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When you have a database, you can set the listing template, however if you use categories, the category "listing" template will override this setting.

so if you have a database and want the whole database to use a new listing template, you'd have to go set each and every category to use the new template, instead of it using the one for the db. this is backwards. the category should have a setting in it to override the database setting instead. most of the time if i am changing a listing template group for a client, its not going to be for 1 category, it will be for the entire database. under the current system, i have to go in and change each and every category to use the new template. this is very inefficient and frankly acts more like a bug than an intended feature. 

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37 minutes ago, CodingJungle said:

i have to go in and change each and every category to use the new template. 

That’s not true. There is a global listing template set in the database settings. That’s the default and it can be changed as a default, affecting all categories that do not have custom listing template settings. Each category can override the default where needed. That’s exactly how it should be. You have the comfort of a global setting, but the flexibility of category-specific overrides, that do not change when the default changes. 

If you see the same template set used for all categories, but this is set as custom override, then the setup is wrong. Instead of changing each category to the new template, you should instead remove the override and set the category to use the global template for easier changes in the future. 

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Just now, opentype said:

That’s not true. There is a global listing template set in the database settings. That’s the default and it can be changed as a default, affecting all categories that do not have custom listing template settings. Each category can override the default where needed. That’s exactly how it should be. You have the comfort of a global setting, but the flexibility of category-specific overrides, that do not change when the default changes. 

If you see the same template set used for all categories, but this is set as custom override, then the setup is wrong. Instead of changing each category to the new template, you should instead remove the override and set the category to use the global template for easier changes in the future. 




the only way i was able to change the listing templates for this database was to change it in the category settings, even tho the database setting had it. I had disabled all third party apps and plugins at this time, still same result. 

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2 minutes ago, CodingJungle said:

the only way i was able to change the listing templates for this database was to change it in the category settings, even tho the database setting had it. 

Like I said: that happens when there is a category-specific override (which is NOT a default). An admin needs to specifically make that choice. 
If you want to reverse that choice, go to the category settings and set it back to the default:


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1 minute ago, opentype said:

Like I said: that happens when there is a category-specific override (which is NOT a default). An admin needs to specifically make that choice. 
If you want to reverse that choice, go to the category settings and set it back to the default:


no one changed 87 categories to have "listing" as its default template, i can guarantee you this. all the databases on this site like this, and i can easily duplicate it on my localhost. so this is def a problem with IPS imho. 

Edited by CodingJungle
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I don’t really care what you guarantee. I’ve probably set up more than a 100 Pages databases across all the 4.x releases. I know how it works. Using the template set on the database level IS the default for new categories and it remains this way until the latest 4.5 release. 

By the way: there is another way to have categories use a local template override other than manually setting the template: by copying a category to create a new one. That of course will take over the database settings including the template override. 


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Just now, opentype said:

I don’t really care what you guarantee. I’ve probably set up more than a 100 Pages databases across all the 4.x releases. I know how it works. Using the template set on the database level IS the default for new categories and it remains this way until the latest 4.5 release. 


so? just cause you haven't run into this bug, doesn't mean it does not exist. i'm not really interested in hearing anymore from you, i would just like this to be fixed or even an indication that not all the categories are using the database setting. 

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If you can replicate a bug, open a bug report. You know the drill. But since you turned to a forum, forum members might weigh in with their experience on any given issue. That’s kind of the point. 

I invested time explaining how the category/database template assignment and their overrides work on the entire 4.x product line, what possible reasons there are for what you experience, and how you can potentially avoid having to deal with this issue in the future. Most people would say “thank you” for that!
Even if you think nothing I said applies to your case, you could have said “I don’t think that’s it, but thanks”. 

Of course I am happy to oblige and won’t bother you with any more of my Pages experience in the future. I much rather help those who appreciate it. 



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Just now, opentype said:

If you can replicate a bug, open a bug report. You know the drill. But since you turned to a forum, forum members might weigh in with their experience on any given issue. That’s kind of the point. 


this is the standard drill, i've been told time and again to post "development" issues in the forum here by IPS tech, maybe the category "IPS Development Gateway" is a hint to what it is used for. 

sure you might've explained what you've experienced, but that isn't the problem i've had with the app. 

I do appreciate your experience in the matter, but me telling you that isn't what is going on should've been a good indicator you were barking up the wrong tree. thanks anyway. 

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2 hours ago, CodingJungle said:

i have to go in and change each and every category to use the new template.

Well, a "not ideal" workaround is to do it through an SQL update statement if you have let's say, a big number of categories. Otherwise just open dozens of new tabs and mechanically repeat the mouse moving and clicking motion!

I had weird Page category behaviour issues when 4.0 was released. At the time i've worked with the support to solve these issues, and i believe in 4.1 they have been completely solved. I have not updated my communities since. I am starting a new community soon with pages, so i will be doing heavy templating work, i am curious to see if there is still any bug.

Edited by xtech
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  • Solution

I went to create a brand new category in a Pages database, and this is the default for the template options:



As far as I can tell there's no "bug" here. For some reason your client has a custom template applied to every category, instead of letting the category inherit the template defined at the database level. We already have an option to inherit the template, and it is the default when setting up a new category, so as far as I can tell what you are requesting is already present and how things work out of the box.

If you can reproduce a specific bug let me know, but right now I'm not seeing any problems.

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