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Moving from from 4.4.10 to 4.6.6 - Themes not rendering

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It's time for me to upgrade my forum from 4.4.10 to 4.6.6.  I am attempting to setup a test forum so I can get my themes, plugins, and applications updated to 4.6.x, as well as making sure the upgrade scripts run without any problems.  I was able to copy all the files over to a new destination (on another server) and copy the database as well.  Unfortunately, while the themes were rendering properly at one point, now none of them are rendering properly (the CSS isn't displaying, for instance), either on the forum or in the ACP.

If I look at the source, I can see that the CSS and many other elements are attempting to load from the live site (atariage.com) rather than my test domain (which is slightly different).  I did update the site URL in conf_global.php.  I tried using the "Support", "Something isn't working..." in the ACP, but that doesn't help.  I disabled caching as well (normally using Redis) and removed all the files in the datastore directory, but that didn't help, either.

For some reason it's still picking up the old domain.

I've run into this issue in the past and it's always a bit frustrating to fix.  Any insight on how I can potentially fix this would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you!

Edited by AtariAge
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I also ran the IP4 requirements script and that looks fine...  I'll install the GMP PHP extension later.  And I'll be running PHP 7.4, but had to use 7.3 to get the 4.4.10 forum to run.  Also plan on switching to MariaDB, but just want to get everything running before I start playing with that and a few other things.


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12 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

The path is right in the conf_global.php? Also check the storage configuration in your ACP -> System -> Files. Probably it’s using the old path. 

The site URL is correct in the conf_global.php, assuming that's what you mean.  Storage configuration is fine, those are all pointing to the correct location.

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So, I took a look in the datastore directory after nuking it and then reloading a page..  There's a file by the name storageConfigurations.7b9af95956.php, so I took a look at it, and sure enough it has various references to atariage.com instead of the test URL I'm using:


My Storage Settings / Configurations are all correct, so no idea where it's getting these incorrect URLs from. 

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14 hours ago, AtariAge said:

So, I took a look in the datastore directory after nuking it and then reloading a page..  There's a file by the name storageConfigurations.7b9af95956.php, so I took a look at it, and sure enough it has various references to atariage.com instead of the test URL I'm using:


My Storage Settings / Configurations are all correct, so no idea where it's getting these incorrect URLs from. 

Looks like you are using a custom URL setup in the storage configuration. Typically, these are used for CDNs or abnormal hosting configurations. If you aren’t using either, you can remove that or edit it in the storage configuration ACP > Files > Storage Settings > Configuration 

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1 hour ago, Jim M said:

Looks like you are using a custom URL setup in the storage configuration. Typically, these are used for CDNs or abnormal hosting configurations. If you aren’t using either, you can remove that or edit it in the storage configuration ACP > Files > Storage Settings > Configuration 

Unfortunately, the above values don't match at all what is in ACP -> Files -> Storage Settings -> Configuration.


And the storage settings look correct as well:



What I'm seeing is the pages still contain tons of references to AtariAge.com (for instance, it's trying to load all the CSS from that server instead of my test server which is running on another domain), even though I cannot find that domain anywhere in any settings.  I also searched through the settings in the database to see if there were any references there, but they could be hiding in other tables for all I know.

4 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

Could you let us know what site this is relating to? Im not seeing any issues on either of your sites here without being logged in

This is not an issue with the production sites. I'm trying to setup a test site so I can do test upgrades from 4.4.10 to 4.6.6, which is going to be a fair bit of work before I can upgrade the live site (have a custom theme that needs to be redone, several commercial third-party skins that have to be updated, and a slew of plugins/apps, many of which have not been updated from 4.4.x to 4.6.x as they were custom work), and of course I need to make sure the actual upgrade scripts work (as I've had issues with them failing in the past!) 

If you'd like to look at the test site, I'd be glad to give you the URL to that and any other information you may need.  I really would like to get this issue resolved, as it's preventing me from doing any further work on the upgrade.


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3 minutes ago, Dll said:

We've had this sort of thing happen before, and found that switching off template disk caching in ACP>System>Settings>Advanced configuration solved it. 

Yeah, that was one of the first things I did, as well as disabled Redis caching.


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  • Solution
12 minutes ago, AtariAge said:

Unfortunately, the above values don't match at all what is in ACP -> Files -> Storage Settings -> Configuration.


And the storage settings look correct as well:



What I'm seeing is the pages still contain tons of references to AtariAge.com (for instance, it's trying to load all the CSS from that server instead of my test server which is running on another domain), even though I cannot find that domain anywhere in any settings.  I also searched through the settings in the database to see if there were any references there, but they could be hiding in other tables for all I know.

This is not an issue with the production sites. I'm trying to setup a test site so I can do test upgrades from 4.4.10 to 4.6.6, which is going to be a fair bit of work before I can upgrade the live site (have a custom theme that needs to be redone, several commercial third-party skins that have to be updated, and a slew of plugins/apps, many of which have not been updated from 4.4.x to 4.6.x as they were custom work), and of course I need to make sure the actual upgrade scripts work (as I've had issues with them failing in the past!) 

If you'd like to look at the test site, I'd be glad to give you the URL to that and any other information you may need.  I really would like to get this issue resolved, as it's preventing me from doing any further work on the upgrade.


I would advise editing those configurations so you can see the custom URL. From that screen, you still cannot see it but the uploads configuration is in use. 

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2 hours ago, Jim M said:

I would advise editing those configurations so you can see the custom URL. From that screen, you still cannot see it but the uploads configuration is in use. 

Thank you @Jim M, that did the trick!  I don't think I've ever manually edited these settings before, and I had no idea there was  custom URL associated with them.  I assume that the conversion from 3.4.x to 4.4.x populated all those fields (I don't recall if 3.4.x had these same settings or if they were introduced in 4.x).  I'm kind of curious how these two pages of Storage Settings look on a new, stock install of Invision, as this seems like cruft carried over from 3.4.x.  Every single one of the many settings on the Storage Settings page points to the same uploads directory, so it would be helpful to know how people typically have this setup in 4.4.x.

Thanks again for your help, if this happens again now I'm at least familiar with those Storage Configuration settings so hopefully I'll be able to resolve it myself!

Edited by AtariAge
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