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how to display the page folder in the pages breadcrumb

Go to solution Solved by Daniel F,

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I am creating pages in folders and subfolders. I assumed that the breadcrumb should display the correct hierarchy once a folder is created. The URL is fine when a page is inside a page folder.

Could contain: Logo, Text, Mobile Phone, Phone, Electronics

However, when I open the page... the breadcrumb will NOT display the page folder as the URL does.

.com/stocks/test is the URL

Shouldn't the breadcrumb also be the same --> Home -> Stocks -> Test ?

Could contain: Text, Page


Edited by OptimusBain
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Just to be clear: it certainly is working as intended. The interface only asks for an URL slug (even though the language isn’t perfectly clear about it). So there is no folder title which could be shown in the bread crumb navigation or anywhere else. So a change would require to also ask for a title. 

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