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Permissions for new groups


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Hi team,

I'm creating new member groups for new subscriptions and I'm setting permissions for all my forums and subforums. I've more than 300. And I've a problem, I only can set permissions in a general way for ALL forums, but not for subforums or catgories as groups. So I need to set permissions one by one.

Did we have another way to set permissions more efficently? Now I need to select about 6.000 field check

Thanks for your help.

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Thanks @Nathan Explosion and @Marc Stridgen, I was doing it this way. It is forum by forum for me because I need check or uncheck one by one for every, Group (4), forum (300) and situation (5), see, read, post, reply and download.

To simplify, I've this forum structure and I need this permissions:

  • Category 1 to 5: Forum 1 to 25 and every forum have 20 subforums (For every category)
  • Group 1 to 4
  • Group 1: can see all categories, forums and subforums (it is easy, only need check one column field), Category 1 Forum 1 to 5 with all subforums can read, post, reply and download.
  • Group 2: Group 1 permissions plus Category 1 Forum 6 to 15, Category 2 Forum 1 to 5, Category 3 Forum 15 to 20 with all subforums can read, post, reply and download.
  • ......
  • Group 4: can read, post, reply and download all categories, forums and subforums. (It is easy too)

Can you imagine the complexity?

I can't set permissions for all subforums in a forum by one click, I need a lot of clicks. The same for categories. It is necessary to be able to set these permissions by forum and category grouping.

In fact, setting permissions with the checkbox in the top column only makes sense for the Administrator or Moderator, other groups will always need a more varied combination and is not easy to do.

Edited by Lindor
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If you’re dealing with that level of complexity and will continue to have very high volumes of groups, it might be worth looking at developing automation with a third party developer. 

By deciding to have that level of granularity, you take on the challenge that it is a total pain to manage. 

Edited by Randy Calvert
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Thanks @Randy Calvert but I think that IC is a powerfull app and forum permissions by groups is the core of  any forum app. All can solved by custom apps but this custom apps only should be for special functions needed. The basics should be solved by core app.

Did I am the only one that have a big forum with some subscriptions levels and permissions? The only one with this problem? I think no. If not, I may have made a mistake in choosing IC as the application that allows me to scale and grow my community and business.

Well not is a problem, I can make this functions but will take a lot of time, probably some days, so we need to be more efficiently adding some basic tools like other forums apps as vBulletin, bbPress, WPForum and others.

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