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Adriano Faria

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Release Notes v5

Invision Community 5 Bug Tracker





Everything posted by Adriano Faria

  1. That's what I said: this won't be used for anyone who uses Downloads as a marketplace. This will be useful for small sites, for tips.
  2. As every coin has two sides, you don't expect same support level when you pay $1 for a file from someone who paid $25, do you? This is a nice feature to have but it is something that won't work in the real world or in a marketplace like IPS, where support is required for paid resources. This is for non marketplace sites to tip people, without requiring support. Plus: obviously, this must be a file submitter option and should have a minimum amount to accept.
  3. Actually I don't have an area for Quizzes there but I'll upload the file for tests. Tks.
  4. PM sent.
  5. It's your name here as username there, and your email here as your password there. Try it.
  6. Something like featured files in Downloads index? Nice. I'll post the app tomorrow in the support board.
  7. I am. Let me know as soon as you can test it.
  8. Yeah, it seems something has changed; it shows that you rate X starts of 5 but when you reload the page, it doesn't save and shows as it has no rating. Anyway, there won't be a new version for 4.1.X. The new version for IPS 4.2, as you can see in 3 posts above yours, is ready and it will change the rating stuff to meet the community patterns. Ratings now will be given via Reviews, just like all other apps (Downloads, Gallery, etc).
  9. This is NOT fixed in 4.2.
  10. This is NOT fixed in 4.2 yet. I suggest you to create a bug report and bump that topic.
  11. Actually, it is like since when I started to support it at Raw's request.
  12. I think you are confused. Again, it had no changes regarding index. The index will display the MAIN awards. When you click in the award title, it goes to a page where lists all awards in the main award. It is ALWAYS like that. It's there on my screenshots above. It's the same for 4.1 and 4.2. In your last image, I can clearly see 2 awards in the COVER UPLOADS category. When you click on it, you'll see the two awards listed in the index and total members awarded. Click in number of members, you'll see the members in a popup. That's how is always worked.
  13. Empty how? I'm seeing your main awards there: Cover Uploads Label Uploads etc Just like mine: It is exactly like on IPS 4.1. Nothing has changed. 4.1:
  14. Just PMed you the file.
  15. I just bumped that topic.
  16. Daniel, is this fixed in 4.2?
  17. That's an okd bug in the core and happens with any app. See: Hope it's fixed in 4.2. I'll teste it tomorrow.
  18. Ok. I will share all apps in the support board.
  19. Oh ok, tks. I misunderstood.
  20. Classifieds isn't compatible with IPS 4.2. When IPS 4.2 (final) is released, I'll update the file on marketplace.
  21. Let me know if you want to test the IPS 4.2 version of this app. Active purchase required.
  22. Let me know if you want to test the IPS 4.2 version of this app. Active purchase required.
  23. Let me know if you want to test the IPS 4.2 version of this app. Active purchase required.
  24. Let me know if you want to test the IPS 4.2 version of this app. Active purchase required.
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