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Duplicate posts

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I am writing to report an issue regarding duplicated member posts in my Invision Community forum. I have attached a screenshot for reference.

Description of the Issue:

For some unknown reason, member posts in my forum are getting duplicated. It appears that when a member submits a post, it is being replicated and displayed multiple times within the same thread. This issue persists even after disabling all plugins, and I am currently using the Dufflaut theme.

System Information:

Invision Community Version: 4.7.10 , PHP Version: 8.1.18

Steps Taken:

I have attempted to troubleshoot the issue by disabling all plugins, but the duplication problem persists.

I am currently using the Dufflaut theme.

Please investigate this matter and provide guidance on how to resolve the duplicated member posts issue. Your prompt assistance in resolving this matter would be greatly appreciated.

If you require any additional information or access to my forum for troubleshooting purposes, please let me know, and I'll be glad to provide the necessary details.

Thank you for your attention and support.

Could contain: Page, Text, File, Webpage

Could contain: Page, Text

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I have seen someone else report this also,. Could I ask, are you able to replicate this yourself?

I know you said you have disabled all 3rd party, but its not clear if the user is still testing or yourself there

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Thank you, dear Marc Stridgen, for your fast response. Actually, it's working fine for me when I test it on my end. However, members' posts are still getting duplicated. As I informed you, I have disabled all third-party plugins for a few days to see if it will fix the issue or not, but some member posts still get duplicated. 

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  • 1 month later...

The most common cause here is that people are actually clicking multiple times to create the post. Are you seeing any lag when posting at all? Have you disabled 3rd party items for a while to get your users to test?

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I don't think the issue is caused by users clicking multiple times to create a post. I have personally tried clicking multiple times to create a post, and the system responds from the first click. Additionally, I have not experienced any lag when posting at all. I have also temporarily disabled third-party items to allow your users to test, but the issue persists. Please note that these issues occur often and then disappear afterward.

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@Marc Stridgen - here's a different possibility...

  1. User types up their content
  2. User posts their content
  3. Content submits, but the Editor still displays their content as it has not been cleared post-submission.
  4. User posts again, thinking the content didn't submit.
  5. Repeat.

The only way to really check on that is to pop open the developer console at the time of submission and keep an eye out for an error response to the AJAX submission, which would result in the content not been removed.

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15 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

I have this very often when using Grammarly browser extension. 

While I havent seen this using grammarly personally, I would indeed ask the users in question to disable any extentions they are using on their browser and test

16 hours ago, Nathan Explosion said:

@Marc Stridgen - here's a different possibility...

  1. User types up their content
  2. User posts their content
  3. Content submits, but the Editor still displays their content as it has not been cleared post-submission.
  4. User posts again, thinking the content didn't submit.
  5. Repeat.

The only way to really check on that is to pop open the developer console at the time of submission and keep an eye out for an error response to the AJAX submission, which would result in the content not been removed.

Does indeed sound a good way to go, however Ive been unable to replicate the issue myself in order to debug


I have tagged our developers to see if there are any other suggestions we can make on this

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