. UCC returns only the total unread content and it is cached. To remove the ignored topics from there would have to get the items, not only the count, and then subtract the ignored… in the end, queries will have to be added in every single page. Not a good idea. Won’t do that.
  9. Nice, thanks. I just want to confirm with someone from IPS because this is related to a custom job and the user hopes people were moved right away. Thanks, @Randy Calvert 👍
  10. I created a rule. How this works? Are the members required to be online to the script run and move the user to the new group?
  11. That's not possible. The only thing IPS allows to set in clubs in this: They would need to add the category fields in that form to make it work like a regular category. A 5 minutes plugin can add these fields there: https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers/
  12. This is a pretty weird request, honestly. I can show a template edit and then you make it in your install. I won't do this in the app.
  13. Still not following. You want to click in a movie link, like on activity streams, and go to the topic instead of the movie itself? If that’ll what you mean, no. Would need to test to see if I can reproduce and fix.
  14. Hello, Not sure I follow. Click in the topic title to be redirected to the topic? 🤷🏻‍♂️ Can you elaborate?
  15. You can probably request to the dev to update it:
  16. I guess I just did. I will send a message for those who expressed some interest with a couple of special offers. So let me know if you have any interest on it. 👍
  17. Commerce is the difference here. You can charge for submission, sell stuff, manage renewals, etc. If all you want is to show some text (the ad) and some pictures, then Pages is perfect for you. Or even topics. I still didn’t make my mindy yet, I will probably develop it, but Commerce definitely will be required.
  18. This is related to PHP version. Search for Unparenthesized and you'll see tons of topics.
  19. I don't think so. That's how the clubs integration works unless I remove it at all from the app. Actually it was added only to make polls works: But I don't see much sense in this app to use Clubs. I'll release a new version to remove it.
  20. Just installed the marketplace version and I see no problem with it: - No message or app locked in Applications: - No error pointed by the PHP8 Compatibility Scanner: - No error in front end. Where did you usee that message?
  21. You need to enable poll in that specific forum.
  22. Not in my plans. I would probably charge for it as a custom script. I can build an own feedback feature.
  23. It is to me. I'm not interested AT ALL in continuing support for this. I will make a new one if I decide to work on it.
  24. I'll give this some thought. In the meantime, let me know if anyone else would come on board.
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