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Posts posted by sadel

  1. On 1/15/2020 at 12:53 PM, christopher-w said:


    I requested custom development for FFmpeg back in 2018:

    No takers, but if there is someone out there with the required skills, then I'd be happy to contribute towards a solution.



    I'm all for it.

    These days having video upload/stream options on our small niches is a must. Specially when we are trying to get away from the big corps. I know video is costly, but for small communities is not a big issue, because when your offer your members a friendly/trusty space to socialize, they pitch in. And you can always limit the size/time of the videos, similar to what Tik Tok does.

    I really hope IPS seriously considers adding a native video application to the sw. 📹 🙏


  2. 7 hours ago, TheJackal84 said:

    I can look into adding something like that, Will need to look into it all and check whats what, leave me a list of popular ones like that shoutcast v2 etc so I can browse they way they work :biggrin:


    The format i have been using for many years includes feeding the radio IP and the Port to the audio player. 



    It will be nice if you can also make this available for Clubs.  ☺️


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