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Pages as Default App - Still Shows Unread Content, etc.

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When I set Pages as the Default App, rather than Forums, in the AdminCP all seems to work. However, when I go out to view the pages, they feature the forum links for "Home" and "Unread Content" and "Mark Site Read".

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How do I remove that? Playing with the idea that we should use IPS for our main page here, but I would like to be able to build a page without the forum-specific aspects.

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The only theme editing I'm doing is some of the color options and a few color codes in the Custom CSS area. Nothing excessive. But I am thinking it would be great to use Invison for the front page, rather than the one we've got at this time. But I'd really rather not have the forum links, because I don't want the site to look like just a forum.

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You should be able to hide those links with some CSS by targeting that specific page. Each page has a body element similar to this one (this is taken from this very page):

<body class="ipsApp ipsApp_front ipsJS_has ipsClearfix" data-controller="core.front.core.app,cloud.front.realtime.viewingService"  data-message=""  data-pageapp="forums" data-pagelocation="front" data-pagemodule="forums" data-pagecontroller="topic" data-pageid="475515"   >


You can use a rule similar to this one:

body[data-pagelocation="front"][data-pageapp="cms"][data-pagecontroller="page"][data-pagemodule="pages"][data-pagename="PAGE_FILENAME"] nav.ipsBreadcrumb.ipsBreadcrumb_top {
	display: none;

Just replace PAGE_FILENAME with your page's filename.

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11 minutes ago, teraßyte said:

You should be able to hide those links with some CSS by targeting that specific page. Each page has a body element similar to this one (this is taken from this very page):

<body class="ipsApp ipsApp_front ipsJS_has ipsClearfix" data-controller="core.front.core.app,cloud.front.realtime.viewingService"  data-message=""  data-pageapp="forums" data-pagelocation="front" data-pagemodule="forums" data-pagecontroller="topic" data-pageid="475515"   >


You can use a rule similar to this one:

body[data-pagelocation="front"][data-pageapp="cms"][data-pagecontroller="page"][data-pagemodule="pages"][data-pagename="PAGE_FILENAME"] nav.ipsBreadcrumb.ipsBreadcrumb_top {
	display: none;

Just replace PAGE_FILENAME with your page's filename.

Oh, this is great! Thank you so much!

One quick question -- here's what that looks like now:

Could contain: File, Webpage

Is there a way to add a bit of padding  across the top there, to drop down the Announcements widget? I can add a black WYSIWYG block at the top of the main area to drop down the Disney Pins Database line, but the announcements seem to be stuck in place.

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Here you go:

body[data-pagelocation="front"][data-pageapp="cms"][data-pagecontroller="page"][data-pagemodule="pages"][data-pagename="PAGE_FILENAME"] #ipsLayout_contentWrapper {
    padding-top: 15px;

Just like before, replace PAGE_FILENAME and adjust the padding-top value by the amount you need.

Edited by teraßyte
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