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Upgraded from Vbulletin 4.2 to Invison Community last night

Mark White

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We ran the Converters included with installation files however even though the DB did copy the site shows a bare as a new borns butt...

Any Ideas are welcome...

I have basically no member's so you all are welcome to see the blank white page as the main forum, I dont really think its considered advertising, I need some major help please.


The original Vbulletin is still up and running you may check out the look, I would basically like to migrate the old into the new.

I have an arcade, I do plan on leaving it up and running on the old Vbulletin side...

The front in here works well for me well it did...


The link to see the flag top left corner along with the forum layout is here...



I also am trying to locate a customized skin of outdoors , ie, Rocks trees lakes whatever since I own a Jeep website...

It also would be nice to be able to change out the main page background with a pic of a jeep or something easily...

I had an American Flag flying as Shockwave flash I would like to figure out how to migrate into my site again.

Last one for now is...

I also had log in with Facebook installed on the Vbulletin side I wondered if this option is available with Invison Communities?


Im new like brand new and I would like to kinda get all this worked out by the end of this month.

Any help is greatly appreciated, and thanks.



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Theme - please review the options in the UPS Marketplace.  Many third party themes allow some basic customization like backgrounds, and you can customize your own logo in the theme settings.

Facebook - check out Community Enhancements in the Admin Control Panel.  You will see various services that you can integrate.  

Welcome to IPS

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My head hurts...


Its a lot to absorb all at the same time, Thanks for the heads up, I was ok at using Vbulletin so I figure I can learn this platform also.

It has been a while though.

Any idea why my post and threads didnt migrate over inside of the new place?

Thanks for the assistance also and the welcome.

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I looked at your website and you can replicate a lot of what you have.  

Chatbox by @onlyME

FAQ by @TheJackal84

Footer by @TAMAN

Contact Us Enhancements by @Fosters

Activity Streams are a feature of IPS and can be customized.  



3 minutes ago, Mark White said:


My head hurts...


Its a lot to absorb all at the same time, Thanks for the heads up, I was ok at using Vbulletin so I figure I can learn this platform also.

It has been a while though.

Any idea why my post and threads didnt migrate over inside of the new place?

Thanks for the assistance also and the welcome.

It's okay.  Take your time, ask questions, and read the IPS guides.  

No idea about the migration.  You should perform another test conversion and / or send in a support ticket to IPS with a copy of your vBulletin database.  

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Thanks for that sir...

How about the inside...The threads and post that for whatever reason did not migrate over with the install and converters?


Ok Im digging in I will head into the admin cp for the Software first since I may find a lot of answers there...

Then I will start working on other issues one by one and thanks again I do appreciate the timely help and assistance.


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3 hours ago, Optic14 said:

After the conversion you need to set member permissions on each category and forum on the IPS side.

Yes, the last step of the conversion will tell you to set the permissions, as they are one item that cannot convert. Once you set those, you should be all set.


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I was able to set permissions across the board and the post showed up however all images were lost...

I have since abandoned the other set up except for the arcade I left it running so I created a tab link to the old part for that alone. I am working on setting it up so if a member is logged into the IPB board side they will automatically be logged into the Vbulletin side or I will just have to suck it up and allow users to play unregistered and not logged in thuis not being able to save their scores...or link to their profiles as high scorer whatever....


In other news My site was very small I had become so discusted with Vbulletin agter being loyal for so many years at the failures of their software as well as their customer support dept ...


I am glad even though I am in effect rebuilding all the image inside all the post...Ill get there....that I decided to jump ship so to say and joining this group.

The software is much easier to utilize cleaner and works seamlessly for the most part...

I will get there...thanks for all the help with my initial set ups...I will start a new thread with my latest issue...lol

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I will add.

Thanks first off...

I was able to add my little crappy banner into the site with out issue at all.

I also was able to get my flag flying and also integrated for now into the new site...

I have contacted a few developers about themeing and controlling them and I look forward to being part of this group thanks to everyone...

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