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Cannot use Search - errors!


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This is a new one on me and something that just started today.  Whenever I try to search for anything this happens:

SELECT main.*, ((MATCH(index_title) AGAINST ('kraven' IN BOOLEAN MODE)*5)+(MATCH(index_content,index_title) AGAINST ('kraven' IN BOOLEAN MODE)))/POWER(( ( UNIX_TIMESTAMP( NOW() ) - ( CASE WHEN index_date_updated <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP( NOW() ) THEN index_date_updated ELSE 0 END )) / 3600 ) + 2,1.5) AS calcscore FROM `core_search_index` AS `main` WHERE ( ( index_class IN('IPS\\core\\Statuses\\Status','IPS\\core\\Statuses\\Reply') ) OR index_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' OR index_class='IPS\cms\Pages\PageItem' OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\movies\\Movie','IPS\\movies\\Movie\\Comment','IPS\\movies\\Movie\\Review') ) ) AND MATCH(index_content,index_title) AGAINST ('kraven' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND ( index_permissions = '*' OR ( FIND_IN_SET(4,index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('m1',index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('ca',index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('cm',index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('c1',index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('cm1',index_permissions) ) ) ORDER BY calcscore DESC LIMIT 0,25
IPS\Db\Exception: DOUBLE value is out of range in '(match `dbs5456738`.`main`.`index_title` against ('kraven' in boolean mode)) * 5' (1690)
#0 /homepages//htdocs/movie/system/Db/Select.php(446): IPS\Db\_Select->runQuery()
#1 [internal function]: IPS\Db\_Select->rewind()
#2 /homepages/htdocs/movie/system/Content/Search/Mysql/Query.php(1326): iterator_to_array(Object(IPS\Db\Select))
#3 /homepages/htdocs/movie/applications/core/modules/front/search/search.php(746): IPS\Content\Search\Mysql\_Query->search('kraven', NULL, 17, 'or')
#4 /homepages/htdocs/movie/applications/core/modules/front/search/search.php(126): IPS\core\modules\front\search\_search->_results()
#5 /homepages/htdocs/movie/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(118): IPS\core\modules\front\search\_search->manage()
#6 /homepages/htdocs/movie/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#7 /homepages/htdocs/movie/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#8 {main}

I disabled all third party applications and problem persisted.  Even with the movies app disabled I could not search topics I created.

When I went to check the error logs and clicked on the offending link to view the log I got this:

Could contain: Text

Running IPS 4.7.0 with patches and all apps and plugins are up-to-date and 4.7.0 confirmed.

With thanks

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I did a full Analyse on the whole database and all the results returned OK nothing untoward showing.  If there is a specific table I should be looking at what would it be called?

Scrub that, I just tried a search and it's working now.

Edited by Davyc
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Many thanks for the help - it kind of throws me when something is working fine one day and then goes awry the next lol.  If this happens again I'll follow these instructions now that I know what to do.  I can also access the error logs now without that red bar warning.

Many thanks again and to @Nathan Explosion for chipping in - I found that table BTW 🙂


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