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Posts posted by DawPi

  1. 2 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Where are you seeing this? What action is being performed at the time?

    Search operation. 🙂

    2 hours ago, Daniel F said:

    Was the MySQL server updated recently or did you move to another server?  
    I would take a look at the table to see if the table or the index is broken.

    Nope, just upgrade to 4.7. 🙂

    Nope, everything is fine with SQL:

    Could contain: Text, Word, Number, Symbol, Page

  2. Something isn't right. I have this problem on mine almost stock board and 4.7.0 Beta 3:

    SELECT main.*, ((MATCH(index_title) AGAINST ('test' IN BOOLEAN MODE)*5)+(MATCH(index_content,index_title) AGAINST ('test' IN BOOLEAN MODE)))/POWER(( ( UNIX_TIMESTAMP( NOW() ) - ( CASE WHEN index_date_updated <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP( NOW() ) THEN index_date_updated ELSE 0 END )) / 3600 ) + 2,1.5) AS calcscore FROM `ibbd_core_search_index` AS `main` WHERE ( index_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\downloads\\File','IPS\\downloads\\File\\Comment','IPS\\downloads\\File\\Review') ) OR index_class='IPS\downloads\File\PendingVersion' OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\gallery\\Image','IPS\\gallery\\Image\\Comment','IPS\\gallery\\Image\\Review') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\gallery\\Album\\Item','IPS\\gallery\\Album\\Comment','IPS\\gallery\\Album\\Review') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\blog\\Entry','IPS\\blog\\Entry\\Comment') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\nexus\\Package\\Item','IPS\\nexus\\Package\\Review') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\calendar\\Event','IPS\\calendar\\Event\\Comment','IPS\\calendar\\Event\\Review') ) OR index_class='IPS\cms\Pages\PageItem' ) AND MATCH(index_content,index_title) AGAINST ('test' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND ( index_permissions = '*' OR ( FIND_IN_SET(4,index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('m1',index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('ca',index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('cm',index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('s3',index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('s5',index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('s6',index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('c4',index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('c5',index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('cm4',index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('cm5',index_permissions) ) ) ORDER BY calcscore DESC LIMIT 0,25
    IPS\Db\Exception: DOUBLE value is out of range in '(((match `*dbname*`.`main`.`index_title` against ('test' in boolean mode)) * 5) + (match `*dbname*`.`main`.`index_content`,`*dbname*`.`main`.`index_title` against ('test' in boolean mode)))' (1690)
    #0 //system/Db/Select.php(446): IPS\Db\_Select->runQuery()
    #1 [internal function]: IPS\Db\_Select->rewind()
    #2 //system/Content/Search/Mysql/Query.php(1326): iterator_to_array(Object(IPS\Db\Select))
    #3 //applications/core/modules/front/search/search.php(746): IPS\Content\Search\Mysql\_Query->search('test', NULL, 17, 'or')
    #4 //applications/core/modules/front/search/search.php(126): IPS\core\modules\front\search\_search->_results()
    #5 //system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(118): IPS\core\modules\front\search\_search->manage()
    #6 //system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #7 //index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #8 {main}


    What is going on?



    P.s. previously topic was added in wrong section. Please delete it.

  3. 4 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

    would you mind sharing what bot user agents you are detecting?  

    The same as IPS4:

    		'about'			=> "Libby[_/ ]([0-9.]{1,10})",
    		'adsense'		=> array( "Mediapartners-Google/([0-9.]{1,10})", "Mediapartners-Google" ),
    		'ahrefs'		=> "AhrefsBot",
    		'alexa'			=> "^ia_archive",
    		'altavista'		=> "Scooter[ /\-]*[a-z]*([0-9.]{1,10})",
    		'ask'			=> "Ask[ \-]?Jeeves",
    		'baidu'			=> array( "^baiduspider\-", "baiduspider[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})" ),
    		'bing'			=> array( "bingbot[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})", "msnbot(?:-media)?[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})" ),
    		'brandwatch'	=> "magpie-crawler",
    		'excite'		=> "Architext[ \-]?Spider",
    		'google'		=> array( "Googl(?:e|ebot)(?:-Image|-Video|-News)?/([0-9.]{1,10})", "Googl(?:e|ebot)(?:-Image|-Video|-News)?/?" ),
    		'googlemobile'	=> array( "Googl(?:e|ebot)(?:-Mobile)?/([0-9.]{1,10})", "Googl(?:e|ebot)(?:-Mobile)?/" ),
    		'facebook'		=> "facebookexternalhit/([0-9.]{1,10})",
    		'infoseek'		=> array( "SideWinder[ /]?([0-9a-z.]{1,10})", "Infoseek" ),
    		'inktomi'		=> "slurp@inktomi\.com",
    		'internetseer'	=> "^InternetSeer\.com",
    		'look'			=> "www\.look\.com",
    		'looksmart'		=> "looksmart-sv-fw",
    		'lycos'			=> "Lycos_Spider_",
    		'majestic'		=> "MJ12bot\/v([0-9.]{1,10})",
    		'msproxy'		=> "MSProxy[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})",
    		'webcrawl'		=> "webcrawl\.net",
    		'websense'		=> "(?:Sqworm|websense|Konqueror/3\.(?:0|1)(?:\-rc[1-6])?; i686 Linux; 2002[0-9]{4})",
    		'yahoo'			=> "Yahoo(?:.*?)(?:Slurp|FeedSeeker)",
    		'yandex'		=> "Yandex(?:[^\/]+?)\/([0-9.]{1,10})",
    		'seznam'		=> array( "SeznamBot[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})", "Seznam screenshot-generator ([0-9.]{1,10})" ),
    		'dotbot'		=> "DotBot[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})",
    		'sogou'			=> "Sogou web spider[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})",
    		'isetallabot'	=> "istellabot[ /][a-z]([0-9.]{1,10})",
    		'blexbot'		=> "BLEXBot[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})",
    		'semrush'		=> "SemrushBot/([0-9.]{1,10})"


  4. On 3/1/2022 at 12:15 PM, Daddy said:

    How exactly does referrals work? It seems to be incredibly random whether or not it gives you credit for the referral. Do you have to be registered first, or can you click a referral link, register, purchase and get credit?

    Can you add a referral code to the end of any url?

    Willl be done as a custom work for Daddy.

  5. 9 minutes ago, CheersnGears said:

    Declaration of IPS\hook592::parseTextForEmail($text, ?IPS\Lang $language = null) must be compatible with IPS\_Email::parseTextForEmail($text, ?IPS\Lang $language = null, $truncate = null)

    You have 3rd party hook/app incompatible with your IPS4 version. 🙂

  6. 52 minutes ago, Sonya* said:

    See how to use constants.php

    That 4guides page begging for an update.


                    // Upgrading page
                    // Is shown when upgrade is in process. You can change it if you want to translate
                    // or otherwise customise it.
                    'UPGRADING_PAGE' => ( \defined( 'CP_DIRECTORY' ) ) ? CP_DIRECTORY . '/upgrade/upgrading.html' : 'admin/upgrade/upgrading.html',


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