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Posts posted by SoloInter

  1. 10 minutes ago, Matt said:

    There's plenty of time to think about how you want tags to work in v5 and when you are ready to upgrade you can tweak tags on your v4 prior to upgrading.

    But we've actually already thought about all that. And that's what's worrying. Because no matter how much we think about it again, we come across the same result: the necessity and need to be able to use thousands of tags

    Unless there is an option to move all existing tags to the closed system before updating to V5. If we change to closed system, all existing tag will be saved ?

  2. Just now, Matt said:

    See my post above. I think there's a little confusion over the tag conversion process.

    All 'closed' tags admins have created are converted over.

    We then offer to convert the top 25 user created tags over, as well as any per forum/category tags.

    oh interesting indeed, it becomes more precise but it remains worrying.

    Indeed, these are not closed tags.
    All site staff (Admins, Moderators) can create new tags. They can select those who offer their seizure, but it is not a closed system. 

    Also it is possible that members of the staff have created tags, content in a bygone era today as well as their rank. They are no longer members of the staff now and therefore their tags, if they are linked to this member, will be interpreted as classic member tags, falling within this limit of 25. It looks like.

  3. 49 minutes ago, opentype said:

    I have to agree with SoloInter: There needs to be a way to keep the strategically(!) created tags, independent from fitting in a most-used basket or low numerical limits. 

    There is of course the noise of user-generated forum tags, which might have little value or even do more harm than good. But the strategically created tags need to be kept, independent from any hard limit.

    In fact, in the new system they can finally shine and be more useful than ever, but they need to be there to begin with. The alternative of dropping the tags and having the admins go through years of content to add them back in, isn’t really a viable option.

    Exactly. Especially since on our side, the tags are created only by the staff. A member will never be able to create a tag. Tags are used strategically, well thought out, framed in their writing, and already limited to the main themes of the content in which they appear.

  4. 1 hour ago, Matt said:

    That's why we're here talking about it. We made decisions, and then adjust as needed based on feedback. However, I'm not sure that use of tags is mainstream. It's unusual to have 1000 tags, and the application is niche. But this is an open conversation.

    Our objective since the beginning has been to offer French-speaking supporters a bible, a reference, with as much historical information as possible about their club through several tools that you have wonderfully developed. 

    Many themes are covered

    - News
    - Matches
    - Players
    - Leaders
    - Clubs
    - Nations
    - Competitions
    - Stadium
    - Events
    - Pictures
    - Forums
    - Videos
    - Palmares
    - ...

    For example, tags make it easy to find all the content assigned to a player (using the tag bearing their name). 

    Many players have various detailed content (news, photos, videos, etc.)

    I don't know if this functionality is used globally or not, for us it is a very important element.

    Please give us the opportunity to convert everything.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Matt said:

    We picked a number, if people need more then we can convert more. What we don't want to do though is set people up to fail by converting over hundreds of tags because it's likely you'll never get round to setting them up and managing them properly.

    We have tags for each player who played under the colors of our club. This already represents a little more than 1000 players and therefore 1000 tags ("first name last name" = 1 tag). 

    We have almost 20,000 news articles written. Each personality involved in this news has their tag.

    Each football club mentioned in the news has its tag.

    Each foreign player at the club but for whom a topic was created because he is part of the transfer window news, has his own tag.

    The photos published in the galleries talk about places, cities, stadiums, etc... so many tags.

    We have a mass of content that we interconnect via links and also and above all thanks to these tags. 20 years of history. 

    I assure you that all these tags are well managed, useful, important and that the new management and presentation announced provided a reward for this good management. Until you talk about the default conversion limit and show skepticism about having thousands of tags.

    What should we think about it?

  6. 3 hours ago, Esther E. said:

    25 tags. Or maybe a few more, depending on your setup.

    As of now, the upgrader will give you a choice to either delete all global tags OR to convert the top 25 tags (by usage) to the new system. 

    I'm a little confused by the answer given. What do you mean 25 tags? And drop the other tags ?

