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Adriano Faria

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Everything posted by Adriano Faria

  1. Sad but true. That’s the time when I regret to have so many resources. I’ll never learn.
  2. I like the idea. I can develop a “purchase ticket to events” so nothing of crazy ideas with 10 steps, just a BUY TICKET in the event view then it’s done. 😀
  3. I’m not sure I understand your question. The core bug is still there. Nothing has changed since IPS 4.1. The app works using staffapplications as it was designed.
  4. Just tested and still not fixed by IPS. I replaced all occurrences of staffapplications by careers. It adds the careers but doesn't remove the staffapplications so you'll end up with a URL like this;
  5. Files only.
  6. This resource will allow users to purchase a file by paying a price they judge fair. The file will continue to have its normal price but the file submitter will be able to set a minimum price to it, thus users won't pay less than that.
  7. Because it can be confusing as post #3 to a user can be the post #7 to a moderator, for example. I mean, if you have hidden posts, etc., the sequence won’t be the same for everybody.
  8. I didn’t test it but I doubt. Someone from IPS said in another topic that it wasn’t planned to work as we want, etc. Just to be clear: this is a Core thing and affects any app; this is not a problem of my resource. Anyway, I’ll test tomorrow and will reply back.
  9. You can but there’s a very old bug in Core that prevents to do it via Admin CP so you would need to download a file, edit, save and upload to your server. After that, you would need to run the support tool to rebuild cache. The worst part: you will have to do this every time I release a new version because the changes will be overridden. Take a look if you’re still interested: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/433280-error-with-furl-changes/?do=findComment&comment=2714900
  10. Yes, version 4.4.X should be there on See Changelog link but it isn't; not sure why. Let me know if you purchase it, then I'll send the file via private message.
  11. That’s how the framework works: things appears in streams when you create them and I don’t think I can change this, unless you create it hidden but that wouldn’t make sense as it would be visible to moderators only or use the future publish to it but then someone will again lose the date. Update the date will have no effect here. It sends a notification to when it’s ready (author set it as ready), so people who follows the category will be aware in the proper time. Also, if you use the option create a topic, it will create only after the author set it as ready. ———- EDIT: Just remember one thing. I can probably remove it from the search index right after create it, which remove it from streams, and add it when the author clicks in the Set Ready. The downside here is that will “disappear” from everywhere, including author profile so he would need to browse to the categories to view it. And it will be visible to everyone in the category. So not sure it will worth the job.
  12. It should be there. 🤨 I’ll attach it on a private message when I reach my PC (within next hour). -------------- Just sent via PM.
  13. Just submitted.
  14. I’ll take a look when I have to release a new version. Title is for movies/TV shows. Name for people. Probably using one in a wrong place.
  15. It’s done. Fixing a HTML issue. I should upload today or tomorrow. But you better not hurry up. IPS is taking up to a week to review and approve new versions on marketplace.
  16. Adriano Faria


    My time (and the time I spent to translate it and I still spend to keep it updated - right now it’s updated to 4.5 with no additional cost for those who purchased it in older versions) costs money. I’m not here for charity. I have bills to pay like you, I guess. So I’m happy with it.
  17. Adriano Faria


    I get it. That’s why I told you to make a good translation and share it for free.
  18. Adriano Faria


    So Invision would have to hire someone with knowledge in foreigner language, which can’t use Google Translator, and submit translating for free? Well, your feedback is submitted! 👍
  19. Adriano Faria


    You can always make your “good” translation in your own ACP.
  20. I don’t use Commerce; only the payment module so I was really never interested in develop to it. Sorry.
  21. I assume you're talking about my resource you just purchased? If so, it's there in the Addition Information tab:
  22. Ok. This is a cosmetic thing that isn't preventing the app to work as it should. I'll take a look as soon as I get some time; still missing to upgrade some resources. Thank you! 👍
  23. Hi Scott. Try version 1.0.1 in the changelog: EDIT: sent the file via message.
  24. As a new provider? What’s the API documentation URL?
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