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[Bug] No access to Templates / CSS when an IPS message is on top

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Not sure that is still the thing in 4.7 due to this change but I'm still on 4.6 and the issue was present even before that version. So reporting just in case:

If there is "more important" message on top, Templates and CSS browsing is not available:

Could contain: File, Text, Webpage

"Less important" message does not produce the effect:

Could contain: Text, File, Webpage, Menu


If the message will be closed then the items are available again. The big issue is the message is blocked by IPS to be closed. Then .. adblock / other content blocker has to be used to target the message...


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  • 8 months later...
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Just a quick update to let you know that this issue was resolved in the recent 4.7.8 release of our platform. Please upgrade your site to resolve this issue. If you are still seeing any issues after upgrading to this version, please let us know.

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