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Error on Site Pages


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I am getting this error when clicking on a link that has this ending 



from the home page.  

in fact every link from the forum homepage, , on the right column creates this error message

 even a profile link


and  every profile link ist not working 



this also from the stream feed  also creates same error



i tried disabling third party apps etc it didnt solve issue ... can someone help?

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25 minutes ago, MeMaBlue said:


I am getting this error when clicking on a link that has this ending 



from the home page.  

in fact every link from the forum homepage, , on the right column creates this error message

 even a profile link


and  every profile link ist not working 



this also from the stream feed  also creates same error



i tried disabling third party apps etc it didnt solve issue ... can someone help?

Sounds like something is off with your URL rewrites. You will want to undo any custom FURL and also remove any customizations from your .htaccess. (You can download a fresh .htaccess by going to ACP -> System -> Search Engine Optimization)

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Thank you for your reply, 

this is what it looks like

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
Options -MultiViews
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /forum/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule \.(js|css|jpeg|jpg|gif|png|ico|map)(\?|$) /forum/404error.php [L,NC]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /forum/index.php [L]

unfortunately my old admin is not with me anymore.  what could have happened with it? is that a wrong version?


I have 2  invision forums on same server but only the one exhibits this problem.  the htacess file, i just checked is exactly the same in both.  ! (!!?)


So what is the error actually ?



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Unfortunately, even when I disable rewritten URLs on your community, the server is not serving pages as expected. You will want to contact your hosting provider to advise on what has recently changed and work with them to resolve this. 

Additionally, you are running an out of date release of the software. You will want to upgrade as soon as possible.

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and how can this only affect one forum and not the other?  isnt that strange?

does it have to do with php versions ?

and how did it change just now? while 10m ago it was ok? 

yes I will do that right now because no topic is being served. 

maybe a reset of the server will help? I will report back asap.

about the out of date version,, I know, our server has not been upgraded to the 8 php version that is necessary yet,  so we cant upgrade.  they dont have this as a work environment yet, this is what i was told....


The only thing that has changed in the last  weeks is  an added <head> script for an advertising company  

ist that something that can have such an effect or is it something completely irrelevant? 

but it was not now, rather 3-4 weeks ago... too far away.   (far fetched? technichally unrelated?)


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Checking for changes at the server level is step one, a change could have been made which you are unaware of. You’re also using memcahed caching which likely needs to be disabled while testing because a change could be stored for a period of time and be impactful without knowing. There is a lot going on with your community which getting it to our stock software would be advised so we know what is happening. 

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we are on it but still no repair. ...   all services have been rebooted on the server and the server does not seem to have an issue.

is it possible to upgrade to a version that is compatible to 7.4 ? 


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My server the same one, has another forum, domain parentscafe.gr that has the version 4.4.2 and this one is working just fine. 

Is ist possible that i have access to upgrade to 4.4.2?  it looks like the software has been corrupted somehow (?)

The only change i did today, was to change the  embed code of an instagram post in the normal advertising module.  this is when the issues started.


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htaccess has been checked etc.

- when disabling all thirdparty apps


- when disabling seo friendly urls the problem disappears 

 the forum works good. 


- what will happen to my seo traffic if i disable them to keep the website working?

- I need to put back the on the advertising/enable the plugins...

-we have an expired ssl does that matter in any way?


when enabling the friendly urls the forum is not working, and its not server related  according to the server admin !




when googling results, it is not taking you to the correct link. so this is not good


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No changes had been made at server level... 

I hope you can help me with at least providing me the closest upgrade to the version 4.3.6 than Is currently installed, so that the software can be restored ?    What else needs to be done to have the friendly urls etc all working ? 

to recap.   when friendly urls settings are enabled   forum breaks. 

when they are disabled, forum works.

what needs to be restored?


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51 minutes ago, MeMaBlue said:

- what will happen to my seo traffic if i disable them to keep the website working?

- I need to put back the on the advertising/enable the plugins...

-we have an expired ssl does that matter in any way?

The expired ssl will be the issue I guess. And it's bad for seo, also if you disable friendly url's

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2 hours ago, MeMaBlue said:

htaccess has been checked etc.

- when disabling all thirdparty apps


- when disabling seo friendly urls the problem disappears 

 the forum works good. 

Is mod_rewrite disabled for your server directory? Do you have folders on your server named similarly to these friendly URLs? Sounds like something extremely odd/unique is happening here. 

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thank you so much for your answers and your time... will forward them to my serveradmin, he reads this topic now. 

@Jim M I dont know about the folder names at all.  

remember I have 2 different licences of invision on the same server and only the one is not working properly. 

the other one is doing just fine. 



so the reason cannot be on the server side, no? this is what we had to conclude to yesterday,  are all the above comments irrelevant to that?

 . I am deeply horrified that google will cause trouble and ofcourse the users not being able to follow the links since they all just lead to the home page of the forum!  Its a 250.000 unique users per month non profit website for medical purposes too, so I am really saddened, hope it can be solved fast. 

@Marc Stridgen hello, is there just not a way to restore this by reuploading the software  ? how can the other site be working well, (parentscafe.gr)  if its a server side issue?

if today will not be solved i think i will tell my serveradmin to reset the whole server to the thursday back up, when everything was still working fine ?  shrug...!



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thank you, every answer counts.  the php is the same for both, there havent been done any changes or different modifications the two forums are exactly the same with same plugins etc/ same usage. My serveradmin will not do changes without telling me, but  its noted! 

can I ask here - its it possible that an embed code for instagram can do such damage, maybe if this was the problem, there can be a sollution found there?  I have since deleted the advertising /instagram embed, to make sure.   

I will note here, that I had experienced a forum crash , when I set it up  the first time , but it was temporary, i ran the tool at the support , i disabled all 3rd party, and enabled them and it was that embed code from instagram that created that. 

But now, this, has done real damage.  Maybe you all have thoughts on that?    Just in case the solution is simpler. ?



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4 hours ago, MeMaBlue said:

thank you so much for your answers and your time... will forward them to my serveradmin, he reads this topic now. 

@Jim M I dont know about the folder names at all.  

remember I have 2 different licences of invision on the same server and only the one is not working properly. 

It could indeed be different depending on the server configuration and what you have added to the installation.

If you would like to add FTP/SFTP below we can take a further look:

We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. 

We look forward to further assisting you. 


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the credentials I have are from August, I will ask if they have changed the password since then.  

I posted in the notes section  of the popup window,

the whole  txt with all credentials in case there is something I missed or entered wrong ?

if they are still wrong then there is a new password maybe and i will asap get it and report here


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