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Editor toolbar wrapping prematurely


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I'm seeing an odd issue with the editor in 4.7.5.  All my icons were reset with the latest upgrade (which is annoying), so I had to repopulate them.  Unfortunately, it seems the editor prematurely wraps the icons wherever the Font or Size links appear.  For instance,

Could contain: Page, Text

This is rather ugly, and a waste of vertical space in the editor, so I'd like to fix this if possible.  It happens in all three modes (large/medium/small).  Any insight as to how to fix this would be appreciated. 

One additional data point, if my browser window is wide enough to display all the icons, they don't wrap.


Thank you,


Edited by AtariAge
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Sorry, Im a little confused as to your post here. You have said they only wrap if your window is not wide enough, which would indeed be correct behaviour. Could you clarify what you mean there, as I see it doesnt look right on your image, but not sure what you mean on that

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4 hours ago, Randy Calvert said:

I think he’s meaning he’s expecting to see the wrap only done to second line. The third line in theory fit to the second and not need a third line. (I could not duplicate this behavior myself.)

Correct, it's forcing a new line for some reason after the "Fill Color" icon and I don't know why.  If I take out both the Font and Size drop-downs, then it doesn't do this.  Looks pretty ugly and is obviously a waste of vertical space as well.


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10 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

You've possibly got an extra 'toolbar' line in the configuration in the ACP - easy to reproduce: add a toolbar, drag one item to that toolbar. Go to the front end, make screen slightly smaller until...

Could contain: Page, Text, Number, Symbol

It's definitely not that.  I reset the toolbar configuration, then started adding icons again to the toolbar.  After adding a few items, here's the large toolbar in the ACP:

Could contain: Page, Text, Plot, Chart

Here it is on the front-end:

Could contain: Page, Text, Plot, Chart

This happens in the Invision theme as well, so it's not unique to the custom theme used for the forum.

It's fine until I get to a certain width as I reduce the width of the browser window.  Here it is right before it adds the additional toolbar line:

Could contain: Plot, Chart, Text, Page

At this point I hadn't yet edited the Medium or Small toolbars.

And this is with the browser window wide enough that everything can fit on one line:

Could contain: Page, Text, Plot, Chart

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