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I am having an issue with the Follow Feature. 

It seems that members can follow an entire Forum and get email updates with a new file has been uploaded, but if a member is following an existing file (and that file is updated or a new version uploaded) the Follow Feature is not sending out emails.

I have been testing this all morning and do not know why and can not seem to fix.

Any idea why this would happen and how do I fix it

Could contain: File, Webpage, Page, Text


Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage

Thank you for any help or advice.


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Following on Downloads Files would send you updates about when there is a new comment or review. Whereas the "File (Version) Updates" would send you a notification when there is a new file update.

This is the Notification Setting:

Could contain: Page, Text


On the Downloads page:

Could contain: File, Webpage, Page, Text


Just a note, you can't opt into these for your own files.

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I am not sure what you mean about opting in for your own files.

I have several test accounts set up so I can test stuff.  So I have logged in as those (test) members and selected to follow to make sure it was working.  As I said the Follow feature is working at the "category and sub-category" levels but not at the file level.

I did a search for the "File Updates" thing you referenced in the screen shot but was unable to find where that is.  I think you are saying that there is something there, (where ever there is) that is not checked off like its is supposed to be.

Could contain: File, Text, Page


So I will go back to wandering around the CP to see if I can figure out why this is not working.

Thank you.


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14 minutes ago, CaptJeff said:

As I said the Follow feature is working at the "category and sub-category" levels but not at the file level.

Correct. As mentioned though, that is different than how a Follow on the download file itself will only notify you of comments/reviews. If you want File Updates, you would need to opt into that on the file and then need to go to Account Settings -> Notification Settings to set how you wish to receive those notifications. It is not an ACP setting that you need to enable, it's automatically enabled like the Follow System, you only have to opt-in at a user level to receive notifications.

If you want to see the default settings you are providing your users at the admin level, you would do this in ACP -> Members -> Notifications.

14 minutes ago, CaptJeff said:

I am not sure what you mean about opting in for your own files.

The author of a downloads file cannot opt in to receive notifications about updates.

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O I knew that.  That makes perfect sense since if the author chagnes something there would be not need to tell him that He has changed something.  He would already know that..

Here is what I said.

50 minutes ago, CaptJeff said:

It seems that members can follow an entire Forum and get email updates with a new file has been uploaded, but if a member is following an existing file (and that file is updated or a new version uploaded) the Follow Feature is not sending out emails.

As I said "Members" are not getting notifications when I update a file.   I have map files for Pilots attending a balloon competition.  The maps change almost daily and the Pilots need to know when a new version of the map file has been uploaded.  In the past (before I upgraded the site) the system would send out an email each time I uploaded a new version of the map files.  We have 5 seperate maps in the Indianola sub-category.  PZ Map KML, 3D PZ Map KML, Targets KML, Targets GPX and Paper Map. 

I am trying to figure out why the system is not sending out notifications when a new file is uploaded.  I have created a few test files and I have several test member accounts.  So I have logged in as one of my test members and selected to follow the Indianola sup-category as well as following a couple of the test map files.  When I upload a completely new file to the Indianola sub-category my test members get an email telling them that there is a new file in the Indianola sub-category.  When I update one of the test files with a new version (Changes) nothing is happening.  No emails are going out.  That is the issue I am trying to solve.  During the event when the map changes and new versions of the files are uploaded I need the system to send out an email to let those who are Following that file that a new versions of the file has been uploaded.

I tried to look for the settings you mentioned and found nothing.

Could contain: Page, Text, File

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Both "Account Settings" and "Notifications Options" are available in the frontend, that's why you can't find them in ACP.

Here's a link to those pages on this site as an example:


You can however change the default Notification Options in ACP by going to ACP > Members > MEMBER SETTINGS > Notifications.


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I did find this.

Clicked on the little person Icon.Could contain: Nature, Outdoors


Then went down to the Members settings

Could contain: Page, Text

And under that I found this.

Could contain: Page, Text

This makes no sense to me.  Does this mean that a member has to visit to see an email to tell them that there has been a change?  What good is that?

I also went to the location you said but my page looks nothing like what you have shown

13 minutes ago, teraßyte said:

You can however change the default Notification Options in ACP by going to ACP > Members > MEMBER SETTINGS > Notifications.

This is what I am seeing there.

Could contain: Page, Text

I also found nothing on the front end that would help me.


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Maybe I should repeat my original question.

Why are my "Members" who follow a category and also follow a specific file getting email notification for new files in the category but not being notified when a followed file is changed?

Somehow we are making this way more complicated.   When I update a file the system is not sending out an email to the members who follow that file.

How do I fix?

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1 hour ago, CaptJeff said:

Maybe I should repeat my original question.

Why are my "Members" who follow a category and also follow a specific file getting email notification for new files in the category but not being notified when a followed file is changed?

Somehow we are making this way more complicated.   When I update a file the system is not sending out an email to the members who follow that file.

How do I fix?

Your members would need to opt in to file updates. As mentioned, following would no longer give you file update notifications, it would give you comment/review notifications for downloads. 

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O golly,  So that means two steps.  Follow the file and then somehow set up a file update Notification thing. 

I do not know how to do that but I will try to figure it out.

I have 53 pilots I need to do this for.  I thought it was a pain in the ass to have to log in for each pilot and select the Follow Feature for each of the five files.  So now I have to log in for each pilot and set up two things for each of the files.  YIKES..  Could be a long night to get this done. 

Sorry I did not understand that concept.  I will go into one of my test accounts and see if I can make it work.  Good thing the event does not start for ten more days.  I might have enough time to get all the bugs out of this thing.

Thank you for keeping at it for me.  I am slow but I am trainable.


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It's got to be some sort of vooDu curse.

So, for a moment I was excited that I would be able to fix this.  Except for the fact that I was going to have to set this up for 53 pilots and sign in for each and select follow on 5 files then go make a change on the members account setting.  Then I saw it take about 7 clicks to get all the way down to the settings..  So I this will take a long time..  So... 

I went to my tester account

Could contain: Text, Page

Logged in as tester.

Could contain: Logo

Went to one of the map files and selected "Follow"Could contain: Page, Text

Then I went to the account settings

Could contain: Page, Text, File

Then I went to the Notification settings and scrolled down to the File Settings

Could contain: Text, Symbol, Number

Made sure that both boxes were checked.

Then I went and uploaded a new file. Double checked the email that was the tester email

Could contain: Page, Text

After uploading a new file I went to the email box and waited....

Could contain: Text, Logo


I am still waiting but nothing is happening.

So at this point I still have the same issue as I have had all day.

I do not know how to fix.  Thank you for trying to help.




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Well just DAMN..

I figured it out.  All the notification settings were a great thing to look at but most of them are already checked on a members profile. 

I found this!

Could contain: Page, Text, File

So I went back into my test accounts (All 4) and I checked this box.

Could contain: Text

Then I uploaded a new version and what do you think happened???


YEPPER...  I got four emails notifying me that there was a new version of the file.

Golly why could I have not spotted this 8 hours ago!!  

Thank you all for the help.  I have not upgraded my site for over 3 years so there is lots of new stuff I do not understand.  Heck,  There was lots of stuff I did not understand 3 years ago!.. LOL..  Now there is a ton more.

Best to all


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