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Admin override for disabled messenger?

Go to solution Solved by Clover13,

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I tried to message a member and received an error:  {member} cannot receive messages.

I'm assuming that member disabled their messenger, which I thought would prevent members from messaging them but not admins/mods, however I found I cannot message them either.  Is there an override for this?  Where can I verify they have disabled their messenger without logging into their account?

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11 minutes ago, Clover13 said:

I'm assuming that member disabled their messenger

If they did, it isn't effective for staff:


Are you sure?

Disabling your inbox prevent others (except staff members) from starting a new conversation with you. You can still start a conversation with others, and reply to existing conversations.


It's more likely that the contents of their inbox exceeds any configured quotas - which can be overridden by those who have the following group setting enabled: "Override recipients' storage quota?"
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7 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

If they did, it isn't effective for staff:

It's more likely that the contents of their inbox exceeds any configured quotas - which can be overridden by those who have the following group setting enabled: "Override recipients' storage quota?"

Not exceeding the quota from what I can see in AdminCP:

Could contain: Page, Text

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