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Google ads broken template

Igor Denisov

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I have been trying for the second day and nothing has helped yet .. Apparently the article was written a long time ago and its information is not relevant.

The most popular format breaks the pattern. On another forum, they are trying to install an old version of the engine. So it solves problems. But then the question arises - why then pay for updates.

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What information there do you not believe to be relevant? Those are the correct instructions on how to create ads within our platform. We cannot state how you create ads on your ad providers networks such as google. You would need to read their documentation for that, rather than ours. The fundamental issue you have here is that they are altering the layout of your site. 

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4 minutes ago, MartinLawrence said:

Igor, can you send me your email?  I'm working with a designer that wants to start making templates here - he may be able to help.

Thank you. I send email. 

21 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

What information there do you not believe to be relevant? Those are the correct instructions on how to create ads within our platform. We cannot state how you create ads on your ad providers networks such as google. You would need to read their documentation for that, rather than ours. The fundamental issue you have here is that they are altering the layout of your site. 

I use 3 different platforms . Concrete 5, Wordpress and yours. And I ran into a problem only but your platform.
I thought that by buying a commercial platform I would get better problem solving.. But the reality is, it's not. I am disappointed.
My disappointment is compounded by the fact that I just paid for the renewal yesterday.

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This simply means they are doing something that is interupting only our templates, and not the other 2. Again however, we do not control those in any way. We have no control at all if you allow google ads to control the where they place items on your site.

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I don't like your answer. I use ads from the biggest and most famous platform. Therefore, integration with Google is the most important. Better to change the engine .. but stay with the google. To make money. This is more important.
I am using template 4.2.
I have a question for other users - what templates do you use? more optimized and accurately compatible with Google Ads.

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9 minutes ago, Igor Denisov said:

I don't like your answer.

I'm very sorry to hear this. While some are using these successfully, as mentioned above, there is no guarentee when an item forcefully amends the layout, that it wont break that layout. We certainly want things to work for you in the best way possible. Items beyond our control are however just that. 

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6 minutes ago, CheersnGears said:

@Igor Denisov it is not difficult to get Adsense set up.

I have been using Google Ads for over 14 years. On 3 platforms. And this is the first time I've encountered this problem. I'm trying all the settings for the second day. And absolutely everyone breaks the pattern.
I try sizes, locations, and types. Nothing works.
Help me then. And tell me what I'm doing wrong.

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Dude…. As you’ve been told MULTIPLE times… the way to solve this is to login to your Adsense account. Instead of using Auto Ads, create a manual ad. Take the code it gives you and login to your ACP. (Specifically ACP - System - Site Promotions - Advertisments).  Click New, then simply paste your code and chose where it’s served. 

Auto ads work fine for my site, and on a vanilla stock install. So it’s not an IPB problem. It may be a module or plugin or how you’re configuring something but it’s not a system problem. 

You’re making this way harder than it needs to be. 

Edited by Randy Calvert
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<script async src="https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js?client=ca-pub-5697215581158936"
<!-- 728x90, created 6/3/08 -->
<ins class="adsbygoogle"
     (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

All these option briken default temolate 4.2

Could contain: Text, Page, Word, File


6 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

Dude…. As you’ve been told MULTIPLE times… the way to solve this is to login to your Adsense account. Instead of using Auto Ads, create a manual ad. Take the code it gives you and login to your ACP. (Specifically ACP - System - Site Promotions - Advertisments).  Click New, then simply paste your code and chose where it’s served. 

Auto ads work fine for my site, and on a vanilla stock install. So it’s not an IPB problem. It may be a module or plugin or how you’re configuring something but it’s not a system problem. 

You’re making this way harder than it needs to be. 

I delete all plugin. Now is default website with default template.  I using same method.. No result

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9 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

Dude…. As you’ve been told MULTIPLE times… the way to solve this is to login to your Adsense account. Instead of using Auto Ads, create a manual ad. Take the code it gives you and login to your ACP. (Specifically ACP - System - Site Promotions - Advertisments).  Click New, then simply paste your code and chose where it’s served. 

Auto ads work fine for my site, and on a vanilla stock install. So it’s not an IPB problem. It may be a module or plugin or how you’re configuring something but it’s not a system problem. 

You’re making this way harder than it needs to be. 

Where put custom block? Your opinion

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Don’t do a custom block.  Use the built in advertising area.

ACP - System - Site Promotions - Advertisments

It should look like:

Could contain: Text

Title should be whatever you want to name it (like Top of Page ad)

Choose Supply HTML code and paste your Adsense code for that specific ad unit. 

Could contain: Text, Menu, Page

Choose where you want that Adblock to show such as Top of Page. Check what member groups should see the ad and save. 

The code you pasted earlier looks like a standard wide thin ad so don’t use it in the sidebar. Generate a different code for the tall ad there. 

The ads once there should show without needing to ad blocks. 

If you do this right you will have a unique Adsense code for each ad spot. This lets you track which specific space generates your revenue. It also lets you have more control over how many ads you show to each member group. 

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42 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

Don’t do a custom block.  Use the built in advertising area.

ACP - System - Site Promotions - Advertisments

It should look like:

Could contain: Text

Title should be whatever you want to name it (like Top of Page ad)

Choose Supply HTML code and paste your Adsense code for that specific ad unit. 

Could contain: Text, Menu, Page

Choose where you want that Adblock to show such as Top of Page. Check what member groups should see the ad and save. 

The code you pasted earlier looks like a standard wide thin ad so don’t use it in the sidebar. Generate a different code for the tall ad there. 

The ads once there should show without needing to ad blocks. 

If you do this right you will have a unique Adsense code for each ad spot. This lets you track which specific space generates your revenue. It also lets you have more control over how many ads you show to each member group. 

I know all this. You could not write it.
I already wrote that this instruction work before. Now it doesn't work. When installing the ad block as indicated in the instructions, it breaks the standard template.

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You should not need the ad block. Just add the code and then choose top of page. Hit save and DONE. The ad block is if you’re trying to define custom spots. You should not be defining a custom spot.  

Can you share a URL where you have the ad code integrated and it not working?  (Not auto ad, but the manual ad code added to ACP)

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Step by step template 4.2 no plugins

1. Website without Google ADS

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2. choose first option 

Could contain: File, Text, Document

3. After that save and Now look - all the template is broken. The left menu "left" down.

Could contain: Person, File, Clothing, Webpage, Word, Page, Text, Collage, Advertisement, Poster

And so you can go through all the items in this menu.
And there will always be the same result.
What am I doing wrong?


6 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

You should not need the ad block. Just add the code and then choose top of page. Hit save and DONE. The ad block is if you’re trying to define custom spots. You should not be defining a custom spot.  

Can you share a URL where you have the ad code integrated and it not working?  (Not auto ad, but the manual ad code added to ACP)

ok. Plese help me,

This is place correct?

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How is it broken? It is exactly where you put it.  If you want it centered, you need a Div align center.

<div align="center">
<script async src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script>
     (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({
          google_ad_client: "your pub ID",
          enable_page_level_ads: true


Could contain: Clothing, Apparel, Text, File

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6 minutes ago, CheersnGears said:

How is it broken? It is exactly where you put it.  If you want it centered, you need a Div align center.

<div align="center">
<script async src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script>
     (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({
          google_ad_client: "your pub ID",
          enable_page_level_ads: true


Could contain: Clothing, Apparel, Text, File

ok i try. After what code do you put the ad code?

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