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Invision Insight: Marching into a new month

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🍀 Welcome to this week's Invision Insight🍀

Thank you for checking out this weekly round up post. We would love to hear if you enjoy catching up here and how we can make these more useful for you. Feel free to say hello and let us know what are you working on this week. 

As for us, let’s get into what the Invision Team is up to.


Current Happenings

Our Live Topics feature is progressing nicely and nearing its debut in beta soon! Did you catch the live March Release Chat on Wednesday or notice the converted topic that now lives in this forum? That is the live topics feature in all its [version one] glory. 🙂 I’ll share that topic here and if you missed the live topic in action and want to join, follow and add the April Release Chat to your calendar.


On Deck

Our March release is set for next week so stay tuned for that. As you know, we recommend that you keep your community up to date each month to keep it running smoothly and so you can enjoy the latest updates. Let us know what you are looking forward to most this time. Are you a Downloads application user or are you getting into GraphQL? 

As a reminder, here is what is slated for the March release, version 4.7.8.



Peeking Ahead 

Commerce is getting its round of improvements along with some additions to Clubs and more for Gallery based on feedback we have received. These are coming your way in the next month...or two. They are currently undergoing intense review and testing ... or something similar 😉 Happy to fill you in with more details once those are made available.


Lastly, for those that like to see what we are up to line by line, here is the changelog for week.



    - Added a clubs setting to restrict open and closed club visibility by user group.
    - Fixed an issue where moving conversations between folders may move to the wrong folder or fail to move.
    - Fixed an issue where the `member_create` webhook wouldn't include custom profile field data.
    - Fixed an issue where club settings would be shown on the ACP-Settings-Clubs page even if clubs were disabled.
    - Fixed an issue where "this club" was not set as the default search context when viewing clubs.
    - Increased number of days PayPal Subscriptions are checked for payments.
    - Fixed an issue where a customer may be charged before accepting the terms and conditions when requiring T&Cs and using Stripe.
    - Added support for mark solved in clubs.

- Added some customization options to the Overview page.


    - Added links to subscribe to and download iCal events on the overview page.




Hope you enjoyed this week's Invision Insight round up. See you next time. 🙂 

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Thanks @Olivia Clark, I'm increasingly finding myself over time looking out for the regular updates so I'd much prefer you keep them coming 😄

I thought I'd share that I like to separate the regular updates into pots more so across each individual module/application area that you support so it helps me to understand what could be next down the line. Not saying I use the exact pots from the below pic but its close enough. I then separate out to see if we're seeing enhancements; big or small and bug fixes for each one.

That way I know when to potentially be asking about certain updates in other areas across IPS. Thanks again Olivia 🙂

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