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How long it will take to discard original images?


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I just noticed that our sever has been hit with 76 GB of images, as people still uploading 19 MB files of 4000 x 3000 px and IPS is not discarding the original images after resizing them.

We are on v4.6.10

Please advise how do we discard the original images? Thanks in advance.


Posting setting.




These are just a few of thousands of images with enormous size (original)




Original from DSLR with 300 DPI print resolution.


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Do you know when it was you switched that setting on? Looking at the image in question this was posted quite some considerable time ago, so it may well be this is why. It would not go through them after the change. It only affects items uploaded from the time in which you turn on that setting

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We have this setting since more than a year, but just noted that this feature isnt working yesterday when we saw 76 GB of images.

This one uploaded on 7 Feb 2022


This one uploaded just now


These all uploaded on 7 Feb 2022


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As mentioned in the response, this can take longer. Due to the advanced nature of your request, please note that it may take longer than usual to fully address your concern. Please also note that advanced support is only available Monday through Friday. 

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  • 3 months later...
27 minutes ago, Gauravk said:

I have updated FTP details on the file, please connect to help explain why original images aren't getting deleted from the upload folder.

Each month folder is adding 3-6 GB every month.

Unfortunately, your FTP access details are still incorrect. I am receiving issues with your username/password provided.

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Just updating the solution here: That there is No Solution.

Never built user community with IPS who uploads many images, as all uploaded images using modern cameras and phones produce 10 -40 MB original images x 10,000 images have no way to be discarded.

Reason: They may be used again in the future for creating hi-res thumbnails.

Could contain: Menu, Text, Plot, Word, Diagram


Could contain: Menu, Text, Plot, Word, Diagram




Could contain: Menu, Text, Plot, Diagram

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Just to clarify here so there is no confusion to the community. As these particular images are Gallery images, the original resolution file is kept. This is due to in Gallery, the quality/resolution of an image is of utmost importance so if we do anything to the image in settings that requires a rebuild of any of the thumbnails we display, we require that original image to do that (otherwise, technically speaking there are a lot of compromises or incompatibilities that would need to be accounted for).

Normal attachments anywhere else in our software do not follow this technical design and follow the settings mentioned at the top of this topic in ACP -> System -> Posting.

Of course, if you disagree with this technical design, please leave your feedback in our official Feature Suggestion forum for further evaluation.

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Thanks Jim for adding the clarification. Please advise how can I request this change for future release?

Also if we manually delete those thousands of original big size images, existing thumbnails and resize actual images in the gallery will stay?

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Let me explain with an example.

On June 5, 5:33 PM the user uploaded an image of 6.5 MB.

Here is the original (user uploaded image).

Could contain: Text, Number, Symbol, Label, Plot, Page, Word


System resizes to large size and small thumbnail at the same time.

A large image (535 KB Hi-Res) is used for displaying with a watermark in a gallery and a small is used for the thumbnail.

Could contain: Text, Number, Symbol, Label, Plot


If we manually delete the original 6.5 MB image, will the resized large (535 KB) and small (67 KB) images will be impacted or not?

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Maybe someone could write a plug-in to replace the original files with resized versions? Plug-in could be a simple system task to do these conversions weekly or monthly.

If thumbnails ever regenerated, the resized version will be used as the original even though it is a smaller file. Note that users who download originals would receive the resized smaller file. 

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