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Patreon Integration


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42 minutes ago, Schaken said:

Long ago this plugin was great.. NOW it is not. I left a good review, and it wont let me change it. I have reached out to the author with no response, and have reached out to them here. If anyone uses this plugin, I urge you to stop immediately.
I have 192  Patreons but the plugin is allowing 596 people in. It is not removing most members, and some members its not allowing to get the required roles. So with that note, I am shutting my Patreon that I have had for a couple years because people have found a way to scam me, due to this plugin. IF you use this plugin, You should take a look for yourself.
My patreon:


My website..


Hello - sorry that you have trouble with the plugin

I didn't see your message before.
There is an issue with groups not being removed that other people have, I'm working on an update for that.

Edited by batarjal
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On 10/10/2021 at 12:15 PM, OptimusBain said:

Hello, sorry if this question has already been answered in the support topic.

I have a membership base community using IPS but I was thinking of creating campaigns on patreon to capture new clients. I want to offer the IPS community instead of a discord chat like most people do. I want to post very little in the patreon site and redirect patreon users to my community. I want to use my community as the place where all the posts will be submitted on commented.

Does this plugin allow the patreon members to be synched with the IPS community seamlessly? That is, the same username and password can be used to log in patreon and IPS? I need to know this before even creating my own patreon either to promote my service.

Thanks a lot for creating this tool @batarjal


The plugin only allows to link patreon accounts and assign them to groups according to their patreon tier, show how much has been pledged and so on The patreon login can't be used to login to the forum.

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5 minutes ago, batarjal said:

The plugin only allows to link patreon accounts and assign them to groups according to their patreon tier, show how much has been pledged and so on The patreon login can't be used to login to the forum.

I don't understand then. If the accounts are linked and the groups are assigned, what's the point of this application? I mean, they are assigned to a user group but they cannot log in the forum 😞

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am having this error occur.

INSERT INTO `core_acp_notifications_preferences` ( `member`, `type`, `view`, `email` ) VALUES ( 1, 'patreonintegration_PatreonAdminNotification', true, 'never' ) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `member`=VALUES(`member`), `type`=VALUES(`type`), `view`=VALUES(`view`), `email`=VALUES(`email`)
IPS\Db\Exception: Data too long for column 'type' at row 1 (1406)
#0 C:\inetpub\vhosts\afocommunity.com\httpdocs\system\Db\Db.php(938): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery()
#1 C:\inetpub\vhosts\afocommunity.com\httpdocs\applications\core\modules\admin\overview\notifications.php(176): IPS\_Db->insert()
#2 C:\inetpub\vhosts\afocommunity.com\httpdocs\system\Dispatcher\Controller.php(90): IPS\core\modules\admin\overview\_notifications->settings()
#3 C:\inetpub\vhosts\afocommunity.com\httpdocs\system\Dispatcher\Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#4 C:\inetpub\vhosts\afocommunity.com\httpdocs\admin\index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#5 {main}


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