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The Promote Button

Julian Jenkins

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Is  this guide outdated?


Is it still possible to set up Facebook Login, Status Import, and Promotion?

I noticed this part on the guide.

Please note that due to changes on the facebook platform, the below process may not be the entire process required, and you may have to get your application business verified. We are working on a solution to this issue at present.


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7 hours ago, SC36DC said:

Anyone able to answer if the guide is outdated? Does this still work? Thanks.

I would suggest just giving it a try. You don't have to use the social media side if you don't want to. I share mine just on the forums as highlighted posts.

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6 hours ago, Dean_ said:

I would suggest just giving it a try. You don't have to use the social media side if you don't want to. I share mine just on the forums as highlighted posts.

I did try it, got to parts that didn't match up, what I was seeing on the page to what the guide was showing. The guide is not so straightforward as it should be. Then after reading the following on the Guide's page, why not update the Guide to show what has changed?

Please note that due to changes on the facebook platform, the below process may not be the entire process required, and you may have to get your application business verified. We are working on a solution to this issue at present.

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5 hours ago, bfarber said:

Facebook changes things on their end practically weekly (at least it feels that way sometimes) so it is challenging to keep the guide up to date.

Thanks for the reply, but is ist still possible to achieve? Connecting Facebook for login and promotion?

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On 4/16/2020 at 7:20 AM, Julian Jenkins said:

Can I ask what is the promote button for on the articles and videos I press it and it says in promted Items that it has been sent.

But where does it go and how can I use it.

Thanks in advance.


You can find the social media promotion in three different locations within the community:

  • Our Picks Page -- navigate to YourInvisionCommunity.com/ourpicks
  • Our Picks Block -- you can find the block from the Block Manager
  • Email -- you can add Our Picks to the bottom of emails (check email settings in ACP)

You can also setup integration with Facebook Pages and Twitter.  

Settings are located in ACP > System > Site Promotion - Social Media Promotion.  

I'm a huge user of Our Picks internally within my community, and turned Our Picks into my homepage for large, visually-dazzling images.  It was the best homepage I could find to curate content across my multi-app site.  It works best if you add images to every promotion.  

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