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Adriano Faria

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Everything posted by Adriano Faria

  1. Sorry if I misunderstood. Thought you were talking about add a new tab with a form in Edit Profile. If so, that's what I do in Classifieds: Hook in \IPS\core\modules\front\members\profile::buildEditForm(): /** * Build Edit Form * * @return \IPS\Helpers\Form */ protected function buildEditForm() { $form = call_user_func_array( 'parent::buildEditForm', func_get_args() ); $form->addTab( 'your_tab_title' ); $form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\YesNo... return $form; } /** * Save Member * * @param $form * @param array $values */ protected function _saveMember( $form, array $values ) { $member = parent::_saveMember( $form, $values ); $this->member->YOUR_COLUMN = $values['YOUR_FIELD']; $this->member->save(); return $member; }
  2. No. If you extend the class correctly, you can have hundreds of hooks in same class. Your plugin probably isn't returning the parent class, which will kill any ither plugin in same class.
  3. Are using version for 4.2 in 4.2 Beta version? Everyone else is using and testing the app.
  4. There's a version compatible with 4.2 in my support board, for both apps.
  5. Let me explain as you clearly don't understand how this app works. This is the POKES table. The only table for this app. In yellow, the total pokes a memberA (fromId) sent to memberB (toId). If they exchanged 200 pokes, you'd see 200 there. So if memberB decides to NOT poke anymore and DELETE the poke via app, memberA and memberB would have 200 pokes decreased from their stats. Now, please, recover it to me without a backup.
  6. I'm not sure you understood the issue. I FIXED the issue that was there since version 1.0.0! I didn't BROKE the plugin. But once the record was deleted, they're gone! Unless you have a backup (I mean, several...), you can hire someone.
  7. I don't know how to restore something that doesn't exists anymore.
  8. Works fine to me: The error is about a user without permission in the ACP: /* Permission Check */ if ( !\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( $this->module ) ) { \IPS\Output::i()->error( ( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id ? 'no_module_permission' : 'no_module_permission_guest' ), '2S100/2', 403, 'no_module_permission_admin' ); } Lang: 'no_module_permission_admin' => "The page you are trying to access is not available for your account. To configure who can access which areas of your site, go to Admin CP → System → Applications.",
  9. I'm not why you uninstalled the app. The query suggested by IPS via Support Tool was supposed to drop an INDEX, not a table! Next time, ask for support before uninstall.
  10. This screen has nothing to do with Classifieds. This is a plugin to manage validating members: Use the right topic to get support:
  11. No, it was deleted.
  12. Translation is a core feature. It doesn't of any 3rd-party app. Please, I don't support this app anymore. Simply post without mention my name and wait for @InvisionHQ reply.
  13. Edit the language bit in your ACP.
  14. Yes, if it doesn't appear in the Core feature that's why it doesn't "update" the online list cache or it's something in the widget. Working as intended.
  15. Hi there. Well, this app uses the core feature SIGN AS, the same from the member profile in ACP . Please, test it there (logging in as a member via ACP) and take a look if the user appears in the widget.
  16. It uses the default image for when an image isn't posted. Same is used in official apps, like Downloads. That's how it is: {{if $file->primary_screenshot}} {template="thumbImage" group="global" app="core" params="$file->primary_screenshot_thumb, $file->name, 'large', '', 'view_this', $file->url()"} {{else}} <div class='ipsPos_left ipsNoThumb ipsThumb ipsThumb_large'></div> {{endif}} You need to see in the CSS (core) which image it is in the ipsNoThumb class.
  17. What's New in Version 1.3.0 : Fixes: resetting members pokes stats error when poking back (PHP 7.1) Enhancements: Rework in templates to make it more good looking Check members when trying to poke someone you can't poke yourself if the member already replied last poke if the member can be poked New Features: Now you can poke someone via + Create menu New setting: Do not allow new pokes in less than X minutes New Setting: Pokes per page Compatibility: IPS 4.2 IPS 4.1
  18. http://www.sosinvision.com.br/ips4/index.php?/topic/394-104-member-store/ Not sure yet it will in the 1.1.0 final.
  19. Just noticed that in a test. Will try in 4.2; if insists, I'll submit a bug and wil be fixed in next beta.
  20. I'll go ahead and will reply this one: no! The comission is done ehen buying through Commerce via a payment gateway. When you use an external URL, you're simply setting the advert as sold somewhere else.
  21. There's a 4.2 version available for the purchases in my support board to be tested. The file on marketplace will updated when 4.2 is released.
  22. Classifieds System 1.1.0 Beta 1 for IPS 4.2 only: http://www.sosinvision.com.br/ips4/index.php?/files/file/27-classifieds/ It's NOT recommended to use this version on a live site. That WILL NOT make things go faster if you find a bug! Please report bugs in the Tracker: http://www.sosinvision.com.br/ips4/index.php?/tracker/classifieds/
  23. Per category: Btw, everything related to the app is up to @InvisionHQ now.
  24. So please relax. The app is installed here http://www.sosinvision.com.br/ips4/index.php?/classifieds/ but still there are things to do.
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