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One thing I'm really starting to notice is the lack of free plugins in the community, even stuff that should be in core. No disrespect, but having licenses for both vB and XF, they both offer way more in free mods than IPB with only 3 pages of mods, with some of them probably being outdated. 

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7 hours ago, Byzantine said:

One thing I'm really starting to notice is the lack of free plugins in the community, even stuff that should be in core. No disrespect, but having licenses for both vB and XF, they both offer way more in free mods than IPB with only 3 pages of mods, with some of them probably being outdated. 

Almost all mods released on that other forum that you mentioned are paid. The free mods that you are talking about are small one containing only a few lines of codes and/or template modifications. Not to mention that the mods being released there, free or paid, are not controlled and Pete knows what their code contains. A few years back there was a huge scandal there when some user placed some nasty call back in their mods that collected sensitive data from those who bought and used them. Just saying.

But there is an alternative imho if you do not want to pay for mods. That alternative is to start learning how to code so you can develop whatever mods you need. It worked for me.

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7 hours ago, Faqole said:

Almost all mods released on that other forum that you mentioned are paid.

Which forum? XF.com and vB.org offer quite a lot of free resources, and they’re more than just a few lines of code lol. And yes I know you’re talking about Brivium. But how does that relate to charging for mods lol. 

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1 hour ago, Byzantine said:

Which forum? XF.com and vB.org offer quite a lot of free resources, and they’re more than just a few lines of code lol. And yes I know you’re talking about Brivium. But how does that relate to charging for mods lol. 

Really? Almost every mod that is released there, on xf I mean, is paid. And almost all free mods there are like I said. And do not get me started on vb.org. They do not allow paid mods there, hence why all their mods are free.

Regarding Brevium, it was related to the fact that when you purchase paid mods on xf, or use free ones, you do so at your own risk due to them not being checked at all. Whereas here, every mod is checked out thoroughly by the Ips staff before being approved in the MP.  Anyways, I do not think that this is either the place or the time to get into such a discussion. 

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Someone put their time into making the mod, do you not think they should be compensated? For both construction time and support time? 

Also, the mentality these days regarding support can be disheartening. Someone downloads a free mod you made and gets snarky and pissy if you don't respond to their support request within an hour.

At the end of the day, you get what you pay for. Pay for a mod, you get quality support and upgrades. Don't pay, use at your own risk, it'll likely break on the next upgrade and won't be updated. 

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43 minutes ago, Aiwa said:

At the end of the day, you get what you pay for

I think this is mostly true, but there are some Invision coders who, IMHO, overcharge via annual renewal fees for apps that really don't warrant it.  Others charge hefty renewal fees at times and seem to do next to nothing to engage with their user base, much less incorporate their ideas into future versions.

Obviously developers have the right to charge what they want for their product, but some don't support their products nearly as well as others.

I'll also qualify what I said by stating that I'm no longer a coder and am viewing this all strictly from an end-user perspective.

21 hours ago, Byzantine said:

One thing I'm really starting to notice is the lack of free plugins in the community, even stuff that should be in core. No disrespect, but having licenses for both vB and XF, they both offer way more in free mods than IPB with only 3 pages of mods, with some of them probably being outdated. 

Of course you could always think of inventive workarounds, like creating a private blog for recording notes about specific users.  It might not be the exact interface you want, but it's free.

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It's clearly OK to disagree with what developers decide to charge, but it is the developer's choice to decide what a fair price is. If you feel the product isn't worth the cost, then do not buy the item. You can always choose to pay someone else to create a similar item (or do it yourself) and then choose to release it for free if you wish. Competition and lack of purchases of poorly priced items will encourage developers to be more careful with pricing.

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1 hour ago, Aiwa said:

At the end of the day, you get what you pay for. Pay for a mod, you get quality support and upgrades. Don't pay, use at your own risk, it'll likely break on the next upgrade and won't be updated. 

Let's not forget that's not always the case. You could pay for a mod of mine and I could then blow you off with support. I've bought mods before where the author doesn't respond to support, so paid doesn't always mean better. At the very least, I am very appreciative of what mod authors do, I apologize if I came off wrong. I have no problem paying for mods when I need them, it's just that it seems that the idea of giving back to the community isn't that prevalent here.

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18 hours ago, Byzantine said:

Let's not forget that's not always the case. You could pay for a mod of mine and I could then blow you off with support. I've bought mods before where the author doesn't respond to support, so paid doesn't always mean better. At the very least, I am very appreciative of what mod authors do, I apologize if I came off wrong. I have no problem paying for mods when I need them, it's just that it seems that the idea of giving back to the community isn't that prevalent here.

We want your money, not your compassion.  

Welcome to IPS.  

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Being clear, vBulletin mods were mostly free and the quality wasn't bad in most cases. I would even say, there was no competitor offering so many modifications than there were on vb.org. (vB3/vB4) Speaking as a 12 years vBulletin forum owner. 

And paid doesn't always means superior quality, I bought a lot of IPS plugins / applications containing bugs. That said doesn't mean modifications have to be free, I am always happy to pay for a good product. 

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1 hour ago, Ramsesx said:

And paid doesn't always means superior quality, I bought a lot of IPS plugins / applications containing bugs.

That's an unfair statement.

IPS 1st party apps have bugs. The logic behind paid vs free is one of support. There should be some inherent quality gains over free, but that's not to say they are bug free. We are all human. 

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15 minutes ago, Aiwa said:

That's an unfair statement.

IPS 1st party apps have bugs. The logic behind paid vs free is one of support. There should be some inherent quality gains over free, but that's not to say they are bug free. We are all human. 

Sorry, it wasn't my intention to blame anybody specifically. Just sharing my experience made.  And I know, IPS is a complex code base so it is likely to have bugs on 1st and 3rd party. But overall, IPS is a cool experience. ?

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6 hours ago, Aiwa said:

That's an unfair statement.

IPS 1st party apps have bugs. The logic behind paid vs free is one of support. There should be some inherent quality gains over free, but that's not to say they are bug free. We are all human. 

I find that logic to be a very tenuous one, especially in the IPS Marketplace.  Most MP developers will admit that they make very little money from the actual sale of products versus the actual input, so renewals aren't a very big motivation to keep supporting their apps.    

Sometimes a passion for the greater community is what keeps people the most motivated.  Tapping into these other, qualitative values is what makes communities amazing places to join in the first place. 

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