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2 issues regarding Polls

Adriano Faria
Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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  1. Polls are left behind when you uninstall an application.
  2. To make life easier, core_polls should have a "class" column or any way to identify the source, like core_follow has (follow_app and follow_area), that would make easier to list only polls from an specific app or even to delete them when uninstalling an app.


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Adding one more issue to the Polls.

It seems I'm required to use Clubs in my apps in order to make polls work. Although there's a condition n \IPS\Content\Item::getPoll() to check if you're in a club, I got on my app without use Club trait:


Error thrown with message "Call to undefined method IPS\staffappsystem\Category::club()"

#13 Error in C:\wamp64\www\47x\system\Content\Item.php:8462
#12 IPS\Content\_Item:getPoll in C:\wamp64\www\47x\applications\staffappsystem\sources\Applicationrecord\Applicationrecord.php:1034
#11 IPS\staffappsystem\_Applicationrecord:getPoll in C:\wamp64\www\47x\system\Content\Item.php:5440
#10 IPS\Content\_Item:canCommentReview in C:\wamp64\www\47x\system\Content\Item.php:5317
#9 IPS\Content\_Item:canComment in C:\wamp64\www\47x\system\Content\Item.php:4678
#8 IPS\Content\_Item:commentForm in C:\Windows\Temp\the93F.tmp:161
#7 IPS\Theme\theme_staffappsystem_front_view_comments in C:\wamp64\www\47x\system\Theme\Dev\Template.php:171
#6 IPS\Theme\Dev\_Template:__call in C:\wamp64\www\47x\applications\staffappsystem\sources\Applicationrecord\Applicationrecord.php:213
#5 IPS\staffappsystem\_Applicationrecord:positionViewTabs in C:\wamp64\www\47x\applications\staffappsystem\modules\front\general\view.php:45
#4 IPS\staffappsystem\modules\front\general\_view:manage in C:\wamp64\www\47x\system\Dispatcher\Controller.php:118
#3 IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller:execute in C:\wamp64\www\47x\system\Content\Controller.php:50
#2 IPS\Content\_Controller:execute in C:\wamp64\www\47x\applications\staffappsystem\modules\front\general\view.php:37
#1 IPS\staffappsystem\modules\front\general\_view:execute in C:\wamp64\www\47x\system\Dispatcher\Dispatcher.php:153
#0 IPS\_Dispatcher:run in C:\wamp64\www\47x\index.php:13

Once I add the Club trait in my container model, everything works.

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