    I'm afraid of this answer. Do we have the choice of losing all the tags or selecting only 25 ("and a few more")?

    We have thousands of tag, we need to keep all of them.

  7. 1 hour ago, Kirill Gromov said:

    If I have 60 thousand tags now, what will I get after updating?

    We have 6 199 tags on our side. 

    Right now, they're there anyway. Whether there are 6, 600, 6000 or even 60,000 as is the case for you. So there are as many .com/tag/name pages as there will be in v5. The latter will just allow us to highlight, on a much more elaborate page, the most important according to our choices and leaving the others accessible as is currently the case, by clicking on any tag displayed here and there.

  8. 26 minutes ago, Joel R said:


    - For existing sites, we will be particularly challenged in trying to adopt this new vision. We are not equipped to update our existing content at scale: tools to batch add tags to certain sections, remove tags, batch edit / rename / merge tags, etc. 

    It depend. We use a lot this tags system and we have set up all of this since the beggining thinking one day we will use it exactly like IC just presented. We have hundreds of tags, maybe thousand. All added with sense. It’s just a masterclass again what they have done here. 

    Links do not have visible names
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  10. I'm not thinking at all about the generation of content but rather about the assistance it can have in processing the information to which it is given access.

    It would be so powerful to modernize the traditional search tool with a discussion space with an AI which could, in the blink of an eye, find several pieces of information in several articles.

    Another thing it might be useful for: batch processing adding non-generated content. For example, we could send it a zip of several folders containing photos and in a few words the AI could process their addition to the photo galleries autonomously.

    The tag suggestion for the different published content.

    But my initial suggestion is well focused on search assistance first and foremost and how results are displayed.

  11. It would be 🤯 to be able to have an internal AI connected to the different databases that we can create with Pages as well as that of the forum. This would make it possible, for example, to ask the AI for specific things about previously published content.
    When you have been in existence for 20 years and you cover the daily news of a football club, you have a quantity of data full of history.

    AI would make it possible to offer an alternative to traditional research.

  12. Thanks @BN_IT_Support for your answer. 

    Yes I was speaking about database from app Pages.

    I was asking me if it was possible to do something like that because there is a way to joins table using Pages.

    On a database, when we add fields, there is an option "Database relationship".

    Could contain: Page, Text, File


    I was asking me if we can use that option and get 2 tables (Matchs & Players) linked together. 

    At the end we want add records on "Matchs" and be able to select severals players on "Players", and show the record with full information (matchs details AND players selected).

    Or maybe it's not really possible and not "a good way" to do what we want.


  13. Good morning,

    Objective: Display the list of matches. Access the details of a match.

    We already have a database containing the players (Example of fields: last name, first name, date of birth, number, position on the field, etc.)
    We are thinking of creating a database containing information on football matches (Example of fields: date, team_a, score_a, team_b, score_b, competition, etc...)

    Each match must be able to include players. 

    What do you think is the best procedure to follow to configure the databases together in order to make it possible to enter the details of a match and add several entries present in another table (here players)?

    At the end we would therefore have a page detailing the scores and the players who took part in the match.

    Thanks for your advices. 🙏

  14. 7 hours ago, CheersnGears said:

    It would be interesting to see if there is a significant pagespeed difference between mysite.com/ and mysite.com/forums for sites that use Pages.



    Home using differents blocks using data from Pages https://www.internazionale.fr/

    Could contain: Page, Text, File



    Forums https://www.internazionale.fr/forums

    Could contain: Page, Text, File




    Informations about config

    - We are using a dedicated server : Agile M Pro v2 - i5 9600K 64Go

    - Redis is enabled (2Go)

    - Cloudflare version Pro 

    Could contain: Text

  15. 21 hours ago, Matt Finger said:

    Sticky Toolbar

    Anyone who has authored a long piece of content knows the pain of scrolling up and down to get the toolbar in view. To make writing longer content less stressful, we've made the toolbar sticky so that it will always be fixed at the top of the editor after scrolling down.



    Thank for this "simple" thing who is really a MASTERCLASS

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