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Enable member groups to change of theme - where is the setting for that ?

Go to solution Solved by Randy Calvert,

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 I am searching for the option to 

enable the possibility to change from one theme to another. 

we all have it except of a certain group,  for which i cannot enable it. 

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is this an error? or where is that setting?

also, when trying to change the primary group of a member in that specific group,  I cant change it.

(so that I just change the  group of that few members that have this problem, into the other group, that does not have this problem)



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thank you I didnt realise it wouldnt show at all, if usergroup is able to only access one theme, then ofcourse there would be no dropdown at all or no showing there is another one available, which is very logic. 

Also, I didnt notice that only the ips invision default theme has the option for it to be available or not to select usergroups. 

The other themes (the ones I had created) did not have that option (to select which usergroup can have them available.)

So since I wasnt using the ips invision default theme, I hadnt noticed that this is an option.  Is that normal?

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